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bumwithablackberry's avatar

Which is better an Xbox360 or PS3?

Asked by bumwithablackberry (932points) August 26th, 2009
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teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

In b4 console/PC fanboys
Read this

bumwithablackberry's avatar

PC, that’s what I like, the last game I played was Fallout 2, loved it, sucks they sold the rights and it got turned into some first person bullshit.

Ansible1's avatar

If you Google xbox 360 vs PS3 you will get tons of info, I did when I was debating what to get and finally settled on a 360. I think it totally depends on what you’re looking for in a console, what you will use it for besides gaming, and what kinds of games you like. And of course how much money you’re willing to spend.

MrGV's avatar

Depends on what kind of games you like playing PS3 is more of a RPG, Simulation, Fighting, and Adventure games. 360 is known for first person shooter games.

bumwithablackberry's avatar

Yeah what’s with that, how come Xbox’s break so much, Thanks a lot Bill

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Has to do with the heat sinks, motherboards and all that
CBA to find out

doggywuv's avatar

The 360 has more games while the PS3 allows you to play online for free (and has built in WIFI) and has a Blu-ray player.

You should also note that a new PS3 will come out in September, which will be smaller.

TheCreative's avatar

I like the PS3 as a machine. Much less problems and I love how online play is free. Home is pretty cool too. I use XBox now though because it has lots more developers making games for it but as a machine.. well, it’s made by Microsoft. Tierd of problems

saraaaaaa's avatar

Aquestion like thixs would have started a war in my old house.
These upcoming projects for the 360 is going to make Microsoft clear winners me thinks.

Not that Bill really needs anymore money

sandystrachan's avatar

Xbox suck , ps3 is miles better.
Built in blu-ray , wifi it has FREE online play .
Chances are more people here will have a xbox , your best option is play them both then decide . The new ps3 slim line looks crap only good thing about it’s looks is the logo It has a faster processor and it not as noisy , it also has a bigger HDD but EVERY ps3’s HDD is upgradable to atleast 700GIG . If you do settle for xbox you will have to shell out for a blu-ray player wi-fi and what not , is it really worth it when ps3 comes with it all already ? And the conrollers are better designed on ps3 .
I could carry on but…

doggywuv's avatar

@sandystrachan The 360 controller is much more comfortable than the PS3 one. The only bad feature about it is that the two thumb pads aren’t aligned like on the PS3.

perplexism's avatar

Here’s my take, the XBOX360 has a lot more games than the PS3. It’s cheaper – right now, at least – and from what I hear, they have more online users. However, I’m a Playstation girl. I’m holding out (still) on buying an XBOX360 until the PS3 drops their price, which I heard they’re doing sometime this year. I’m also hoping they will get their act together in the gaming department, because right now, there are only a handful or so games on the system that I really want to play.

Come Christmas season, if I don’t see any drastic changes, I’m switching sides.

saraaaaaa's avatar

@doggywuv If you check out my link you will see that the controller issue won’t be a problem for much longer

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

You can also mod your xbox and get cheap back up copies of games
But you didn’t hear that from me….

Ackdog's avatar

I like the xbox 360 because of the media networking capabilities. I stream music and photos etc. from my laptop more often than play games.

dynamicduo's avatar

Xboxes break because Microsoft knowingly released a faulty product to market. Make of that what you will.

I have been a long Wii/X360 player. I enjoy the Xbox, but I will never pay to play games online, I think that’s complete bullshit. I love playing Rock Band on it, although there’s no real difference between it and the PS3 version. In my opinion I would say it has a larger game selection but not necessarily better.

The PS3 is something I’m looking into buying, especially now that the Slim is going to be released soon (which I think looks awesome, much nicer than the beast that is the PS3 Fat Ass now). It is a great machine, it’s a great media player too, and the games look amazing on it… but there are not a lot of games. And those that exist tend to be games for independent gamers or gaming with friends either in person or online. Free online play and you can have two people logged in to their PSN accounts using the same console… that’s pretty sweet.

So if you let us know what games you like to play more than just Fallout 2, we can see what console would suit your needs best.

From my experience, Mass Effect was a great game that gives the Xbox an advantage. I also love Katamari and there’s a version for 360. Games I want to play on the PS3 include Fat Princess (a downloadable game I believe) and Little Big Planet, and FF13 since the graphics will look gorgeous on it. But other than that, there isn’t really much of a draw for buying the PS3 fo rme. We were playing on a friend’s console yesterday trying out some cool games like Infamous (which has a great storyline but reminds me too much of Assassin’s Creed), Bladestorm, and Valkyria Chronicles which looks pretty neat indeed, but not revolutionary.

CodexNecro's avatar

Xbox 360, failure rate and all. You won’t have to update every 30 seconds and you can actually connect to the internet. When I had my PS3, it would knock every computer in my house offline whenever I tried to connect to PSN.

This is all, of course, my own personal experience. You really have to look at all the info on both systems and decide for yourself which is better. If you can’t decide, buy a Wii, they’re great.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

@CodexNecro Oh yeah I remember I had to wait a long to play guitar hero on my friend’s PS3. We got wasted while we were waiting.
Good times…

Bugabear's avatar

Depends entirely what games you play. For example if you’re a Halo / Call of duty kind of person go with a 360. If you like Racing games go with the PS3

Another thing to consider is that Xbox Live costs money but the PSN is free from what I hear. And the faliure rate for the 360 and PS3 are about the same with the PS3 a little bit more. Ive been using my 360 since it came out and the only problem I’ve had were with scratched discs. My friend tells me that the PS3 likes to freeze when too much is happening. But the PS3 has syncing with a PSP if you have one.

Also Hardware wise the PS3 beats the 360 any day but games wise the Xbox has a much better selection.

sweetteaindahouse's avatar

I have had my xbox 360 for 3 or 4 years. I freaking love the thing. I remember trying to play on a Playstation and i just didn’t like the feel. Coming from the Nintendo background I love the A, B, X, Y button set-up. Tell me to hit triangle then square and I am all messed up. I did get the Red Ring of Death but I had my friend fix it for me. That was just last month so you can see that it lasted a long time without breaking. I really love the xbox community and how everything works. I guess I am also being a little biased since I have never played a PS3, but 360 just seems so much better. Plus if you like the Beatles you will get more songs on Beatles Rockband than PS3 will get.

Bugabear's avatar

The red ring of death just means the hardrive is disconnected. Nothing big. Just turn it off. Take it out, blow on the ports and connectors then plug it back in.

WiseOldUnicorn's avatar

There was a time when I would have said neither one of them is really better, it all depends on what you’re looking for in a console and what kind of games you like to play. But unfortunately, the fact is, if you buy an Xbox 360 then chances are greater than not you’re going to encounter some sort of hardware failure at some point. With that in mind, especially since most major games are available for both consoles now, I’ve got to say the PS3 is better. No fangirlism here—I own and love all three consoles, but as cool as it is, the 360 is the only console I’ve ever owned that I can’t trust to let me play games when I want to. And when you look at how ridiculously high its failure rate is…yeah.

Resonantscythe's avatar

The Super nnintendo.

But speaking seriously, The original NES

But responding to the actual question, depends on your taste in the games. I’d say just have a look at their exclusives and see which are more your speed. I have a PS3 myself because it’s exclusives are more my style.

But if you really wanna get into it, internet for ps3 is free and it’s been reported that 53% of Xboxes get the Red Ring of death. Also the Ps3 is a bluray player if you don’t already have one.
Whereas the in game achievements in xbox games actually reward you with something, while Ps3 trophies are bragging-rights only.

And if you’re one of “those people”ugh who nitpick over graphics the xbox supposedly has better anti-aliasing( jagged edge prevention) but honestly unless you’re one of those graphics hyper-elitists, you won’t notice the damn difference.

Most people find the PS3 Controller more comfortable.(Besides the Xbobx controller is a ripoff of the old ps2 design anyway, just look at them)

hope this was helpful

sandystrachan's avatar

PS3 is £250 right now , due for a price drop in the new year .
The ps3 controller is very very hand friendly , it also has FPS games wow it doesn’t have halo from what i hear ps3 plays SOME 360 games, i haven’t tried cause i wont sully my house / hands / body brain with xbox games or anything related You will hear lots of bitching about both consoles this is one for YOU to work out yourself .

bumwithablackberry's avatar

I kinda like what @sandystrachan has to say, I have really big hands, I mean lesbians look at my fingers and get penis envy, so that’s important to me. Furthermore, I haven’t played video games regularly in a very long time, like ten years, played a few pc games though. So if I got a PS3 I could buy the PS2 games really cheap, helpful because I’m so poor and my brother’s and asshole, and be like a kid in a candy store. Is anyone getting all this? I’m lost

sandystrachan's avatar

If you wanna go to xbox just get games for you pc . Oh and xbox are stopping a certain version of the console in favour for the elite , and the prices are going down by a handful of $ . Still you need to buy a blu-ray player buy the ps3

doggywuv's avatar

@saraaaaaa I see, project Natal looks awesome!

saraaaaaa's avatar

Haha! Glad you checked out the link, was most interesting. That Milo thing scares me though, tis the furthest our technology has ever developed in terms of AI

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