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reactor5's avatar

Do you still want to buy from Apple?

Asked by reactor5 (574points) July 28th, 2009
29 responses
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So, in light of the things that have happened with Apple this week, do you feel you can still buy from them and have a clean conscience?

I’m not talking about the google voice thing, although that sort of thing is certainly an issue. No, I’m talking about the Sun Danyong and Foxconn stuff. However you look at it, the man died because of a phone.

Am I being paranoid here? Is Gawker media playing tricks on my mind? What do you think?

Oh, Bad Apple Article, Sun Danyong

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hsjip's avatar

I feel like if we treated companies like this every time then we would soon be out of companies we want to buy from. I will still buy from apple because I like their products, and have for a good 10 years now. What has happened is terrible, and if it truely is FOXCONN’s fault, then they should be reprimanded, but apple pulling their contract due to this would only lead to uneeded backlash.
Hopefully I’m not coming off as heartless.

tinyfaery's avatar

No matter the circumstance, the only person or thing responsible for suicide is the one who commits it. And as far as the google stuff, I don’t care. I love my iPhone, and my MacBook, and my iPod. Sorry.

J0E's avatar

I don’t always agree with Apple, but I can’t argue with their products.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (0points)
ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

If Apple and Google team up to make the first Cloud Computing system that’s available on a wide scale, I’ll switch over to them, but until that happens, I’m a Microsoft guy, and I’m not a fan of ipods.

StellarAirman's avatar

Like @tinyfaery said, Apple and even Foxconn can’t be blamed for someone committing suicide. Apple makes great products and I’ll likely keep buying them for years and years to come.

The Google Voice situation has done more to make me unhappy than the Foxconn thing. I may jailbreak my iPhone just to be able to use that app, as Google Voice is much less helpful without it.

Ivan's avatar

Never really did to begin with.

eambos's avatar

Never have, never will buy from them.

This event doesn’t change my opinion, though.

crunchaweezy's avatar

Every, EVERY, EVERY large corporation has been responsible for a death or two.

Ivan's avatar

Nevermind, didn’t see the links.

fino534's avatar

i’d like to say i wouldn’t, i’m not very happy at their handling of things, however that doesn’t stop their products from being so killer

for ivan

seekingwolf's avatar

Well, I’m not a Mac person but I do love my iPod Touch!

Of course I’ll buy products from Apple…I buy them because they work well and are a pleasure to use. I don’t just buy from a company because they’re hip/cool/nice/pro-consumer/saving the whales.

I really don’t consider a company’s business practice when making a buying choice because in the end, all company ethics are relatively the same and I want to support the company who comes out with the finest product. I mean, that’s its job, right?

dannyc's avatar

Yes, they have created my entire tools for creation for my business ventures, in a way that no other company can. I put no faith in perfection of any company, though, but on the whole Apple is far better than the Goldman-Sachs, Enrons, and AIG’s of the world who have just stole billions from the American people and flaunt it in your face, supported by your government.

mirza's avatar

Yes. And it’s not even about Apple. I really don’t care how a product is made. Yes my sneakers could’ve been manufactured in some sweatshop by little kids. Doesn’t bother me a bit. In the end for me, a finished product is what it counts. If somethings nice and I can afford it, I’ll buy it regardless of who makes it.

Ivan's avatar


That’s awfully…. I can’t even think an appropriate adjective. That’s just plain awful.

crunchaweezy's avatar

Why Ivan?

Would you rather pay 5x more for sneakers because they are manufactured in the US?

Ivan's avatar


Wow, is personal gratification the only thing that matters?

Dr_C's avatar

I would still buy from apple and am extremely happy with both my MBP and iPhone…
but just for shits and giggles here’s a little something to keep things light.


Point5r's avatar

It’s not really about faults, and to be honest, I’m very dubious about the information which we have received about the incident, there are a few facts, then a lot of company statements from Foxconn and Apple, and I distrust that straight away.

I want an iphone way too much to not buy at least one more product, if it comes to light that apple was responsible, will I feel guilty? Hell yes…

mirza's avatar

@Ivan : think about everything you buy at walmart? There’s a reason why it’s so cheap

Ivan's avatar


dynamicduo's avatar

These recent events have not affected my opinion of the company at all. The Gawker article contains nothing new that I haven’t thought about myself, and I don’t see a logical reason to directly associate the Chinese man’s suicide or death with Apple as a company versus the manufacturers of the devices themselves. I am still planning on buying the next version of the iPod Touch with camera when that comes out hopefully this year.

Do keep in mind, Gawker has a desire to make you outraged, such as so that you trust Gawker as a news source and come back to their site often for more of their precious words. Remember, everyone has a motive.

jeanna's avatar

@mirza I,for one, do not buy things from Walmart. It’s one thing to only suspect horrible things are happening, but it’s another when you flat-out don’t give a damn as long as you get your material things. In the end, it’s going to cost you more since it’s your conscious, your integrity, that is being shown to the world. I’m very tolerant of many things, but you are one person I hope I never meet nor have to depend upon for anything.

mirza's avatar

ouch. I could go on and defend myself but life’s too short to argue away on the Internets.

crunchaweezy's avatar

With you on this one mirza. @jeanna It’s not economically feasible to a majority of americans and corporations to have their materials made domestically. The computer you’re using was probably only affordable because it was assembled in China.

jeanna's avatar

@crunchaweezy I don’t have first-hand knowledge that a computer was built by kids. I realize people are rather materialistic, but I don’t believe (out of pure hope) that people would continue to use products and ignore the reality behind how they were created.

For example, my favorite fast food chain (basically the only one I use, and that isn’t often) is Chick-Fil-A (on the East coast). I hadn’t done any research on them, but recently my boyfriend provided info about them. They support a foundation that is against gay marriage. My first reaction was to continue eating there bc I didn’t see it as a big deal. However, I haven’t eaten there since and don’t plan to again.

We all have to make choices based on what’s right for us. Having a total lack of care for others is a disappointment.

crunchaweezy's avatar

@jeanna If thats’ the case you stopped eating there, look up everything else you use as a service. You won’t have anything left.

jeanna's avatar

@crunchaweezy I’m not sure about that. I don’t do a lot of shopping, nor do I eat at a lot of fast food/restaurant chains. In mý last job, I worked with the largest corporations in the US. I have extensive knowledge regarding the few corporations I still use. It isn’t as bad as people assume.

Ivan's avatar

@jeanna Any particular reason why the “y” in “my” in your comment is weird?

jeanna's avatar

@Ivan Hmm. No. I’m using my phone, so I guess I hit something strange?

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