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allansmithee's avatar

What are your initial thoughts of Windows 7?

Asked by allansmithee (356points) July 30th, 2009

Personally I don’t see what it offers that Vista doesn’t and the interface looks terrible but I really don’t know much about it yet.

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38 Answers

whatthefluther's avatar

My initial thought? Where the hell is it? I pre-ordered on Amazon weeks ago! It was supposed to be delivered on the date it was released. Did yours come on a new PC?

Edit/Update :Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade for Vista will not be released until 10/22/09 (per Amazon). Darn!

crunchaweezy's avatar

Eh, it works, just doesn’t impress me.

sandystrachan's avatar

Am still on xp home, wont move from it. Whats the point

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

It looks more like Vista than anything else. I see some improvements; UAC is still there, but it’s easier to manage. Mine came with some annoying visual effects that I am sure I can turn off once I find the controls. I am on an evaluation copy, which is all anyone has right now. IE8 sucks.

I am still on XP Pro on all personal machines. This one is for work, so I take what they give me.

whatthefluther's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex…Let me second your assessment of IE8….it does truly suck!

Ichji's avatar

It has become quite an OS, a nice upgrade from Vista which is already a nice OS.

Initial thought: Buy on release.

RandomMrdan's avatar

nearly the same as Vista, and not as good as OSX

jrpowell's avatar

It is good. But Vista set the bar so low anything looks better.

10.6 is really good too.

se_ven's avatar

Windows 7 will be a big hit for Microsoft. Vista’s biggest fault was the big increase in resource consumption over XP. The same machine that ran XP fine would be slow as all get out with Vista. That coupled with a lot of changes in how the OS works scared a lot of people off.

After using Vista for 2 years I have come to enjoy a lot of its features, and Windows 7 builds upon those features but works much better on less powerful machines.

I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews from Tech Savvy types who are generally early adopters and great influences on the rest of masses. Engadget

I’ve played around with it a bit and already have purchased the upgrade from Vista to be released on 10/22. I already have a powerful machine and am looking forward to it performing even better with the less resource intensive 7.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’ll stay on XP until I absoluely HAVE to switch.

@IchtheosaurusRex you’re right about IE8. I loaded it for a while, but then it got so I couldn’t open pictures in my emails. After Googling the problem, it said IE8 would do that. I removed it & went back to IE7. No more problems.

DeanV's avatar

Windows 7 will be what Vista should have been.

It’s like Windows 2000 to Windows ME way back when.

I’m still sticking with 10.6, which looks excellent.

I still haven’t even tried IE8.

Edit: I love the trippy RC wallpapers, though.

sandystrachan's avatar

Why the hell does M$ update IE and tell me to upgrade to IE8 , can’t it tell i use firefox and never use IE cause of how shit it really is .
Will there ever be a time when i absolutely HAVE to upgrade to vista or 7 or whatever version will be out by that time

dude_from_pdx's avatar

I’m a mac user but I dual boot the Windows 7 RC. My initial reaction was that it looked just like vista but seemed more responsive and more usable somehow. I’ll stick with Leopard (and soon Snow Leopard) but Windows 7 is a step in the right direction for Microsoft.

patg7590's avatar

Windows 7 is Windows Vista SP2 rebranded because “Vista” is now a swear word.
even MS knows it (remember the “mojave” experiment?)
the dock is nice-(what a cool idea- I wonder who came up with that?)

i am excited for xp compatibility mode and the “drag the window to the left/right/top and watch it fill” thing is kinda nice.

@Ichji not trying to be rude but you sound like you work for MS and came here only to try and push lol ”...a nice upgrade from Vista which is already a nice OS.” hahahahha

what a joke

if Vista is ”.....already a nice OS.” then why is it getting the axe? I mean XP has been around for nine years now! if Vista is so “nice” why did it only have a three year reign?

archaeopteryx's avatar


>if Vista is ”.....already a nice OS.” then why is it getting the axe? I mean XP has been around for nine years now! if Vista is so “nice” why did it only have a three year reign? <

So true.

Ichji's avatar

@patg7590 I do not work for Microsoft but the general the scratched rep of Vista is to blame on stupid people trying to run it on ancient hardware and the whole “certified for vista” OEM shit that went on in the beginning.

Vista is a good OS and I am mostly satisfied with it apart from some things usually found in some more esoteric Linux Distributions. Yes I spent 4 years on a CLI under Linux and went out to buy Vista and I do infact love it.

The new taskbar will be a bit of a bitch though, I do not really like it.

samanthabarnum's avatar

My initial thoughts, if you could sum it up in as brief words as possible, hopeful trepidation.

FrogOnFire's avatar

Windows 7 looks really good. I had the beta dual-booting with XP on my old computer and it runs faster than XP, even with all the special effects turned on!

And for those of you who say that Microsoft “copied” the dock from Mac OS, I agree, but look at how much Apple copied from Microsoft, such as Intel Processors, an office suite, USB compatibility, you may even say they based the dock off the MS taskbar (because Mac OS 9 had no sort of taskbar or dock).

Vista was a complete flop. Very slow and I think they need to tone down the glossy effects. Can’t wait for 7 to come out!

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@sandystrachan , if you don’t allow Mickeyschlock to automatically install whatever it wants to, you can avoid IE8, or IE7, for that matter. All of my systems at home are still on IE6, because when Windows Update came along and told me I had updates to load, I unchecked the box for IE7 and told them not to bother me about it again. My only problem will come if I have to do a brainwipe/reinstall and I go out to Windows Update to get the cumulative roll-up. I don’t use IE by choice, but I do have some things, like the VPN client I use for work, that won’t run on FF.

sandystrachan's avatar

If it don’t run on fox i don’t use it .
I hate M$ updates waste of time , the temptation to move from M$ is high but i can’t be bothered doing it .

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

If I don’t do my job, I don’t get paid. Trust me, I wouldn’t use it at all were it not for little inconveniences like that.

Jack_Haas's avatar

DirectX 11 alone is reason enough to upgrade from XP so I’ll make the jump.

Ichji's avatar

@Jack_Haas DirectX11 will also come to Vista, just so you know.

Jack_Haas's avatar

@Ichji I know but when W7 is available it wouldn’t make sense to upgrade to Vista.

patg7590's avatar

did you know that you can still by computers with a “downgrade to XP” option?

how funny!

RandomMrdan's avatar

@archaeopteryx Windows XP had a long reign because Microsoft was dumb about it, now they are having a hell of a time trying to ween everyone off of it. In my opinion, there should be a new OS release every 2–4 years at the most.

drpoop's avatar

i think it’s fine, it looks like it’s heading in the right direction…

AskBlam's avatar

Offers features that should have been there ages ago

GUI is good, intuitive to use.

Basically Vista without the bugginess!

patg7590's avatar

@FrogOnFire -(because Mac OS 9 had no sort of taskbar or dock).

dont you remember the launcher?! haha
I would consider that a somewhat primitive dock

Vincentt's avatar

So what is it about IE8 that people don’t like? (Or should I start another question for this? Ah well.)

mattbrowne's avatar

I’ve heard it’s faster than Vista. So eventually I might move from XP to W7.

crunchaweezy's avatar

I had it installed on my iMac before but I only virtually run it nowadays.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@Vincentt , you can probably get lots of IE8 horror stories if you ask around. Lockups and slow page loads seem to be the most prevalent complaints.

patg7590's avatar

@Vincentt and that whole bit about finally being “standards compliant”
security risks, closed source, slow, etc.
Internet Explorer – unsafe at any version

sandystrachan's avatar

IE lets too much crap through and is very unsafe to use . Lots of bad stuff happened to my mum and dad still does cause they are drawn in by IE

archaeopteryx's avatar

The same old bloat of Vista (if not more)... in a not-so-new coat of paint.

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