I live in AK and recently went through a 7 point something quake. Yes, it was scary as all get out. JrpowYesell’s post covers this nicely, tho’ I’d add few things. One, if you live in earthquake country, avoid putting large items/pictures/whatever above your bed. I was lucky, nothing much on walls, but others weren’t so lucky and felt like the world was falling in on them. Second, keep a flashlight handy and secured to something you think will remain stable. Earthquakes aren’t always nice enough to take place when it’s daylight outside (ours wasn’t) and a flashlight will be very important. A pair of shoes you can easily slip into, too, tho’ be sure to shake them out nicely just in case something has broken and left glass inside them.
As to your original question, I’d add to invest in at least a small generator. If it isn’t something you anticipate needing to use frequently, something that will power your lights and heat would suffice. Remember, even your smart phones need to be powered up occasionally! My iPhone was like my precious connection to the outside world at the time, so you might make a point of keeping that handy, too, in a secure place on your or nearby.
Oh, and to add to jrpowell’s list, don’t forget pets! Like children (and, yes, scared adults) they’ll need comforting, too, and comfort foods and toys.