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ericaa's avatar

I need to move on but i dont know how...

Asked by ericaa (10points) September 13th, 2009
18 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

my ex and i are still seeing eachother and have been ever since we broke up. all i am is nice to him but he treats me like a dick and when i ask him about it he says its just the way i am and that he cant help it. i buy him stuff and i let him borrow things and he still treats me like that. he asks me over to his house to well you get the point and i just cant say no… i need help really bad cause all he ever deos is make me sad and upset.. i dont deserve this but i cant seem to let go.. please help me! :(

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DrasticDreamer's avatar

He’s using you for sex. All you are is a piece of meat in his eyes. Not trying to hurt you, just trying to make you see the truth.

Cut off sex and watch how nice he suddenly becomes. Live life for you, move on.

Edit: That sounded harsh, but I didn’t mean for it to. I’ve just been in crappy situations, so I know how it can be. You’re beautiful and you seem very kind. Don’t let someone walk all over you, because I’m sure plenty of guys would want to give the world to you.

MrGV's avatar

…...if you don’t let go you’ll never find someone else…

kevbo's avatar

Take the situation by your horns.

Judi's avatar

As Dr Phil would say, “What are you getting out of this?”. If there was nothing in this for you you would stop. Until you stop seeing yourself as not deserving any better no one else will either. Stop buying stuff and stop putting out. If you’re not willing to take that simple advice then anything else is just a waste of time.

Zen's avatar

Welcome to fluther, @erica dear. Here’s a few lurve for ya.

@drasticdreamer said: Cut off sex and watch how nice he suddenly becomes. I disagree because you might find the contrary: cutting off sex could just make him angry. We don’t want him angry; we just want you happy.

He isn’t into you, to quote a recent catch-phrase.

He is using you.

You need to break it off completely, gently.

Good luck and use capital letters.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

@Zen Yes, that’s definitely a possibility. But whether or not he suddenly became an angel or a devil, the proof of why he’s around at all would become clear either way.

azhaiaziam's avatar

you just need to find a replacement and you will get your mind off of him. Why put your self in a situation when you already know you are going to get hurt. He is just using you.

alex_85's avatar

you’re young and attractive woman, you deserve better than this! there’s a lot of people around you. mabe you haven’t noticed that because you’re preoccupied by your ex. its time to let go and explore…

gailcalled's avatar

@ericaa: and i just cant say no. You know that what you’re doing is really unhealthy and bad for you. If you can’t let go on your own, get some short-term therapy to show you how it is done. And how much better off you would be without the bum.

SierraNichole's avatar

easy…dont talk to him.
you are broken up and he is obviously a douche bag
but you can’t help him out by being naive.
seperate yourself. he doesnt want to be with you and he doesnt want to be your friend.
that’s harsh but you have to learn it. dont’ go to his house, don’t buy him things, just stay away from him
get some girlfriends to surround you and not let you talk to him.
it’ll be ok kiddo it happens to the best of us just remember that you are worth far more than him

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Find someone else to get under who isn’t a jerk about it.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

What do you hope to gain by being nice to him? That a miracle will happen?

You need to wear this.

ericaa's avatar

Whenever i am with another guy i always feel guilty if we do anything so i dont… What you guys are saying is totally true but it seems impossible.. I want him to change that’s waht i keep hoping for but i know its never gonna happen yet i cant help it :(

gailcalled's avatar

If you can’t help it, get some help to help help yourself. Otherwise, you are going around and around in a rut that may get so deep, you can’t claw yourself out. We are all starting to repeat ourselves, as are you.

wundayatta's avatar

How old are you?

If you don’t take care of yourself; if you let another person give you all kinds of shit; then it seems like you have pretty low self esteem. You may think you still love this guy, but you may have let yourself get so involved in a fantasy, that, in a way, you’re a bit crazy. In time, you’ll look back at this and ask yourself what you could possibly have been thinking.

But we’re here now, not where you will be. Low self esteem is hard to deal with. There are books you can read. You can go into therapy. There are various practices that people have. You could ask a question about how do other people raise their self esteem.

Another consequence of low self esteem is that you may be afraid you’ll never get anyone else to love you. You believe you don’t want anyone else, but underneath that you may feel you won’t get anyone else. And of course, there’s the feeling that you don’t deserve anyone else.

Well, here’s the thing. No one deserves to be treated like shit. No one deserves to be taken advantage of—treated as a vessel for semen. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will respect and love you.

Your fantasy that this guy will love you again—is, well, a fantasy. Not gonna happen. You know this, don’t you?

You say you can’t help it, but you are making yourself into a victim. You are the one who allows you to feel powerless. You are the one who imagines you can’t live without him. You are the one who lets him take advantage of you.

So, what can you do about that? It’s not a moral failure on your part. It’s just that you don’t have the skills you need in order to handle this. One way of gaining the skills is by learning. You can read books or even take courses in how to get what you want out of life. You can learn how to improve your self esteem. You can make a plan, taking one little step at a time, to make yourself more emotionally self-sufficient.

You don’t have to do this all at once. You don’t have to blame yourself for this behavior. All you need to do is take responsibility for changing and give yourself a chance to change. It may take a year or two, but surely you can manage that? This won’t last forever, and knowing that may help take the edge off your fears. You are not ruining your life doing this. You may be unhappy, but you’ll survive the unhappiness, even if it does last a year or two.

Think of this positively by thinking about what you can learn from this challenge. You have an opportunity to learn how to take yourself more seriously. This guy is giving you that opportunity, and for that, you can actually be grateful. Life is full of problems, and what we do; what makes us human; is solving those problems.

One little step at a time. Get a book about this. Read it. Maybe start going out with other friends a bit more. Especially in non-dating situations. You don’t need a man right now. In fact, you may do better by trying to avoid deep emotional entanglements until you have built up your relationship skills a bit.

Focus on work or studying or whatever it is you do. Start learning a new activity. Go hiking. Be in nature. Make music. Go dancing with your girlfriends just to dance, not to connect with someone. Take care of yourself sexually. Buy a vibrator. You are working on several things at once. Your goal is to become more self-sufficient for your emotional and physical needs. Just by asking this question in the way you asked it, you are taking responsibility for that. It’s an excellent start! Just keep it going.

ericaa's avatar

thank you so much. its not that i dont know wahts right and wrong its that i just have to be ready to move on and i think i finally am. He deleted me off his fb and blocked me so i couldnt find him so i think that is a good thing so i wont be tempted to always look at his page and see what and who hes been talking to and what hes been doing. Now whenever i walk by him in the halls and only when hes with somebody, he always says like fuck or something and hes just being a douche. i dont need him or his stupid little remarks about me. Hes just trying to seem like he has all the control and that hes being soo cool.

pinkgirl02's avatar

I think i am in the same situation, my boyfriend is like that to me to. He always puts me down and i keep going back to him, i think it is because you love somone so much you try to over look all those hurtfull comments, but like you i do not know what i should do either,i am still with him, but i do not know if we have a future anymore.

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