General Question

TitsMcGhee's avatar

What do you do when you have a strong urge to have sex, and masturbation just isn't cutting it?

Asked by TitsMcGhee (8281points) August 14th, 2009
86 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

It’s not even just a being horny thing; I just have a strong urge to have sex. This happens every once in awhile, and it’s quite frustrating. Help?

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dynamicduo's avatar

Go see a prostitute? Go to a bar and try to find a girl who wants to fuck? There are girls like this, you know.

Akiora's avatar

Cold shower?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@dynamicduo: AHEMI am a girl…

whatthefluther's avatar

Then you have to resort to the real thing… have sex!

kevbo's avatar

Phone a friend?

Craigslist is pretty efficient for women.

mrentropy's avatar

A watermelon fresh from the microwave? An inflatable sheep?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Maybe we should hook up? ;)

dynamicduo's avatar

Sorry Tits, for some reason I thought you were a guy! In that case, go out there and fetch a bone. Shouldn’t be too hard. You could probably waltz into a bar and come out in less than a minute with your choice of man by simply announcing “Hello, I’m looking for a guy to have sex with me now, any takers?”

dynamicduo's avatar

I mean, my first answer does still stand, there are male prostitutes, and maybe a girl with a strap on is just what you need to scratch your itch…

marinelife's avatar

No booty call or friends with benefits on the horizon you could call for old times sake?

dynamicduo's avatar

Sorry for the answer spamming here, but another thought, do you have a dildo? Two different ones? Sometimes that can scratch the itch too. A banana works pretty great, just clean off and smooth the rough tip on the bottom and you’re good to go. As a plus, you can pick the exact size you want. As a double plus, keep it clean and you’ll have a snack for later.

cwilbur's avatar

I have sex.

eponymoushipster's avatar

Call eponymoushipster?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

We’re no strangers to love….
I’m serious about the hook up D:

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@dynamicduo Yeow! I’ll never look at a banana the same again, LOL.

LexWordsmith's avatar

Pray hard for masturbation to start cutting it.

Bri_L's avatar

If you find the answer please let me know.

Married with a 4.5 year “denied” spell running here.

The size difference in my hands is starting to look suspicious.

Bagardbilla's avatar

Why go to a bar, just ask here.
Heck, I’ll scratch that itch for ya!
PM me. ;)

Jack79's avatar

I can’t believe someone with your name would ever ask this. I your name was “Tinypenisguy” or maybe “Stinkyfeet” or perhaps even “SmalltitsMcGhee”, ok, perhaps I’d get it. Getting laid with boobs like yours (I’ve seen them, remember) should be a piece of cake. Hell, half the guys on the site would be more than willing to “scratch that itch for ya” as the last poster suggested. I’m sure you could find at least one you fancy.

I think it’s unfair to the rest of us when you of all people ask such questions. You’re just rubbing it in, right?

FatHairyGuy living on Hatred Island.

PerryDolia's avatar

Go to a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting, wearing something low cut, as people are arriving, just before it starts.

wundayatta's avatar

Is it that you don’t want to have this urge? Is it that you don’t want sex with a stranger? Do you have a boyfriend who isn’t around and you don’t want to cheat on him? Are you lonely? Do you crave the feeling of closeness?

You know, Tits, we all have urges at times that we can’t fill. Masturbation may be the best you can get. You know that you could find a guy to do you any time you wanted. So clearly you don’t want to do that.

I guess my feeling is that you should masturbate again. Keep on doing it until you’ve got enough satisfaction. You could also have a clit ring installed. Or maybe you already have one. I hear that keeps you aroused all the time. Similarly there are those Ben-Wa Balls you could walk around with.

You’ve got a god-given talent, and a desire to match it. Use it!

Quagmire's avatar

I have two female sex buddies that live in my building and it works just FINE.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

That’s my Quagmire!

PerryDolia's avatar

I don’t think you want just sex. I think you want intimacy, which comes from being with someone who really cares about you. This is why the quick hook-up ideas above don’t work for you.

You need to start on the longer journey of finding a special person in your life.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Go to a Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting, wearing something low cut, as people are arriving, just before it starts.

@PerryDolia You stole that advice from Chuck Palahniuk.

PerryDolia's avatar

I do my own thinking.

Bri_L's avatar

I am curious to hear what @TitsMcGhee has to say to these responses.

casheroo's avatar

You don’t have any guy friends who would be up to it? I’m sure they would if presented with the opportunity…I understand not wanting to ruin a friendship though. You need a buddy meant for these occasions.

IBERnineD's avatar

I think it would be quite simple to find one of your guy friends and say, “I need sex, and I don’t want any strings attached.” If he says no than either he isn’t interested or he likes you and respects you too much to just have sex with no strings attached. If it’s the latter than you can start a relationship with the guy and get the intimacy part as well.


dpworkin's avatar

Remember Lenny Bruce? He once said that men will fuck mud.

Bri_L's avatar

@pdworkin – That works!?? Really?!??! Where can I find this “mud”!?!?!?!!!!!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@pdworkin Haha! It’s raining outside right now….

Jack79's avatar

lol jeff

ok, to get some things straight:
1) Tits is a girl
2) Tits is a sexy girl
1+2=> Tits could have sex with practically anyone she wants, anytime she wants.

So, that out of the way, I’m wondering why she’s even asking us this. Perhaps it’s what Perry said. The question is not formulated properly. She says “sex” when what she actually wants is “love”. Or at least the type of love connected with sex. I’m just guessing here, because she hasn’t told us herself. Maybe she’s lonely, and just getting some guy to stick it in is not enough? Or maybe she’s just trying to figure out how many guys on fluther (including the married ones) will offer.

Just to make this clear: I’m not flying all the way to America for you Tits. But I’d think about it if you were on this side of the Atlantic. And only cause you’re a friend and have made some smart posts here on fluther.yeah ok those jugs may have something to do with it too

AstroChuck's avatar

Nobody likes a quitter. If masturbation isn’t cutting it try, try again. Practice makes perfect.

God, this thread I’d turning me on.

eponymoushipster's avatar

wait, i live in america…

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

But she lives in NYC!
I’m coming for ya babe!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

well, if the wife isn’t in the mood, I simply take it up a notch. Some sex toys, lube, and a good erotic story will make masturbation much more enjoyable.

Otherwise, I write new fantasies about things that I could/would never do in real life, but are very erotic in the world of imagination.

or simply go lie down until the feeling goes away. That’s what I do when my paternity gene kicks in.

eponymoushipster's avatar

wait. she lives in NYC? I live in Philly! zomg. it’s like an hour away.

<plans a mission>

AstroChuck's avatar

@eponymoushipster- Isnt NYC just a suburb of Philly?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@AstroChuck yeah, actually. they call it NYC’s “6th borough”. Opinions on that are mixed, both here and in NYC.

but i can get on the train here and be in Penn Station in 1.5hrs (or so).

drdoombot's avatar

I’m in NYC, and I’ve got the urge too. Give me a call, Tits. Let’s scratch our itch, together.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Hey I was here first!

hearkat's avatar

I completely understand exactly what you mean… but I too have no use for casual sex or friends with benefits. I know that it will be unfulfilling, because the greatest release happens when the level of emotional intimacy matches the physical intimacy… why settle for anything less (and put ourselves at risk for disease in the process)?

My approach is to keep taking care of my own “business”, to temporarily scratch the itch. I am always working on my own growth and development – including emotional, so the next time an opportunity for love presents itself, I won’t repeat the mistakes of my past.

I also keep busy with other activities and adventures… socializing with friends of both genders, trying new things and exploring my interests and hobbies.

Bri_L's avatar

@hearkat – hey hearkat I hearthat. See what I did there? With your name? The hear part.

Seriously, as frustrated as I get, even with a 1per year ratio for 10 years that my marriage has going right now I couldn’t look outside it for the reasons your listing.

Sarcasm's avatar

@hearkat I guess the unfulfilling thing varies from person to person. But for putting yourself at risk for a disease? If I were to get a “lovebuddy,” I’d make sure she and I got tested before anything went down.

Quagmire's avatar

Hey! I live a stone’s throw away from NYC! I volunteer!!!

wundayatta's avatar

It’s kind of ironic, since Tits has been a strong advocate for unapologetic female sexuality (of the sort men usually have) for a long time. Or so she’s said in other questions, anyway. Something strange is going on. Maybe some dybbuk has taken over our Tits. Maybe we need an exorcism or something.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Tits, if you had the ‘devise’ I have, you wouldn’t be wanting for anything! ;-)

hearkat's avatar

@daloon: I beleive that what us good for the gander is good for the goose, too! There was a time when I had a ‘friend with benefits’ (exclusive and disease-free) relationship for nearly a year… but that doesn’t work for everyone or at every stage of one’s life. 11 years ago, it was just what I needed. 10 years ago, it had served its purpose, and I needed to end that and look for something with a deeper connection.

Quagmire's avatar

@jbfletcherfan, not every woman can afford her own jackhammer.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

LOLLLLL…......OMG, I’m laughing out loud here. WOOF! ’-)

Bri_L's avatar

why is @TitsMcGhee – so quiet on the feedback?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Maybe she’s having sex right now! :O

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal Yeah, but with who? LOL

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

It ain’t me!

eponymoushipster's avatar

sorry guys…cellphone reception in my building is terrible…tee hee hee

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@teh_kvlt_liberal Sorry! Better luck next time.

buster's avatar

Go to one of those porn stores with the booths with the gloryholes in them.

Quagmire's avatar

@buster, bear with me but, what’s a gloryhole?

Bri_L's avatar

@Quagmire – A gloryhole is basically where you go to a room and the girl is on one side and there is a hole big enough for a hard member to fit through. She waits and some random guy puts it through and she does what she wants.

Quagmire's avatar

Sounds interesting! Thanks!

Bri_L's avatar

@Quagmire – I want to be perfectly clear on this. I have never participated.

dpworkin's avatar

Gee, homosexuals should have done the glory hole thing. What were they thinking when they missed that one?

Quagmire's avatar

@Bri_L, any other thought NEVER entered my mind.

Quagmire's avatar

With MY luck there’d be Leatherface on the other side and next thing you know…

jbfletcherfan's avatar

LOLLLLLLL, oh boy. You sure can’t say this place isn’t educational!

Jack79's avatar

@daloon I think Tits is not answering because she’s too busy having sex with half the male population of NYC ;)

aprilsimnel's avatar

I read about glory holes as a kid in that book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex…But Were Afraid to Ask. I shouldn’t have been reading it, but there it was in the house and at 6, I found out about glory holes. They started with gay men.

As for your dilemma, Tits, I don’t know what to advise you. After that priest story, I thought you were the most liberated woman around here! :D I hope you can find what you need. And there’s always Toys in Babeland to help you out!

Saturated_Brain's avatar

@pdworkin Oh, gays’ve heard of it alright
As for me, I just usually go exercising or something.

wundayatta's avatar

We haven’t heard from @drdoombot or @eponymoushipster in a while. Don’t suppose there is a par-tay going on somewhere in the hicks?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon the hicks? dude, i live 10min from you!

wundayatta's avatar

@eponymoushipster Well, I was thinking of someplace somewhere between here and wherever Tits is (and I suspect she’s not in the Big Apple at the moment). Surely you would call that the hicks?!?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@daloon well, if it was central jersey, then maybe. or upper bucks. if it’s north jersey, then no.

but, whatever, we can make it work….@tits, me!

hearkat's avatar

@eponymoushipster: Central NJ is no longer Hicksville either! I miss my woods and farms and back roads!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@hearkat yeah, i guess that’s true. Salem County, however….

hearkat's avatar

@eponymoushipster: That is barely even NJ in my mind. I’m not sure I’ve ever actually been there!
I Lurve how my iPhone knows your name!

eponymoushipster's avatar

@hearkat haha. Salem County is so sparsely populated, it’s scary. it’s like being in the South.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities i was thinking that! as soon as i read that, i was like “CHUCK P”

CMaz's avatar

I have a couple of “friends” I can call when the “need” is more then I can “handle”.

wundayatta's avatar

@ChazMaz Lucky you. I take it you are not currently in a monogamous relationship?

Jack79's avatar

Guys, joking aside, this is the last question Tits asked on this site and then disappeared…I’m actually worried now…

eponymoushipster's avatar

i agree with @Jack79. This has a Law and Order: SVU vibe to it.

whatthefluther's avatar

OK roll up your tongues and move on gentlemen. This is her most recent question but she is around answering stuff and has been on-site today The only vibe I get is Tits is a tease….a very effective tease. See ya….Gary aka wtf

Sarcasm's avatar

What’re you talking about?
She flew out to San Diego and we had a wild week together!
but don’t ask her, she’ll probably deny it or pretend she doesn’t know what you’re talking about

CMaz's avatar

Daloon – No.

Have to make best with the situation I am currently in. :-)

asmonet's avatar

Tits never came back, maybe she got some. ;)

sparkle baby? ;)

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