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OpryLeigh's avatar

When it comes to models on magazine covers, what would you prefer to see?

Asked by OpryLeigh (25305points) September 11th, 2009
20 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

We are all used to seeing airbrushed, slim, beautiful models on magazines but recently there is more of a trend to use “real” women in magazines and ad campaigns. If you are 100% honest which would you rather see on the likes of Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and other glossy’s, “real” women that you would likely see in everyday life or high fashion models used for their so-called perfect features.

I hate to say it but I prefer the latter. When I buy Harpers Bazaar I don’t want to see someone who looks like everyone else. I want to see something completely different. Now, I know we are all unique yadda, yadda, yadda….BUT there is something strange (not always beautiful but usually striking) about the models that are used in the real world of high fashion.

I know that’s not very politically correct of me but it’s the truth. I don’t aspire to look like the majority of these girls but I do love looking AT them

Your thoughts?

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ASoprano's avatar

I’d rather see fish.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I try to buy “real” women mags only. Shape will no longer be coming to my home.

StephK's avatar

You’re entitled to your opinion.

I however, have to disagree. I’d much prefer to see the “real” models on the cover magazines, for two reasons. One: Because that would make them simliar to me, and thus give me a shot at making millions because someone might decide to put me on a magazine cover. And more importantly, Two: I find that way too many young women (and increasingly, young men) are defining self-worth based on looks—and much of their concepts are influenced highly by the media. So, I’d prefer to see a Media that stresses other aspects of oneself—intelligence, creativity, diversity, etc. Most people already place value on looks. I think we have more than enough of that already.

Facade's avatar

I don’t mind seeing the models because that’s their job. I would love to see the models sans airbrushing and photo shop. I know I’ll never see anyone with my body type on the cover of a magazine and that’s fine.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I rarely read magazines but when I do and it’s for fashion or art, I enjoy the surreal of the models not looking quite human. That they are mannequins doesn’t offend me, they feel removed from me whereas watching humans in porn has the opposite effect on me.

Sarcasm's avatar

I don’t check out magazines.
But I’d rather see an airbrushed model.

Why the hell should I care if that’s not really how she looks? I’m never going to meet her, it’s never going to impact my life.

DominicX's avatar

A lot of photography that contains models is artwork. Art can be modified in many ways. I see nothing wrong with doing that for the purpose of art.

I don’t really look at these magazines, but I have seen some pretty cool photographs of models that were obviously edited (not just the people, the background as well) and to me it was more a work of art than it was supposed to represent how people should look. It isn’t even possible to look like that naturally.

I know how to airbrush, okay, I’ve taken pictures of me and “fancied them up”. It looked awesome, but I would never pass it as a normal picture of me.

wundayatta's avatar

I don’t really care who I see if they are wearing clothes. I prefer humans in their more natural form. ;-)

CMaz's avatar

I prefer big letters lots of color.

Models not included, for the cover page.

dpworkin's avatar

I like Vogue and its ilk for the clothing, not for the models. I am more interested in thoughtful, creative photography that displays the possibilities, both architectonic and practical, of the design.

Think of, say Avedon, rather than Bruce Weber.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I’d like to see no airbrushing ever again.
Magazines publish illusory photos that many people harm themselves by attempting to emulate.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic—-I agree. Especially for magazines “selling” health.

nestorulisesdel's avatar

I’d rathe see the one with bigger breasts. =P

Kraigmo's avatar

I have always hated the touched up, blurred up, gaussian blended fake model photos. I hated that even before computers changed everything in the late 90s when it got out of control. Its like looking at mannequins… there’s nothing sexy about something that’s barely real. And I like sharp edges, not blurred up edges. Those photo editors are all just following each other around rather than being unique. I haven’t noticed there’s a trend towards reality. That’s good. Whoever started that first is to be commended.

Likeradar's avatar

I prefer the model-models on most covers.

I don’t read most magazines for realism. I read them for fantasy- vacations I will never take, clothes I can never afford and wouldn’t have the balls to wear even if I could, interior design I could never pull off, hair that mine will never be as shiny as, makeup styles I can’t do, and yes, bodies I will never have.

I completely understand the opposing POV, but I like the fantasy aspects of magazines.

Syger's avatar

No photo-editing.

hearkat's avatar

I hate photo-editing with a passion. I don’t mind having attractive models, but I prefer them not to be anorexically thin.

vanhelsing's avatar

nice, but what if you’re blind?
beauty is in the “Touch” not the incoming ocular orbs, they are inherintly deceptive.
“FEEL” the beauty.
any age you achieve, will still feel pretty damn nice.

evegrimm's avatar

I avoid magazines with people on the covers (or in them), unless it’s Interweave Knits.

Wouldn’t you rather see some nummy food?

Sarcasm's avatar

I’d rather see some nummy woman.

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