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howto's avatar

How much makeup should i wear as a freshman girl?

Asked by howto (16points) August 24th, 2009
37 responses
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i almost never wear makeup not, and when i start doing it more regularly, i dont want to look like a hooker! please help!

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avvooooooo's avatar

Probably a little mascara and a little lip gloss would be fine and appropriate. Unless you need something like foundation/powder, don’t bother!

Tink's avatar

Just wear what you are comfortable with, not a thick layer, just alittle. And as @avvooooooo said, if you don’t need foundation or power, don’t use it, it might just dry up your skin. And you don’t want that.

cwilbur's avatar

If you don’t think you need to wear makeup, why would you?

perplexism's avatar

Freshman of what? High school, college? Who says you have to wear make-up? I don’t know about you, but I can appreciate natural beauty.

peyton_farquhar's avatar

None. Why would a freshman girl want to wear makeup? Better to sleep in.

howto's avatar

i have to start waking up super early for swimming and i dont want to look horrible

avvooooooo's avatar

@peyton_farquhar A hit of mascara and a hit of lip gloss takes less than 2 minutes if you get used to it. :)

PandoraBoxx's avatar

If you have to take PE this year, too much makeup will be hard to manage at school. You’ll perspire it off, and then be late for your next class putting it back on.

Why would you wear make-up to get into the pool before school? No one’s looking at you at 6:30 am.

Sarcasm's avatar


kheredia's avatar

I’ve never worn foundation or powder. I’m 26 years old and still wear just a bit of eye make up and lipstick. I think the natural look is so much nicer. Especially on a younger girl. Just don’t over do it. At your age you really don’t need much make up.

cyn's avatar

mascara, little foundation/powder, a sweet colour of eyeshadow.
[edit] NO TOP EYELINER! I added some links.
And how could I forget lipgloss?

J0E's avatar

A couple inches.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (0points)
soar's avatar

Hmm. Sounds like you’re only doing it because everyone else is.
Don’t. If you like yourself without makeup then you don’t need any.

If you still want to then put a little mascara and eyeliner. Don’t need much else.

PerryDolia's avatar

Wear as little as possible. You are perfect just like you are.

casheroo's avatar

I wouldn’t wear it unless you want to, don’t do it because of peer pressure.

I think lip gloss is really the appropriate makeup for someone your age. You can wear more for special occasions like dances.

SeventhSense's avatar

Zip. You will never look as good or your skin as fresh and tight as it is now. Enjoy it while you can. Cover it up when you’re 50.

SeventhSense's avatar

did your avatar background get orange or is that my browser?

photographcrash's avatar

my basic make up routine (which I’ve been doing for years now) is a little dark eyeliner (on the bottom eyelid only), a touch of mascara, and a little lipgloss or tinted chapstick. takes about three minutes and looks very natural.

answerjill's avatar

I didn’t wear any makeup in high school, but if I had to make any suggestions, I’d go with lipgloss or tinted lip balm. Also, if you are looking tired, a light brushing of blush can help you look more awake. Only wear makeup if it makes you feel good.

Judi's avatar

If you need foundation, just get a tinted moisturizer with at least SPF 15. It’s never to early to start protecting your skin.

Likeradar's avatar

@howto You mean for after swimming, right? I’m trying to figure out why you’d want mascara running down your face. :)

If you really want to wear makeup, I’d go for a spot of concealer only where you need it, a coat of mascara, and light lip gloss. A small amount of shadow or eyeliner can be fun too. Or go barefaced. Just don’t be the overly made-up girl.

I didn’t wear makeup til I was well into college. There’s just no need for it.

skfinkel's avatar

What about wearing makeup when you get dressed up to go out on dates, and just the bare minimum to none for school, when in reality, it sounds like you are up to lots of other stuff. You will be appreciated for your natural looks in either case.

cyn's avatar

@SeventhSense We’re doing it for @cak. :) to show our support.

le_inferno's avatar

Okay, honestly, don’t listen to what guys have to say about make-up. They don’t know shit. What they do know is what looks good. If you know how to do make-up effectively, then that’s all that matters. 99.9% of the time a guy will say “I like a natural look.” That’s great. Make-up is meant to enhance your “natural look” to trick people into thinking you look better :P

I completely disagree with @PandoraBoxx. What girl sweats off their make-up in a high school PE class? After 4 years of high school that never happened to me, nor anyone I know. (I’d also like to point out I can’t remember more than once or twice I actually sweat during gym class.. haha)
I also disagree with @cyndihugs. Top eyeliner is a wonderrrful thing if you can do it right. It just can’t be too thick.

I don’t get why everyone’s all about just “lip gloss and mascara.” But if you’re gonna wear something on your lips, make sure it looks natural to your color and isn’t all gooey looking. Personally, I think eye-liner+mascara is a necessity. (I wear a face powder cause I get shiny, but that part’s up to you) If you think applying (pencil) liner to the waterline on the bottom of your eye is too intense, just use a hint of it along the lash-line and only go about halfway. If you do top, use liquid. Go thin along the lash-line and thicker towards the edge. Trust me, if you do it right, it’s barely even noticeable, but will make a world of difference :)

Don’t wear eyeshadow often. I got in a bad habit of falling in love with a gray smokey eye look and then started to feel naked without it :X Save that for days you really want to look good.
So that’s my advice, from a just-graduated-high-school-student to an incoming freshman. I suffered many make-up faux pas to arrive at where I am now, so take advantage of the fact that you can skip all the amateur crap I did. (Rookie mistakes = pencil liner on top, usually looks messy.. crappy eye shadow application.. too much powder..) So do what you will with my wisdom! Here’s to you lookin hawt.

Judi's avatar

When I was a teenager my mom took me to a Mary Kay party. I learned hands on how to apply make-up correctly so I wouldn’t look likw a clown.
It was one of those “best things I ever did” type things at the time. I love make-up but I probably would have made a few awful mistakes if I hadn’t learned how to do it right from the start.

wundayatta's avatar

Let me look in the “Complete Manual for Freshman Girls.”

Oops. I seem to have misplaced it. Sorry. But the answer is there, for sure!

Jess's avatar

None. I’m dead serious when I say girls look way more pretty, real, cool and approachable when they’re just natural…....

Judi's avatar

you would be surprised at how many girls wear make-up that you don’t even know.
My personal rule is that I want people to say “she has pretty eyes ” Not, ” She has pretty eye shadow. ”
if someone compliments my make-up I know I have to much on.

answerjill's avatar

I agree with Judi—I think that many guys who say that they like the “natural-look” down realize that those women are wearing at least a little makeup.

desiree333's avatar

Are you a freshman to high school or college?

For the face:
-You should wear some foundation and then powder to set it to keep it on all day. (you can use titnted moisturizer if you don’t like liquid)
-apply a little blush on the apples of your cheeks

For the eyes:
-just curl your lashes, then put one coat of mascara on (if you only want to pay for drugstore products, I suggest the covergirl lash blast)
-apply some liner on your top lid, and put a light eyeshadow (light brown or something), then put a medium colour on your crease (toupe, or medium brown)

Thats probably all you need to do, and if you want to enhance your beauty and not look like your wearing makeup just contour and highlight your face just to define your features. If your not sure what I mean or how to contour/highlight in the right areas and do it properly just ask me.

Judi's avatar

specific colors would depend on her skin tone and eye color. Unless she links a picture of her face, And a description of her skin type, I don’t think applying make-up the same way you do is sound advice at all.

answerjill's avatar

I first started wearing makeup when I was about half-way through college. I had no idea what to buy or how to apply the stuff. So, I went to a counter in a department store and a helpful sales associate helped me find my colors and showed me how to put them on. I didn’t buy everything that she recommended, since department store makeup can be very pricey. It did give me a good start, though. I bought some things from her, kind of like a starter-kit. Plus, once I had ideas for which colors to pick, I was able to buy cheaper makeup on my own. You just have to be firm if the SA pressures you to buy too much. Also, you may not like the way that she applied your makeup. You can always visit another one next time!

chyna's avatar

@SeventhSense Apparently I need to cake on some makeup at the advanced age of 50.
@howto If you absolutely want to wear mascara before swimming, get a water proof one. That way, it isn’t streaking down your face or caked under your eyes when you get out of the water.

le_inferno's avatar

@chyna Mehhh.. water proof mascara sucks. It’s really sticky and a nightmare to take off, and it’s not even really waterproof. At least, not enough to last through swimming in a pool. I’ve tried it. The black still rubs off a little on to your skin, and then it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get off. And it clumps your lashes together really bad.

@desiree333 Nah.. if she wants drug-store mascara, the way to go is Great Lash. rated #1 by every establishment that spends time rating mascaras. I use it and can back up that it’s great

chyna's avatar

@le_inferno It’s always worked for me. I even pick up the cheapest brand, because I’m only going to use it a few times. I’ve never had a problem getting it off either, I just use cold cream.

Judi's avatar

@le_inferno ; you need to use the good stuff.

spittingamethyst's avatar

To me, it never mattered how much. It was how you used it and your personal preference. Simple. Don’t stress over nothing.

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