General Question

mea05key's avatar

What religion do you follow and believe?

Asked by mea05key (1812points) July 25th, 2009
67 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

Just a casual question about your belief and why you believe its teaching? eg because of common sense, facts, family tradition , self experience and so on

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jrpowell's avatar

Agnostic. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a god but I don’t really know.

crunchaweezy's avatar


Jayne's avatar

Agnostic atheist, using the strict definitions. There is a term that perfectly encapsulates my beliefs, but I can’t remember it, so this will have to do.

Judi's avatar

I only answer this qiestion on fluther if asked directly.

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come

Ivan's avatar


That’s called agnostic atheism.

Grisaille's avatar

That one, you know? The Physical Evidence and Reasoned Logic one.

I belong to the Church of Pearl.

Facade's avatar

I believe the same as @Judi all except the last paragraph.

Grisaille's avatar

@Facade Aren’t those some important points you’re dismissing?

jrpowell's avatar

@Ivan :: I and everyone I know IRL considers it agnostic. I don’t want to split hairs over semantics. And I am aware of your little war with defining the terms.

Facade's avatar

@Grisaille I should have said “parts of the last paragraph.” These parts: “And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins”

Grisaille's avatar

@johnpowell I think we all are :P

@Facade Fair enough. If I came off abrasive, that wasn’t my intention.

Facade's avatar

@Grisaille not at all :)

Judi's avatar

@Facade ; catholic was spelt with a small “c” on purpose. (from
–adjective 1. broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal.
2. universal in extent; involving all; of interest to all.
3. pertaining to the whole Christian body or church.

1. of or characteristic of an apostle.
2. pertaining to or characteristic of the 12 apostles.

Facade's avatar

@Judi Thanks for the clarification. What about the baptism part?

Nially_Bob's avatar

I do not follow nor believe in a religion (atleast not by the conventional description of a “religion”). I am an agnostic whos opinion on the existence of a deity is rather temperamental in that I switch between being an atheistic agnostic and a theistic agnostic fairly regularly.

Judi's avatar

@Facade ; It’s what GOD does in our baptism, not what we do.

Facade's avatar

@Judi Ah I see :) Some people have the notion that having a pastor baptize you ensures salvation

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Just like some of the above I’m an agnostic atheist

fireside's avatar


In the Bahá’í view, the purpose of this life on earth is for each individual to develop the spiritual and moral qualities that lie at the core of his or her nature. Bahá‘u’lláh referred to the human being as a “mine rich in gems of inestimable value.”

Bahá’ís believe that there is only one God, the Creator of the universe. Throughout history, God has revealed Himself to humanity through a series of divine Messengers, each of Whom has founded a great religion. The Messengers have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. The goal has been to develop the innate noble characteristics of every human being, and to prepare the way for an advancing global civilization. Knowledge of God’s will for humanity in the modern age, Bahá’ís believe, was revealed just over one hundred years ago by Bahá‘u’lláh, Who is the latest of these divine Messengers.

gailcalled's avatar

After trying the theology several times and being dissatisfied, I consider myself a secular Jew.

Darwin's avatar

I consider myself a secular generalist, although I attend a Christian church because I like the people that belong to that particular church.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Evelynism. There will be a website soon. Then anyone can join, even those who follow other faiths, you know just to cover all their bases. =)

augustlan's avatar

Agnostic atheist. If I were part of any religion, it’d be @fireside.‘s If I were part of any religion founded by a Flutherer, it’d be @evelyns_pet_zebra.‘s ;-)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@augustlan Evelyn loves ya, baby!

Grisaille's avatar

We should totally start the Church of Fluther – Flutherism, as it were.

I call obligatory sacrificial character guy. Augustlan can be the Pope. Or Popette. Whatever she prefers.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Grisaille you better run that past Bendrew, or you might find yourself at the hot end of a volcano.

augustlan's avatar

@Grisaille But I don’t look good in funny hats.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@augustlan how about funny shoes?

doggywuv's avatar

I don’t follow any religions, although I could be described as “religious”, depending on how you define religion. I love to think about the mysteries of the world, the magnificence of life, beauty, meaning, philosophy, music, and so on.

I do not believe in God.

augustlan's avatar

@doggywuv Now that’s a religion I can get behind.

Grisaille's avatar

@doggywuv You’re spiritual, my friend. Not religious.

And as @augustlan The Funny Hat Disliker (seriously, why are you pouring hater-ade all over the Pope’s awesome costume?) has said, if it were a religion, I’d totally be on that.

Fortunately, observation and appreciation are more than enough to experience such beauty. All without the need of religion.

@evelyns_pet_zebra I just knew Bendrew, collectively, were Xenu incarnate.

SuperMouse's avatar

Like @fireside I am Bahá’í. I was raised in a very Catholic home and fell away in my 20’s. That is when I began searching. No faith has ever made more sense to me and spoken to me the way the Bahá’í Faith has. It is a beautiful faith shared with the world by an amazing and beautiful manifestation (Bahá’u’lláh) who brought a message of peace and equality to the world.

whatthefluther's avatar

I follow no religion but do not discount the existence of a higher power. I believe that power has instilled in me the ability to reason and I have faith in my ability to know what is morally proper and how best to live my life. I respect those that share but do not push thoughts or methods that led to their personal enlightenment. I have zero interest in any religion or group that professes their way is the only “right” way and that I am damned if I don’t follow it. I find most religions are based on fear and I choose not to live my life in fear. I do not feel I’m “missing the boat” or feel that my being is in any way incomplete, I strive for nothing beyond my personal understanding and am completely happy with my life and myself. I have a simple motto: Don’t push your religion on me…and I won’t push me on thee. Peace!
Edit to add…

Grisaille's avatar

@whatthefluther You forgot the ”” again.

You make me a sad panda. :[

gailcalled's avatar

When I was a member of a Quaker community, I loved going to weekly Meeting for Worship, which was essentially a silent 45 minute period. This was with upper school students. Occasionally someone might stand up and say a few words if so moved. It was wonderful and the Friends were wonderful role models.

Instead of talking, they led by action.

AstroChuck's avatar

I follow The Most Holy Church of Major League Baseball.

Grisaille's avatar

You know, @SuperMouse, @fireside and @gailcalled brought up something interesting.

If there is anything great about organized religion other than charities, orphanages, soup kitchens and the like, it’s that they spark an open conversation on spiritual matters.

Good stuff.

@AstroChuck I imagine Joe Torre to be Satan in that religion. Seriously, the guy never smiles.

And when he does, it’s creepy as hell.

gailcalled's avatar

@Grisaille: The Quakes do good and do it very quietly. No one ever toots his own horn, but everyone who needs help gets it. It was a really important experience for my kids and step-kids to be in that community. They are very adult now, secular, but active in social reform and non-violent solutions to all problems.

Grisaille's avatar

@gailcalled And that’s a great thing.

I have extreme distaste for religion, as an entity, but would never be so brash as to assume that no good can come from it.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Grisaille…The last thing in the world I would want to do is sadden you my friend so I took advantage of that edit opportunity and added my initials, albeit for the last time. Seems those initials have rubbed more than one person the wrong way and I am tired of looking over my shoulder or adding the caveat ”(my initials)” after those letters. I cherish what time I spend on fluther, which is limited by my health rather than the availability of time and prefer to keep that participation on the up. I trust you’ll understand. See ya.

gailcalled's avatar

@whatthefluther : Try playing around with “ya” for a user name. I agree that wtf is a gray choice.

gailcalled's avatar

@Grisaille: If you are ever in the mood for an hour’s experiment, see whether there is a Quaker meeting house near you and go to Sunday Meeting for Worship. It is a stunning experience and doesn’t interfere with other issues of faith (as long as you stay on the east coast. Mid-western Quakerism has more traditional Christianity connected to it.

whatthefluther's avatar

@gailcalled….I toyed with “Cya” but abandoned for fear that I would be suggesting to someone that they best cover their rear. I think I’ll just avoid any statement or initials of closure and let my posts speak for themselves.

Grisaille's avatar

@gailcalled Actually, that’s the image that comes to mind when I hear the word “Quaker”.

It’d be a fun experiment, indeed.

@whatthefluther Duly noted. Shame people aren’t as quick to notice certain things. Do what you need to, as long as we continue to see you here, whenever your health allows. I hate to sound redundant, but we all love you, my man.

dannyc's avatar

I follow the words of Jesus, even though i am unsure and somewhat doubt he ever existed. I can’t find one flaw in what he ever said, according to the scriptures. It is really remarkable considering I do not believe in a God that is recognizable by any religion. Thus I search for why Jesus seems so ahead of his time. It is a mind struggle.

cyn's avatar

Do I believe in God: yes
Do I believe in that there’s only one true religion:NO!
the bible is confusing….but I go to a catholic church…..
I don’t believe in confession, though…

fireside's avatar

@gailcalled – that would make a good bumper sticker:
Quakers do it quietly.

Grisaille's avatar

I suddenly want a bowl of cinnamon and brown sugar oatmeal, and have no idea why.

whatthefluther's avatar

@ABoyNamedBoobs03….That link is precious…..thank you!

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

just spreading the word of the pastafarians….

ye shall be touched by His Noodly Appendage

whitenoise's avatar

I believe in life.

One life that you need to cherish while you live it. Life is so splendid and beautiful that I consider a focus on what happens when dead to be a wasteful distraction.

Heaven or hell can and will be earned during your lifetime with instant gratification. The sad thing is that we have no full control as others may influence our paths as we do that of others. All we can do is strive.

I feel it arrogant for people to think they are so special that there is a God that focuses on them in particular to save/shelter/help them in this life, based on their religious service. Then there must be a lot of people that need punishment, given the amount of misery on the planet. Either that or “He” gas a cruel an nasty sense of Humor.

If need for classification is asking for more: call me humanist.

cookieman's avatar


In fact, there’s very little I believe in these days.

ESV's avatar

Judy+Facade = describe exact faith of mine, I never follow anything because it was handed to me by any, I know its true from all my 30 yrs existance, near deaths, studying.

dynamicduo's avatar

I follow logic, rational thought, and my own experiences in life. I don’t believe in a god.

jeanna's avatar


Blondesjon's avatar

I answered with this once before to a similar question but I think it answers this one just as well. I love you copy & paste.

Once upon a time there was an omniscient/omnipotent force that had no beginning nor end.

What this force had was a capacity for boredom. It was everything and everywhere for Christ’s sake. It lacked surprise and wonder.

One day this force, its name was Kevin, decided to scatter and partition its infinite consciousness into the whole of its being. BANG! Suddenly Kevin was hurtling through his newly created reality in the form of uncountable subatomic particles.

Each particle, and the space in between them, was Kevin but he had removed from himself the part that remembered they were all part of a whole.

Every particle hurtling through space was Kevin. The space they hurtled through was Kevin. The planets they became were Kevin. The stars that held them in place were Kevin. The entire universe was now a particulated Kevin, experiencing every single aspect of reality, as a distinct and separate consciousness.

As Kevin expanded, evolved, and became ever more complex a funny thing happened. He began to remember himself. Not a full recollection, but a feeling that all of his little separate Kevins were actually part of a whole.

A majority of these Kevin pieces were content to feel this pull and know that they were part of a bigger picture.

A minority, that called themselves humans, felt the pull a little stronger. Some believed the pull they felt was the call of their Creator and they began to imagine ways they could be reunited with this Creator. They developed a mythology and a set of rituals that they believed would help them achieve this goal.

Some felt the pull as a challenge to understand and map what this pull was and why it affected everything around them. They sought to find, through methodology and experiment, why this pull drove them so.

Still others were happy to be in the dream and did not want to wake up. They whispered in the ears of any who would listen that we are all individuals. Who were any of these other groups to try and wake us from our wonderful dream? Who were any of these others that wanted to explain to us we were simply insignificant parts of a whole we couldn’t even truly comprehend?

And now here we are, confused, divided, and arrogant in our forgetting.

Jayne's avatar

Blasphemy, its name was Ralph! Burn the heretic!

Nially_Bob's avatar

Very poetic. May the Kevin be with you my friend.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Jayne. . . and so began the Protestant movement.

Thammuz's avatar


Nially_Bob's avatar

Yesterday my friend described themselves as an ‘opportunistic agnostic’ meaning that they’re not sure what they believe until money or free food is involved.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’m a proud Shatnerologist.

Grisaille's avatar

Can’t go wrong with the Priceline Negotiator.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

agnostic at best.
@Nially_Bob lol4rl

Ruthi's avatar

@Judi Couldn’t have put it better myself! That’s the essence of my belief too….thanks ;)

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