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OpryLeigh's avatar

Do you have an allergy to a certain food and if so what symptoms did you have after eating that food in order to make you realise there was a problem?

Asked by OpryLeigh (25305points) August 5th, 2009
22 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Please can you also tell me what the food is that doesn’t/didn’t agree with you.

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Jude's avatar

I developed an allergy to carrots (5 years ago). My whole body was covered in hives, and I had a hard time breathing. Felt as though I was going die.

littlewesternwoman's avatar

Yes – I have an allergy to some nuts. Apparently, exposure to these nuts causes an inflammation of the surface with which they come in contact – lips, throat, tongue. If the throat contracts, the result is an asthma attack; if I pick up on the presence of the nuts in time, it usually just results in an “itchy feeling” in my throat. It can be bloody unpleasant, let me tell you. Interestingly, I’ve outgrown the allergy to some nuts, but not to others. And by the by – the allergy is exclusive of peanuts, which are a legume, not a nut…

Likeradar's avatar

I don’t have any food allergies, but I have a definite sensitivity to Dairy Queen ice cream. The only thing I’ve ever eaten from there is their Blizzards (mostly Mud Pie- amazingly good) and every time about an hour later my stomach hurts and I get all those lovely symptoms that comes along with a stomach ache. I don’t know if it’s the flavoring or sweetener or dairy substitute or what. As sick as it sounds, I very occasionally eat them anyway. They’re just too good.

marinelife's avatar

Food intolerance is often called food allergy. Allergies to food are not nearly as common as people say.

“Food hypersensitivity includes both allergies, which are caused by an immune system overreaction, and food intolerance, which does not involve the immune system.

In this study, the most common culprits behind children’s symptoms were peanuts, eggs, wheat and milk. However, 80 percent of children who were hypersensitive to milk at one point outgrew the problem by age 3; the same was true of half the children with egg hypersensitivity. ”


Jack79's avatar

Not sure, though it could be coffee. I can’t stand the taste of it, even though I like the smell. My reaction to a sip of coffee is so extreme, that it could only be called an allergy. I could probably swallow a sip of petrol or hydrochloric acid even, and not act like a bag full of firecrackers that just went off.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Likeradar My boyfriend has the same reaction to cream as you have to the ice cream so maybe this is a common symptom with all diary intolerences?!

Likeradar's avatar

@Leanne1986 Could be! Mine’s exclusive to DQ though. I’m just fine with all other dairy and dairy-like-substances.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I am intolerant to Asian food, specifically Chinese. I have a freind that developed a carrot allergy, and he used to eat one just to feel the symptoms, (he’s an odd guy) but now he avoids them because if he eats them, he could go into shock and die, and has to keep an Epi Pen handy in case someone accidently slips him carrots.

casheroo's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Chinese food?? The Americanized version, right? I’m sorry :(

ShanEnri's avatar

I’m slightly allergic to whole milk and whole eggs. Never knew it though. Found out when I did an allergy workup. There are a lot of things I’m allergic to that I had no clue about. But those two stick out cause they’re two of my favorite foods!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@ShanEnri If you didn’t know that you were allergic to these things does that mean you don’t have any symptoms to show that you are allergic?

Velvetinenut's avatar

Bananas, chocolate (yes, I know…sigh), dairy products, eggs, oil – I develop lots of phlegm, cough a lot and wheeze at night when I try to sleep.

Mandarin oranges – gastric attack

chilli, wheat, sugar – I bloat

and the latest prawns – actually, it is a mixture of prawns, sunblock and sun that caused my damn bloody itchy rash that I am suffering now. Bathing in Caladryl, moisturisor and aloe vera gel.

tedibear's avatar

I had a reaction to pineapple once. My tongue swelled up, although not enough to choke me. I took some Benadryl and it went away. I tried a small piece of pineapple a few months later and the same thing happened. I waited about 5 years, tried some and no problem. Which is good because I really like pineapple.

FrogOnFire's avatar

I don’t have any food allergies (well, I haven’t discovered any yet), but I think my body has something against aspartame, that fake sugar they put in diet soda. Ever since my high school switched to diet drinks (to curb the obesity epidemic), I cannot drink their soda because it gives me a mild stomachache (which usually goes away after 15 mins or so). I figured I should probably kick the one-32oz-coke-per-day habit anyway.

figbash's avatar

About 4 years ago I started to feel like everything I ate made me sick, and after a bunch of stomach tests and allergy workups, I found out I was allergic to / highly intolerant of onions, garlic, and the rest of the bulb family.

My responses are not autoimmune, so there’s no fear of death, per se – my reaction is that it comes on like a really bad headache, my whole abdomen distends really badly, and then… it’s a nightmare. It’s like food poisoning. I’ll spare you all of the details, but I’m sure you can fill in the blanks. The bad thing about this is that it comes on within minutes and I have to be near a bathroom.

It makes it kind of difficult to go to restaurants, and the last thing I want to be is that pain in the ass who’s asking a bunch of questions about the food. Also, servers often don’t really know what things are made of. I told one of them that I was allergic to onions and garlic and she assured me the food would be clear of it. Ten minutes after dinner when I was doubled over, she shook her head and walked through the ingredients. ”I don’t understand. There were no onions! The chef uses shallots!” uh…...yeah.

drdoombot's avatar

For years, I used to get an itchy feeling at the back of my throat when eating certain shrimp (the ones used in chinese food). I thought nothing of it until my brother at some shrimp at a Russian restaurant. His eyes started to water, his nose started running and slowly over a period of about half an hour, his upper cheeks started to swell up around his eyes. His breathing started to get a little short and we had to take him to the hospital. I got him some Benadryl right before, which slowed down the allergic response. At the hospital, they said he was going into anaphylactic shock and they administered epinephrine (which is really just adrenaline).

The event scared me enough to go to an allergist where I found out I was allergic to lobster, shrimp, ragweed and tree pollen.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

I’m not quite sure but I think I’m allergic to asparagus. It gave me hives. Lucky for me I already hate asparagus.

ShanEnri's avatar

@Leanne1986 Yes that’s what it means. No symptoms that I know of yet! There is some speculation that these could be the causes of some of my migraines, but mostly the doc thinks the allergies are too slight to have a reaction!

renee's avatar

I am allergic to cashews and pistachios. The first time I had an allergic reaction to cashews, I felt like I had a piece of food stuck in the back of my throat, but then it escalated to severe sinus congestion and one of my eyes swelled shut. Benadryl somewhat forestalled the reaction, but then I started to develop hives and had to go to an urgent care clinic. All this happened within hours of my mom’s death, and I had never had an allergic reaction to food before.

The last and most severe reaction was about two years ago. I was eating breakfast on a layover in the Zurich airport when I started to get a tingly feeling on my tongue. I monitored the situation while my husband asked the cook to write down the ingredients of what I was eating (we think offender was a commercial pesto), but neither nut showed up on the list (which had to be translated from German). I decided to use my EpiPen anyway, but it didn’t have much effect. I was able to get some prednisone from the pharmacy but then my tongue started to swell up. We ended up in the medical clinic at the airport, where they gave me an injection of prednisone that got me back on my way (we didn’t even miss our connecting flight).

My reactions to pistachios are not quite as severe, just the feeling of food stuck in my throat and some congestion. A shot of epinephrine usually takes care of it. The last time the pistachios got me, they were mixed in with grilled vegetables from the deli of a gourmet grocery store. Vegetables? Really? I can understand bread or cakes, but broccoli?

BTW, my allergist told me that you can become allergic to a food at any time (I was 35 when it first happened to me) and you will never have a reaction to something the first time you eat it—your body has to build up a reaction to the offending food or something like that. But now I never leave home without my EpiPen, and carry more than one in my luggage when I am traveling.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m allergic to shellfish such as lobster and crab and my doctor says the reason for this is because my body can’t deal with the high iodine content sometimes found in these food sources. What usually happens is that I have moderate to severe bouts of nausea and vomiting after eating anything like this. It’s unfortunate too because I happen to like lobster. =(

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Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not a allergic to anything, but I can tell you that a two day diet of pop corn and hot tamale candy mixed with rum and diet coke and natty lite will sure-enough make you sick.

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