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lostinyoureyes's avatar

How movie-like is your love story?

Asked by lostinyoureyes (1121points) September 8th, 2009
27 responses
“Great Question” (5points)

People always say love isn’t like it is in the movies… but does anyone here have a story about meeting their current or past significant other that could’ve come straight out of a movie?

I feel like it’s always more exciting in movies and TV… and so anticlimatic in real life.

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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d say it’s pretty much very movie-love…we were both married when we met each other online and fell in love without ever meeting…then when he was on a business trip in a different state, I randomly got on a plane and spent 4 days with him in secret…it was sexy and passionate and life changing…he went home and divorced his wife…I went home and told my husband it’s over…2 months later, he left it all behind and moved here to NYC to be with me…we went against all their talks, their worries, their cautions…we risked it all, the lives we established and all that to be with each other…it was movie-love, still is

DominicX's avatar

lol…it’s almost laughable the way Rory and I “met”. I put it in quotes because we knew each for 6 years before we became boyfriend and boyfriend. But as I explained in full on another thread, we were literally sitting together in a garden with lit candles (the people who owned the house had lit the candles because they had been out there earlier and hadn’t blown them out yet) and then we revealed our sexuality to each other and how we had liked each other for a while and then we kissed and that started it. But that’s what really happened. :)

I really think the mood is what made me open up to him more. I don’t think I would’ve done that had it been a different setting.

Darwin's avatar

We were tricked into being introduced by a private detective whose boyfriend’s murderer’s trial was in my husband’s court. Then when we met we argued about how much sugar goes into a teriyaki sauce. If that isn’t unlikely enough to be a movie, I don’t know what is. All it would need is John Cleese, the comfy chair and Gilda Radner.

Oh, and I realized I loved him because I was stuck in Toronto for two weeks living in a University dorm without him but he let me call him collect.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Maybe a romantic comedy. We met at a party, he walked me back to my home, I made him show me his ID before I let him in, and then I refused to give him my phone number. Instead I told him if he remembered my unusual last name the next day, and found me on facebook, I would tell send him my number, if I felt like it. He did, and I did, and we’ve been together ever since. It is and was anything but anti-climactic.

benjaminlevi's avatar

Umm… its about as romantic as “Snakes on a Plane”

Syger's avatar

So far; it’d pretty much make a perfect movie. So much so that I’m kind worried about it, haha.

Tink's avatar

New guy moves into new school, she likes him, secretly he likes her. They become best friends, and they eventually fall in love. That’s mine.

casheroo's avatar

Yeah, like an early twenties angsty drama…not like a love story at all. lol

kheredia's avatar

He sent me a very sweet e-mail on my Hi5 account (something about stars kissing my feet). I found him exotic being from another country and he immediately caught my interest. We started chatting online every night until one day we just decided to meet in person. Now 3 years later, we’re engaged and living together with our two beautiful dogs. I couldn’t be any happier.

cyn's avatar

Darn! He sings to me. Not so romantic. Okay here’s the story: we both secretly still like each other (I think). We have that
me: You’re such an asshole
him: You’re such a bitch
He looks at me when I’m not looking at him and I look at him when he’s not looking at me.
When we find ourselves just looking at each other (I think) [edit: wrong place], we freeeze and lock our eyes on each other (kinda like I-like-you glaring), eventually, nothing comes out of our mouths except a “hi” or “what’s up?” and that’s it. We’re both alike in a way that it makes us look different. I don’t think I’m making any sense. Seriously, it’s not romantic! :(

lostinyoureyes's avatar

@cyndihugs – aw, this sounds more like a to-be-continued potential love story. one of you needs to make a move so it can turn into an actual story!

jonsblond's avatar

We met at a Sonny Chiba triple-feature at a downtown grindhouse. It was love at first sight for both of us. I was a prostitute who was paid by my boss to bump into him; I had only been in the business for a few days, and was more than eager to give up streetwalking to be with Jon. However, I new my pimp would not be happy. He was an ill-mannered sort with mob connections and a fondness for violence. Jon offered to break the news to my pimp and collect my belongings, but he didn’t tell me he actually planned to kill my pimp while he was there. A melee broke out that left my pimp and his henchmen dead. Jon grabbed a suitcase that he thought contained my clothes, but he discovered it instead held five million dollars’ worth of cocaine. We hit the road for California, planning to sell the dope and enjoy the good life in South America with the proceeds, but soon a group of very unhappy underworld characters were after us, as well as the police.

Long story short, we made it safely to our tropical hideaway and started our family.

cyn's avatar

@lostinyoureyes I know. It’s been on continue for like 9 months now. I’m crying as I type. This is sad.

kheredia's avatar

@cyndihugs You should just kiss him and get it over with. I’m sure he’ll respond nicely to that ;-)

cyn's avatar

@kheredia That’s easy to say. It takes a lot of guts to do that, though. Believe me, I’ll eventually end up doing that. It won’t be the first time I’ve done that anyway. ((: Great advice.
@jonsblond :) I feel like I’m watching a drug-dealing movie where you guys are being chased by cops and never get caught. :)

Sarcasm's avatar

Very movie-like.
If not for a few weird nights, it’d totally be the prequel to “The 40-year-old virgin”.

Sampson's avatar

You could say that it’s movie-like, I guess… I dunno. I wouldn’t call it mundane, but I don’t see where it’d fall into that linear excitement chart all of our English teachers mapped out on the blackboard.

@jonsblond Nice!

galileogirl's avatar

It was more like a song—-

We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout,
We’ve been talkin’ ‘bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
I’m goin’ to Jackson, I’m gonna mess around,
Yeah, I’m goin’ to Jackson,
Look out Jackson town.

Well, go on down to Jackson; go ahead and wreck your health.
Go play your hand you big-talkin’ man, make a big fool of yourself,
Yeah, go to Jackson; go comb your hair!
Honey, I’m gonna snowball Jackson.
See if I care.

When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow.
All them women gonna make me, teach ‘em what they don’t know how,
I’m goin’ to Jackson, you turn-a loose-a my coat.
‘Cos I’m goin’ to Jackson.
“Goodbye,” that’s all she wrote.

But they’ll laugh at you in Jackson, and I’ll be dancin’ on a Pony Keg.
They’ll lead you ‘round town like a scolded hound,
With your tail tucked between your legs,
Yeah, go to Jackson, you big-talkin’ man.
And I’ll be waitin’ in Jackson, behind my Japan Fan,
Well now, We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper Sprout,
We’ve been talkin’ ‘bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.

Bluefreedom's avatar

My love story is a profusion of events comparable to what is seen in “How I married an axe murderer”, “Fatal Attraction”, and “A thin line between love and hate”. Never a dull moment, that’s for sure. Actually, that was my first marriage. Now defunct for obvious reasons.

My current love story isn’t nearly as volatile as the previous one and I agree it is somewhat more anticlimactic in real life. They make it look so different in the movies and it’s just like Jay (of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back) said, “Hollywood is so fake.”

CMaz's avatar

It is the story that needs to be told. Human slavery in the 20th century.
Adopted at the age of 8. Put into a foster home at 4.
She was raised by a covert molesting father (who is a cop)
A child hoarding mother.

Raised to be her fathers slave and eyecandy.. Her desire to serve men. Controlled by a mother that made her a house worker, caring for the foster children paycheck they received each month.
Accepting early in life, born a slave always a slave.

The most pleasing accommodating, “loving” and sexy/sexual woman you would ever meet.
With the insight of a 10 year old. She being 28.

A story of , child abuse, assault, slavery and imprisonment. Deep devotion, love, sacrifice.. Rape and hardship. A lost soul looking for an answer and someone to love her for who she is.
The illusion of such abyssal love, to cause a man to loose himself for someone that was/is so damaged.

The story is true, the names have been changed to hid the identity of the accused.

drClaw's avatar

My wife and I definitely would have been shelved in the romantic comedy section…

One night I was sitting out in front of my apartment building smoking, drinking and playing guitar with a friend or two when 2 girls from upstairs came running out of the building. I asked “what was wrong?” To which they explained there was a “MONSTER SPIDER in their bathroom!” Being the gentlemen I am I walked into their apartment and slayed the “monster” house spider. BTW I was terrified of spiders so big thanks to Jack Daniels for giving me a little courage that night!

After conquering the 8 legged beast my future wife and I sat up all night talking.Six years and a wedding ring later we still love each other as much as when we first met. The rest as they say is history.

Judi's avatar

Mine is a true Cinderella story. I was a young widow. My first mariage was volitale, riddled with passion, abuse, mental illness and ended in violent suacide. I was left a wounded, broke, 28 year old with 3 kids to feed.
He was my prince. My white knight that swept me off my feet. He appreciated what I had to bring to the relationship, which was not much more than love, devotion, compassion, a little wisdom, a sprinkle of passion, and 3 wounded children.
For the last 20 years he has given me a fairy tale life. I have been places and seen things I had never imagined. I have never wanted for anything. I couldn’t imGine a better “Happily Ever After. ”

ohmyword's avatar

We’re from the same town originally… he’s a few years older than me & we didn’t meet until years later when we both lived far from home. Besides that it’s all unimportant and not very movie-like.

hondagirrlx's avatar

I met my husband through an ex boyfriend. We were walking up to LongHorn to eat with a bunch of friends and as we’re walking up I see my husband and his friend sitting on the bench staring at me.. when we finally met up with everyone I realized they were in the same group as us.. All through dinner I was talking to my husbands friend and trying to talk to my husband but he was so talkative. My ex and I were having problems at this time and so I ended up having feelings for my husbands friend. I broke up with the ex and my husband was trying to hook up me and his friend because at that time my husband was with someone. Well that didnt work out, and my husband and I slowly started hanging out more and more and we became really good friends. One night he invited me over for dinner at his dads house and after, instead of taking me home, he took me to the beach. We were on the sand play fighting when he picked me up into his arms and kissed me. Let me just tell you that when he kissed me it was like time had stopped. I knew right there that that was it. And now 5 years later, we are happily married with a puppy! :)

JeffVader's avatar

Hmmmm, I’d have to say mine is more like a soap opera than a movie!

CMaz's avatar

Mine was a horror story… With lots of sex.

JeffVader's avatar

@ChazMaz Cant beat abit of horror-porn!

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