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gonzogrl18's avatar

Do dreams mean something?

Asked by gonzogrl18 (6points) July 28th, 2009
20 responses
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I been having this dream about my uncle,and in 25 years he is going to be released out of jail and he’s going to hurt me and my 2 sisters because we were the ones that put him in jail. I been having this same dream every night for the past 2 weeks. I was told that dreams could mean your past or the future. But i hope thats not all true.

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sandystrachan's avatar

Means your are sleeping , REM’s , and have an active imagination .

TheCreative's avatar

I keep a very open mind and I have had experiences like this before. Sometimes I do see future events but only for a split second. Some believe it is your soul trying to tell you something or warn you something. I have been told that when you see future events your soul collects “residue” from the future. Please tell people about this even if it probably isn’t going to happen. Talking to people will always make you feel better if you are scared. Don’t keep it to yourself. Also ask your 2 other sisters if they’ve been having similar dreams.

ralfe's avatar

We cannot predict the future. What happens in our minds when we sleep is that all the things that are troubling us in our unconscious mix together with elements from our day and things we are feeling or sensing from our bodies to form what we end up seeing (called the “manifest dream”). You shouldn’t be too worried about this, and it certainly won’t have any effect on the past or future :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Anything can MEAN something if you want it to.

Grisaille's avatar

“Mean” is a human term. Nothing “means” anything without human thought (including these words I type).

Physically, dreams are just your subconscious drifting about and creating an intangible world, utilizing your own past experiences and memories. You can try to find meaning in whatever random events happen in your dreams, but there are no supernatural happenings occuring.

However, I’m a firm believer that your subconscious mind creates a dream world that mirrors whatever hardships you are currently dealing with in your waking state. I’d look into that, sure.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I think it means that you are very worried about your uncle getting out of jail. For some reason, now it is bothering you more than it has in the past. I wouldn’t say it is a prediction of future events but if your uncle is the type to go to jail for 25 years, then he sounds like he might be the type to hurt people. If you keep having these dreams, talk to someone about them. I don’t know what your uncle did (I have an inkling though) and it’s obviously something that is worrying you. Remember, he can’t hurt you in jail. Still, I say you should talk to someone about your dreams.

mea05key's avatar

I believe a dream actually tells what you feel deep down inside. You may or may not notice that you are actually concern about something in particular. It manifests in dreams. Tackle and face the concern or whatever uncertainty by confronting your problem instead of avoiding it.

deni's avatar

a lot of the time i dream about what i think about before i go to sleep. usually what i did that day or what i’m doing the next. they might have meaning but i’m too lazy to interpret.

@mea05key – i also agree with that. a “subconscious wish” or something, i think they called it in psychology. that makes a lot of sense to me.

Fred931's avatar

For some reason, whenever I have a dream, something that happens in that dream happens in real life eventually. For example, i might be in a car driving past a building i’ve never see before, and a week later, i might pass it the exact same way again…???

aprilsimnel's avatar

Are your dreams about him coming after you and “seeking revenge”? Just to reassure you, he has no power over you now. He has no power. You and your sisters were powerful enough to get him convicted. I hope you don’t feel guilty about that if he deserved his conviction. People can’t be allowed to get away with hurting others, even if they are relatives.

It would probably be a good idea to talk to a therapist about what’s been going on lately in your life, and that might give you insight into what’s going on in your dreams, and more insight than we would be able to give you. Just because you dream he’s going to get you, no matter how real it feels, doesn’t mean that this is going to happen.

irocktheworld's avatar

That’s really scary…well once in a while I would have a certain dream that would come true but I think that you have to switch it maybe you could have a bad dream but it might turn out good…you never know…I’ll if that’s true because that’s what I heard, I’ll check and reply back..

BBSDTfamily's avatar

No you are not foreseeing the future through your dreams. Dreams are how your brain sorts everything out, and if you get a restraining order and don’t have this fear in the back of your mind anymore these dreams might stop.

dpworkin's avatar

In psychodynamic (Clasical Freudian) psychology, dreams mean everything. Strictly cognitive-behavioral practice is not to imbue dreams with too much meaning. I think we each know if a dream has meant something to us.

dee1313's avatar

@Grisaille Perfect answer. Though I’d add that is may not only be reflections on hardships, but anything your thinking about a lot (whether you realize it or not). Oftentimes, whatever I’m doing right before bed seeps into my dreams. That’s how I realized reading a zombie book before bed was a bad idea. I am an avid gamer, though, so I dreamed about it as if I were in a zombie game, with my husband, who I had played Resident Evil 5 with not so long ago.

Even if the dream sounds totally random, it could be just things that relate to other things that you have been thinking about. Our brains can relate them in many ways, I wouldn’t be surprised if its just that they rhyme or what ever.

If you want to look for ‘meaning’, you are the best interpreter. Usually all you’ll get is how you feel about things or what is on your mind, but I wouldn’t count on them to make decisions.

Grisaille's avatar

@dee1313 Thank you. Well, I’m a game journalist. If you’re an avid gamer, then you surely know what kind of shit Silent Hill can do to you. (eep)

Adding on to your point, I think it’s imperative to note that not all dreams have meaning.

You can drive yourself mad attempting to dissect and probe at what happens in your dreams. Realize that dreams can either be a conglomeration of whatever your subconscious wants it to be (assuming you can interpret such a thing can lean on pseudo science like Numerology) or a perfect mirror into your soul. It’s hard to separate them, so take that as you wish.

oscarpiggy's avatar

@Grisaille who do you write for
i have only once had a dream which came true before and that was when i was very little and dreamed that i had forgotten my homework and had to write lines but that was probably just my brain telling me i forgot it so i wouldn’t worry it will just be your brain remembering something recent or something that is in your mind and making a scenario from it

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

Maybe. Maybe not.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

The true purpose behind dreams is at this point, completely unknown, there are guesses and theories, but in reality, we aren’t very much closer to determining to true origins and reason for having dreams.

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I highly doubt dreams mean anything at all.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

Your dream is just a manifestation of your fears. You probably have good reason to be afraid of your uncle, but if he’s not getting out for 25 years, you should try to put your mind at rest until it’s closer to the time. After all, he might die in the meantime. If not, and if the fear is really playing on your mind, try to devise a plan to protect yourself. That might make you feel better, and it sounds like you might really need to do that for your own safety.

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