General Question

shipwrecks's avatar

Do men like pet names?

Asked by shipwrecks (346points) July 31st, 2009
34 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

My boyfriend has all these sweet nicknames for me, like lovelyface, beautiful, sugar-coated, etc. I call him handsome, cutie, sweetie, and (this is gonna sound weird) weeds (weeds because I work in a plant lab and when we started dating I told him he is growing on me fast like a weed).

So here is my question, to all the men out there: Do you guys like pet names? What do you like being called, if anything? If there were one nickname you wish your significant other would call you, what would it be?

In return, ladies, what do you/have you called your man?

Also, do you like to give/have personalized nicknames, or would you rather something general like sweetie?

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dpworkin's avatar

I find this kind of thing to be something that happens by itself, during your adventures together, like your story about the “Weeds” nickname.

I don’t care for forced, unoriginal ones, but I love the kind that just spring up and somehow stick.

AstroChuck's avatar

I prefer heavy pet names.

Zendo's avatar

Yes…I lurve it when my honey babe calls me her loverboy!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I avoid pet names unless I can use them to my advantage.

SharpSymmetry's avatar

I like pet names to be honest.. it’s cute if a girl calls me by something, and it makes me happy because then I realize that she adores me. :]

erniefernandez's avatar

Look at his face. If you call him something, and he sort of makes a face or looks serious, he thinks it’s stupid.

Pet names are fine so long as they’re not too cheesy or lame. What is cheesy or lame?

Ask your man.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

unless you’re calling me “He-man” or “Krull the lady Destroyer”, just don’t bother…

Resonantscythe's avatar

Only if it’s original and makes sense.

se_ven's avatar

I agree with @pdworkin. I would prefer something unique, but I think a pet name for a male should accentuate his manliness, perhaps a little exaggerated but that’s one of the fun things about pet names.

Dr_C's avatar

My fianceĆ© uses them all the time and i enjoy them coming from her… so yes?

BTW best pet name ever is from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back: Boo-Boo-Kitty-Fuck

Sarcasm's avatar

I’m not so hot on them. There’s only 2 times I’d really approve of them. First case being if it’s monosyllabic and simple (Like “Hun”), for the sake of quickly addressing me. Otherwise, if there’s a nice story behind it, like OP’s “Weeds” nickname.

Jeruba's avatar

It would be utterly strange if all men felt exactly the same about this or anything, wouldn’t it?

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Jeruba I think it’d be equally strange if every girl I’ve ever dated didn’t try to give my penis a pet name…

“no, his name isn’t Mittens…”

Jeruba's avatar

I have never done such a thing to any man. I can’t even imagine suggesting it. I simply think it’s foollish to suppose that every man or every woman would have identical feelings about something.

swuesquire's avatar

I love ironic pet names, but I don’t think that counts. My favorite is Lady Kitten Face.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Jeruba lol oh no, I was just referring to my personal experience, I have a bad habit of dating crazies, just trying to make a joke :).

Jeruba's avatar

Sorry, @ABoyNamedBoobs03. My comment was ambiguous. The first part was addressed to you—I have never done such a thing (nicknamed a man’s penis). I’d be afraid that he’d think I was making fun of him.

The rest refers to the question. Any presumption of universality in attitudes (why do men only like skinny girls? why do women always fall for losers?) is going to be wrong.

Zendo's avatar

@Jeruba A man wouldn’t think you were making fun if you nicknamed his penis Kong.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Jeruba or ”...Damn…”

Dr_C's avatar

@Jeruba or “Pedro”

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@Jeruba or “Dr. C”

aiwendil's avatar

I think I kinda sorta agree with @Sarcasm in the sense that a nickname should either have some sort of inside story or be short and sweet. No way would I call him my “lovely little lumpkins”. I’ll just stick to “dear” for now.

Pol_is_aware's avatar

Well, this one chick who’s been trying to get in my pants for years has a couple nick names for me, such as Luscious Locks, and Pretty Pol. We usually have a good laugh over them, and I don’t have a problem with it. She’s attractive and all, just kind of weird

However, in a relationship, I wouldn’t want to be that couple who calls one-another Hunny Bunny, while robbing a breakfast diner. I guess I would rather a pet name be spontaneous and relevant, and never over-used.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Oh come on schmoopsy-poo, don’t be silly…

xzlslazcarter's avatar

i hate nice name, it’s so ironic and not really fun.

ShanEnri's avatar

My husband is Babe or Dear. I rarely call him by his name. He doesn’t have a pet name for me though. Maybe we’re just back wards!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I have several, and they come from not only my significant other, but also other women that are fond of me for various reasons. It’s nothign sexual, they are fond of me because I am kind, thoughtful, fun and compassionate, but hey, I didn’t want to bring that up because it would make it seem like I am conceited. =)

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

This one doesn’t.

filmfann's avatar

When my daughter was about 4, she was asked what my pet name for my wife was. She could only remember what I called her a couple times, so she replied “dog-killer”.

Zaku's avatar

Depends. Worst: Dumb-o. Best: Odysseus.

Facade's avatar

I call my babe all sorts of nicknames, anything from choconips to assface lol

filmfann's avatar

I knew someone who used to call his wife Fishface. That was the worst I ever heard.

ubersiren's avatar

@AstroChuck : Like St. Bernard?

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