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brinibear's avatar

Have you been so scared, that you....?

Asked by brinibear (1388points) September 8th, 2009
29 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Many people do many weird things when they are scared, for example, passing out, wetting yourself, dropping a load.

I went to a haunted corn maze, last year, and I got so scared that I wet myself. Not only did I not know where I was, but around every corner, something was lurking. By the time I finally got out of the maze, I was truly scared, I was crying, not only from embarassed. That was my first and most likely last time, I will ever do something like that ever again.

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christine215's avatar

someone played a horrible “trick” on us one year for Halloween… they threw a smoke bomb in our front bushes, rang the door and took off.

I answered the door and saw the smoke billowing out of the bushes and thought that the house was on fire… I was so scared, I tried to scream and nothing came out…

Bri_L's avatar

Once I couldn’t find my son in the house and I was afraid he was hurt. Turns out he fell asleep on the wall side of the bed. there is about 2 feet of space. I was shouting louder than I thought possible for him.

kibaxcheza's avatar

passed out durring “when a stranger calls”. Havent been scared by a movie since.

brinibear's avatar

My brothers and I went trick or treating a while back, and we walked up to this house that had the taco bell skeleton on it, saying the old Taco Bell phrases. Well, while we were walking up to ring the doorbell, both of the bushes jumped at us. My brother dropped, I screamed, and the lady who opened the door was laughing so hard, that she was crying. But the lady gave us king size candy bars, for actually making it up to the door, but for several months after that, my brothers and I were all scared to go near bushes.

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

I can’t really remember a time that I have gotten that scared. I have had ALOT of wild things happen to me, but I don’t ever remember being scared, just nervously collected. When I was 13, I recall riding the Texas Giant at Six Flags. I was with a close friend and was as skinny as me at the time. As soon as we sat in the seats, the “safety” bar came down. It stop a foot and a half away from my lap, I was 13 years old, probably 100 lbs, and I was thinking…oh shit. My friend was crying at the end of the ride, and I was hugging the bar with my feet pressed against the wall of the car. I almost got thrown out a couple of times, and the only thing that kept me in the car was my scrony little, flexed body around every turn. I never will get on a roller coaster again. My ex-girlfriend got me on a small one, and she was laughing the entire trip. I was like a cat in a room full of puppys. I just don’t like them I tell you!

noelasun's avatar

After I watched my first few scary movies in middle school, It got so bad that I couldn’t close my eyes to wash my face. So every night, (it was ok in the mornings, funny how things work) I would wash around my eyes so that I could see what was going on.

Even these days, sometimes when I’m washing my face and covering my eyes, I start remembering the scary movies and just have to open my eyes, even if it means my eyes will be all red from the soap. =/

Bri_L's avatar

@kibaxcheza – that movie. I can’t watch it now that I have kids.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I swear loudly and violently when I am scared in person, i.e. haunted house, etc.. The last movie that actually scared me was the first Alien movie back in 1979. Saw it in the theatre. It was dark when I left the theatre. I almost ran to my car. =)

DominicX's avatar

I don’t think I’ve ever done anything like that. After watching The Amityville Horror (1979), I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I was trying to fall asleep and I remember pulling the cover up over my head like in a cliched movie when a kid is scared…lol

Other than that, I just scream really loudly. @evelyns_pet_zebra will love this one. Two nights ago, I walked into a spider web at night, but I wasn’t really paying attention. I just wanted the web off my face. A few minutes later, I went inside to the bathroom and out of the corner of my eye I saw something brown on my shoulder and I then I looked over and there was a big brown spider on me. I screamed like I had just been stabbed. I pretty much spasmed as I tried to brush it off. My mom came rushing towards me wondering what I was screaming about and she said “big spider in the bathroom?”. I am so predictable…. :)

I also agree with @AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA about roller coasters. I’ve only been on one, Space Mountain at Disneyland. Freaked me out. I will never go on another one again. I was 13 at the time too, but I was no more than like 80 pounds. Everyone else liked it, I did not. I threw up right after I got off. :(

kibaxcheza's avatar

@Bri_L the story behind it is even creepier.

The girl that called the cops explained that she saw a man staring at her through her window. The cops said the only way it would have worked is if she was looking at his reflection in the window…. And he was standing behind her….

Bri_L's avatar

@kibaxcheza – that is what the movie was based on? Creep me out!

kibaxcheza's avatar

Thats why it says based on true events. yup yup.

avvooooooo's avatar

@kibaxcheza @Bri_L

“When a Stranger Calls” was not “based on true events.”

When a Stranger Calls
“While this particular story was entirely fictitous, there was a real-life incident, dramatized on TLC, whereby a man broke into somebody’s home and repeatedly telephoning their babysitter, before tying a sock to the mouth of her young charge, a little boy.”

kibaxcheza's avatar

It is possible im mixing up stories, my apologies for seeing entirely too many movies.

unless you take this as any kind of proof. But if you say no, ill understand as its not the story I provided.

But its also another possibility that ive gotten one of the many true storys behind “Strangers” confused with “When a stranger calls”. So I also see that as a feasible mistake.

tinyfaery's avatar

The most scared I have ever been is when we were being evacuated from a fire, and as we were stopped in traffic I saw the flames coming down the hill. I almost puked. I have an anxiety disorder as it is. I almost left my car (and cats) to run.

Bri_L's avatar

@avvooooooo and @kibaxcheza – made up, not made up. It freaked me out!!

Supacase's avatar

I was watching Misery in a theater. Some part, I have no idea what now as the movie really isn’t that bad, scared me and only me. I stood straight up and screamed. My date was so embarrassed. I have never actually screamed at any other movie in my life.

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

@tinyfaery, that is horrible, but your description made me laugh my ass off. Fire where?

tinyfaery's avatar

Fire in L.A. last year.

deni's avatar

One time I apparently pulled out in front of someone (to this day I still don’t know where he came from because I never saw him and I’m very careful!) and he followed me until I stopped (I didn’t notice that he was intentionally following me until right before I pulled over) and he pulled up beside me and started scrrrrreeeeeeaming at me. I was only 17 and I was so scared I peed my pants. Very embarassing. Also, turns out he was a substitute at my school and I saw him the next day. I almost died, but he either didn’t recognize me or just didn’t want to have another freak out in a public setting. Yow.

Another time which also involves driving, I got pulled over after driving my friends car home from Pittsburgh (I live about a half hour outside of it) in the wee hours of the morning after it had been smoked in a lot that day. I didn’t notice the smell, but I got pulled over for “swerving” and as soon as he said “this car smells like marijuana” I peed my pants. Not too badly though, luckily, because I had to get out and stand there in the ten degree December air at 2 am while he searched/destroyed the vehicle for an hour.

Both those times blew.

kibaxcheza's avatar

Had a guy pull a gun on me, been followed home, had some dude get out of his car and start yelling at me and hitting my car, had a buncha people roll up on me with knives; and the one time i was truly scared was in a damn movie XD.

AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA's avatar

@tinyfaery, good thing you got out of there.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@DominicX Thanks for the laugh, but you know, I’ve been startled pretty bad by spiders on me, too. What really freaks me out isn’t spiders, but bees. When I feel something crawling on me where I can’t see, reach back to grab it and find a bee, well I scream like I’ve been stabbed too, even if it doesn’t sting me.

bees freak me out as much as spiders freak you out. I am totally creeped out by bees.

Piper_Brianmind's avatar

Eh. I’ve never pissed myself or anything. But one time I had this ridiculous nightmare, not going into detail, and I seriously didn’t answer the door for over five months. I just couldn’t.

christine215's avatar

@kibaxcheza I was at a party when I was a “kid” where someone I knew pulled a gun on a dude that was beating up one of his friends… the strangest thing is that I actually became really calm when everyone else was screaming and “hitting the dirt” I walked over to my friend holding the gun and talked him into putting the gun down
(turns out that the gun was not loaded, nor was it functioning… but I didn’t know that!) Stupid friend for pointing at someone
Stupid guy for showing up at a party, getting drunk and beating someone up
Stupid me for walking up next to a dude pointing a gun at another dude…
(man we were some stupid kids back in the day)

kibaxcheza's avatar

aint we all man

wildpotato's avatar

@AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA That happened to me, too! The first time I was ever on a rollercoaster. I thought I was going to die. But I love rollercoasters now – must not have made a big impression on me.

Question answer: I first saw The Exorcist in theaters with my first boyfriend, when I was 14. The parts when her head turns totally around, and the part where she scrambles backwards down the stairs, made the whole theater scream and clutch the person sitting next to them. The noises were what did it – the creeeeak and the scrambling sound.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Not yet. I go into mild shock when giving blood or if I see myself bleed from a wound but nothing more than that.

Lua_cara's avatar

…passed out-yes.

My son was all of 6months old and he fell off a bed and the doctors wanted to rule out concussion as he kept on throwing up after meals so they advised a Ct scan.

My tiny baby was strapped on to the machine and the table wheeled into the huge dome.For that minute or two that it took them to complete the scan somehow managed to hold myself together.As soon as the attending doctor told me that everything was OK I just passed out .

That nightmare of watching my baby in that giant machine still gives me nightmares.

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