Meta Question

sasman's avatar

How do I delete a question I asked on

Asked by sasman (17points) August 16th, 2009
8 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I asked a question on that I would like to delete. How do I delete the question?

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lefteh's avatar

Flag it yourself and explain the situation.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Flag it and explain why you want it deleted. As long as there aren’t a lot of responses already it should be deleted

marinelife's avatar

You can’t. You can only throw yourself on the mercy of the Fluther gods, who may or may not. You’ll need a pretty good reason.

chyna's avatar

It appears you really just want to delete your account, after having read your last question. Why don’t you stay around a little longer and see what Fluther is about. I would hate to see new people leave over a misunderstanding.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

The moderation staff cannot delete questions.
Why do you want to delete your question?

AstroChuck's avatar

If you beg and plead and promise your first born to either Ben or Andrew the Fluther gods might consider your request.

AstroChuck's avatar

A little cash couldn’t hurt either.

sasman's avatar

Well thanks everyone! at least I wasn’t made fun of for being un-educated in this question. And no one complained or made me re-edit it my question, even though it was very simple and straight forward.

But yes I would like to delete my 3 questions and cancel my account. Mosio is much more convenient, and easier to use. I can easily text in a question, and I get a response back via text message within minutes. No ad’s, no un-needed messages, and it is unlimited and free (yes, I’m pointing my finger at you Cha-Cha…you suck.) And this site: its alright, but I feel like I have to be “in” or “apart” of the group to use it. Otherwise, I am no good. Just look at my last question can how I was treated over a very simple question. I was flagged to re-edit it 3 times and the responses were unacceptable. Furthermore, the only way I can use this site on the go is via Mobile IM. And After testing it on the computer, it didn’t work. It took 5 messages just to submit my question, and I never got my answer back. (I had to log on my email) so this site isn’t very useful for that have questions on the go, like me.

So I hope this explains my frustration with this site and why I want to pack my bags and leave.

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