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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

When do you feel beautiful?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39057points) July 30th, 2009
33 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

What are the times and circumstances when you feel truly beautiful – is it about someone else, or just about yourself, or about your children or about your body, mind, etc.?

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jonsblond's avatar

When my husband looks at me with that look of wanting to tear my clothes off.

After a long, hard workout.

When I’ve helped someone that really needed it.

casheroo's avatar

Depends on what kind of beautiful I feel.

The way my husband looks at me makes me feel beautiful. The things he says to me, about my body, gives me confidence and makes me feel sexy.
I just generally feel beautiful, because I know I am.

Also, when I’m pregnant. Even when I’m huge, swollen and uncomfortable, it’s when my husband exudes his desire for me that makes me feel gorgeous, and the fact that I’m carrying life and feel empowered by that.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

when I had long hair

augustlan's avatar

When I feel good. Whether it’s because it’s a gorgeous day outside, or because I’m spent after some vigorous sex.

ShanEnri's avatar

I feel beautiful when my husband says I still look beautiful and my kids tell me I’m beautiful! I feel beautiful when I’m truly happy!

samanthabarnum's avatar

Sometimes it’s the way my hair is one day, my makeup, my outfit. Other times, it’s the way I walk, or the music I’m listening to, or a knowing look. It’s confidence from within, knowing that I can do anything and be anything and that I am beautiful.

JLeslie's avatar

Outwardly—when I am at the weight I prefer, with my make-up on, clothes that are close to my body, but not tight, and 3 inch heals.

Inwardly—when I have helped someone.

Facade's avatar

After thinking for a good while, I can’t really come up with an answer. But I always feel attractive when I’m wearing clothes and makeup.

chicadelplaya's avatar

In the morning when I wake up after a good nights sleep, bare faced, sun-kissed and feeling physically fit with wild wavy hair.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@chicadelplaya I want pictures of the wild hair – sounds great

Jude's avatar

When I’ve made someone feel good.

Jayne's avatar

When I’ve been working my body hard and can feel the blood swelling the veins on my arms, or the day after a workout when I’m sore all over, and I can feel my muscles tense, contract, work every time I move. Perhaps beautiful is not the best word; it certainly feels badass, though :)

augustlan's avatar

@Jayne Stop taunting the middle aged women… we can’t take it! ;-)

Likeradar's avatar

I feel beautiful when working out and watching what I eat starts to pay off. (any day now…)

I feel beautiful when the boy and I are going out, and I spend a while getting ready. Sometimes I’m proud of the way I can go from a no-makeup, frizzy haired, sweat-panted nanny to a vixen. And if feels really good when he acknowledges it. It’s not all about his feedback, but it certainly helps.

Oh, and one of my charges is the most wonderful 16 month old little lady. I was fixing her baby hair, and then she tried to put a barrette in my hair, smiled, and patted my hair. That made me feel beautiful inside and out. :)

KatawaGrey's avatar

Well, the last time I felt really beautiful is when I went to a concert at the philharmonic with my boyfriend. I was wearing the most awesome dress and an older woman walked by and said I looked beautiful. My boyfriend turned to me and gave me one of his wonderful little secret smiles and said, “You really do.” I was positively glowing.

aprilsimnel's avatar

After I’ve succeeded (or at least gave a good college try) at doing something I’ve never done before. Especially if that thing terrified me.

Newly-acquired bit of confidence—-> feeling good about myself—-> byooteeful!

irocktheworld's avatar

I feel really pretty when people tell me I’m pretty and when I get a compliment.
I feel pretty whenever I look at myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower =]

photographcrash's avatar

when I first wake up in the morning, as weird as it sounds. if I’ve had a good nights sleep and wake up without an alarm, feeling rested and extremely comfortable. don’t know what it is!

zephyr826's avatar

I feel gorgeous when I get a new hair-cut. I don’t spend a lot of money on them, but I’ve finally agreed to let my hair be itself (stick-straight). So when I’ve gotten a good haircut, and someone who knows what they’re doing has made it work, I feel beautiful.

rhodes54's avatar

playing piano

Zendo's avatar

I always feel beautiful. Don’t you?

desiree333's avatar

@zephyr826 I also feel good after a hair cut, although I haven’t gotten very good ones in a while. I have yet to find a good hairdresser!
I feel beautiful after a work-out when you have that light, walking on air feeling. After I am done getting ready (make-up, clothes, hair) because I look so much better. Inside I feel beautiful when my little sister (4 years old) smiles at me, and says things like “your pretty, you look like hannah montana” :P, or when she tells me she wants to be just like me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Zendo no, no I do not

dannyc's avatar

When I help my children reach a milestone and watch proudly as they make that next step, smiling at me and really loving me for giving the best I can be. It happened recently at my youngest son’s graduation when we hugged briefly and we told each other how we loved each other and he thanked me. I felt as beautiful that moment as I have in my entire life.

MacBean's avatar

I just have to say that @casheroo and @photographcrash have given my favorite answers so far. <333

Deepness's avatar

I’m with @photographcrash on this. I work in a field where developing a healthy sleep pattern is impossible because of the daily unpredictable shifting schedules. I appreciate a good night’s eight hours like no one else and thus I am most productive, happiest, and most drop dead hunkiest of moods when I awake.

prude's avatar

very rarely, if at all.

wundayatta's avatar

I wish I could answer this question. Sometimes, looking in the mirror, I can feel a little bit good-looking, but I never do when I’m in public. At this point in my life, I’ve given up thinking it would be possible for me to feel beautiful. Fortunately, I feel I have other qualities that kind of make up for that.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

* When my little dog runs across the room and launches his body into my arms, confident I will want to catch him

* When the child of a friend runs across the room and wraps himself around my legs and tells me he loves me and also when we play Wii Star Wars and he sneakily changes my Princess Lei out of her white robes and into a gold bikini.

* When my lover looks into my eyes, smiles and takes a deep breath.

mattbrowne's avatar

I like Edward De Bono’s idea of a beautiful mind. When do I feel beautiful then? Well, after a visit to my barbershop and a lively and interesting debate.

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