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Tink's avatar

What to do with this tofu in the fridge?

Asked by Tink (8673points) August 11th, 2009
60 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I got a block of medium firm tofu just sitting there, what should I do with it?

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teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Deep fry it
I’m just kidding, but deep fried tofu actually does taste good. You can add some vegetables and seafood with it.

Tink's avatar

I don’t eat sea food, but yeah deep fried sounds good.

jrpowell's avatar


Just swap some of the cheese for tofu. It is yummy.

Grisaille's avatar

Throw it from a moving vehicle

Use it as soap

Dry it out and see if you can light it on fire

Draw a smiley face on it, call it Thomas the Tofu and become best friends forever

whatthefluther's avatar

Toss it (how can you eat that stuff?)!

Tink's avatar

@johnpowell Thanks!

Tink's avatar

@Grisaille lol
@whatthefluther Its actually good :)

eambos's avatar

Throw it out and buy a nice steak.

dynamicduo's avatar

Tofu is delicious and can be used to make delicious dishes. Ignore these tofucists! Sheesh, I’ll go use a steak as soap :)

Tofu is great to add to a stir fry. I often cube the tofu and pan fry or deep fry them, then drain them before adding them in to the mix. There’s also a Japanese way of eating it that involves cold marinating it in soy sauce. My take on this is to mix up some sugar with the soy sauce, slice the tofu thinly then marinate it in the fridge and have a slice on top of my salad or pop it right into the mouth. You could also try making agedashi tofu which is delicious.

Tink's avatar

@dynamicduo That looks easy! Thanks, I’ll make that for lunch :)

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Thomas the tofu, lmfao

PerryDolia's avatar

Your new picture is so…so…you

PerryDolia's avatar

Make hot and sour soup. Medium tofu is perfect.

nikipedia's avatar

This is my absolute favorite tofu recipe. It’s easy and absolutely amazing. I serve it over rice noodles.

1 lb medium firm tofu, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated
¼ tsp dried chili, or 1 tsp Asian chili sauce
1/8 cup maple syrup
1/8 cup Braggs (note: I used soy sauce)
1 tsp lemon juice
¼ cup dry roasted almonds, chopped (garnish)

In a medium saucepan on medium-high heat, saute the tofu in oil until browned. Reduce heat to medium-low and add the garlic, ginger, and chili. Saute for 5 minutes. Add the maple syrup, Braggs (or soy sauce), and lemon juice. Cover and cook until the liquid has evaporated. Garnish with almonds.

Darwin's avatar

This is our family’s absolutely favorite way to prepare tofu:

Grate some daikon (Japanese radish) into fine particles and set aside in a bowl. Grate some fresh ginger root similarly and set aside in another bowl. Dice the green parts of some green onions or scallions and set those aside in a bowl. Cut the tofu into 1½ inch cubes and arrange on a plate. Obtain a bottle of Kikomon soy sauce (not the Chinese stuff, but a good, fermented soy sauce as used in Japan).

Take a piece of tofu onto your own plate. Put a small heap of daikon, a smidge of ginger, a couple of pieces of green onion, and a dollop of good Kikomon soy sauce on the tofu. Put the tofu in your mouth and enjoy.

Tink's avatar

I just made deep fried spagetti tofu.
All these recipies I’ll use for future reference since I get I box every time we go to the market :)
keep em comming. Thanks

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

How does it taste?

Tink's avatar

It was delicious!! :)

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

You can dice it and add it to some udon or ramen. Also put in an egg and some veggies.

rooeytoo's avatar

I never knew you could eat tofu raw or uncooked. I always marinate and toss into stir fry instead of meat.

Thanks for the new ideas, GQ @Tink1113

rooeytoo's avatar

@Darwin – Is all Kikomon brand soy sauce Japanese in origin? Or is Kikomon a type as well as a brand?

I am getting an education here, I knew about Ketjap Manis soy sauce but I didn’t realize there was a specific Japanses type as well. I always use Pearl River Bridge and it is Chinese.

Tink's avatar

@rooeytoo If you eat it raw a good idea would also be to press it dry, I’m not a big fan of the juice it comes with so I pat it dry.

ubersiren's avatar

Tofu smoothie! Add your favorite fruits and milk. I actually did this is culinary school and it was awesome.

Darwin's avatar

Kikkoman is a brand of Japanese soy sauce. The Japanese make and ferment their soy sauce differently than the Chinese do and so it has a different flavor. As the redoubtable Wikipedia puts it:

“Most but not all Japanese soy sauces include wheat as a primary ingredient, which tends to give them a slightly sweeter taste than their Chinese counterparts. They also tend towards an alcoholic sherry-like flavor, due to the addition of alcohol in the product.”

Kikkoman is “Honjōzō hōshiki” (contains 100% naturally fermented product.). There are many brands of Japanese soy sauce, but the best are naturally fermented, with all or mostly wheat as its base, and it is clear, never cloudy. Kikkoman is distributed world-wide, so I had hoped it was fairly universally available.

Definitely avoid the really cheap soy sauce – it is most often “chemical” soy sauce, not brewed and fermented.

And I personally see no need to pat it dry – just set it out on the plate and eat it that way. Once the daikon, ginger, onion and soy are there you will never notice the liquid the tofu came in.

rooeytoo's avatar

@Darwin – thank you. I read something not too long ago about brewed soy sauce. So when I went to the Asian Emporium in Darwin, I asked which brands were brewed and fermented naturally and no one knew!!! And I couldn’t see anything on the label to indicate which is which. So I kept using the Pearl River Bridge brand. It tastes good. I am sure I have seen the Kikkoman (you changed the spelling) brand in stores here, so I will keep some on hand from now on.

Thanks everyone for the info!

Darwin's avatar

@rooeytoo – Yes, sometimes I realize my mistakes and act as a self-correcting device. Kikkoman is the correct spelling.

rooeytoo's avatar

It is a sign of great intelligence to realize one’s mistakes and acknowledge and correct them :)

(that was tongue in cheek, so i put a smiley face just so you would know my intent!) But it’s true as well!!!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@whatthefluther it’s all in how you cook it! tofu is basically a magic food, because it can pretty much be whatever you want it to be. :p

Tink's avatar

@tiffyandthewall Have you tried tofu cheesecake?

whatthefluther's avatar

@tiffyandthewall…It’s good to hear that it can be whatever one wants it to be…..because I’m just fine with it being @Tink1113 ‘s lunch.

Tink's avatar

@whatthefluther :)
long time no see

whatthefluther's avatar

@Tink1113…how was your tofu whatever?

Tink's avatar

@whatthefluther It was good thanks for asking :)

stratman37's avatar

“When in doubt, throw it out”

Grisaille's avatar

Tink is pretty awesome.

(She drew it, you know.)

Tink's avatar


teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I was gonna draw thomas the tofu!

Tink's avatar

Too late :P

whatthefluther's avatar

@Tink1113….Very nice! You make tofu look so good, I just might give it another….no, no, no, whatamIsayin’...nevermind. Oh well, that’s more for you…..enjoy! See ya….Gary aka wtf

Tink's avatar

@whatthefluther Haha thanks!

cyn's avatar

@Grisaille That’s so adorable
Thomas the Tofu. :) lol

Tink's avatar

@cyndihugs thanks, I’m thinking about making a lady to acommpany Thomas :)

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar


Grisaille's avatar


Tammy the Tofu.

Grisaille's avatar

Crap, TKL’s is better. Nevermind.

* Crawls back in hole *

Tink's avatar

Aww that’s cute!!

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

nooo Tammy was good

Tink's avatar

yeah Tammy, what does TKL mean?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

that’s me!

Tink's avatar

oh sorry :)

cyn's avatar

I’ll go with Tammy. :)

Tink's avatar

Yeah Tammy is nice :)

Tink's avatar

Meet Tammy everyone!

cyn's avatar

oh…adorable. :)

Tink's avatar

Hehe thanks :)

Tink's avatar

I’m making a tumblr later so you guys can follow the Thomas family

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I better change his relationship status then…

irocktheworld's avatar

OMg awww! Tammy and Thomas are soooo cute!!
I love the bow in tammy’s hair :P

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