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Insomnia's avatar

What am I doing with my life?

Asked by Insomnia (347points) September 14th, 2009
21 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

What was the conclusion you came to (if any)?

I’m going through a “what’s the point of it all, what am I trying to accomplish here” stage.

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Sampson's avatar

That was me throughout high school. I became very nihilistic in my teenage years.

Now adays (I’m 20) I know what I’m doing. I’m saving up some money so I can move 850 some odd miles to be with my girl. After moving cross country and, unfortunately, having to move back home, I have found out where I am and what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I used to ask myself that a lot, but mostly when I was busy comparing my life to the lives of the people around me. Then I realized it was pointless to compare myself to other people. They are probably more fucked up that anyone realizes.

whatthefluther's avatar

No, I’m too old to ask that question. Now I ask: what did I do with my life? After a bit of reflection I nearly always conclude I did quite fine, thank you. See ya….Gary/wtf

Bluefreedom's avatar

Yes, I have asked myself this question. My conclusion is that after 2 decades, I’m still very proud to be serving my country and I thoroughly enjoy what I do. Apart from my career, my civilian/personal life is pretty darn good. I don’t have a whole lot to complain about and I’m very thankful for everything I have.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve experienced that phase several times, and am going through it again right now. I don’t really know the answer… I just try to be a good person, particularly a good parent. Other than that, I’m flailing about like most others, I guess.

rooeytoo's avatar

@augustlan – good description, “flailing about.”

I’m almost 65 and still flailing and probably always will. But as long as I am having new experiences and enjoying the flail, that’s good enough for me!

tb1570's avatar

I’ve been in that “stage” for the last 20 years. Let me know when and if yours ends, and if so, how you came up with the answers. Good luck.

Zen's avatar

Ahhh. Waxing poetic. Me likes it.

Basically, as I’ve recently pointed out, I’m just winging it. With my career, kids and (lack of) love life. I’m clueless like a baby panda who has just opened its eyes.

But I learn and I am curious, and I am enjoying the hike up the mountain, not expecting to reach the top.

noodle_poodle's avatar

yeh all the time….the answer is who knowes…i hav enever had a plan so its pretty hard to deviate from it

CMaz's avatar

I have come to the conclusion. To live for today. Opportunity and diversity is around every corner. You might not know what they are, but I guarantee you . You will be walking around many corners in life, smack-dab into your future.

Darwin's avatar

What am I doing with my life? I am doing what many female middle class Americans do, taking care of people. It won’t leave a mark on the ages, but it works for me.

wundayatta's avatar

The only sensible answer is, “I lived it.”

Of course, knowing sensible and doing sensible are very different things.

Jude's avatar

I’ve asked myself that question a lot lately. The answer: Not enough.

That’s all changing now, though.

Insomnia's avatar

Great answers, everyone.

I’m still in college and am eager to graduate so I can live abroad and travel as much as I possibly can.

I have all these ideas and crazy goals for my life and I hope I never forget about them and become old and settled. I want to move around, experience everything, and I don’t want to die without getting a few scars. I’m the kind of person who has to see meaning (which I define/designate) in everything I do to stay happy. I can’t do remedial or repetitive tasks.

I made a bucket list when I was like 12 years old, if that helps in explaining any.

The problem is sometimes I get in these incredibly introspective and over-analytical bouts and they distract me from the important tasks at hand. So to answer my own question, right now I’m getting a college education and I need to shut up and get through it.

Zen's avatar

@jmah How is it all changing?

Jude's avatar

@Zen I’ve set some goals. Some pretty big ones. These are things that I know that I need to do in order to be happy and get what I want. Career, working on my relationship, and getting organized (or as I like to call it “getting your poop into group”). Putting in the effort is hard (for me, anyway), but, it’ll be worth it in the end.

A big part of the problem.

pathfinder's avatar

I never knew what I want to do in my live.My live was allways driven in to something big.I cant prescribe it so.The way of live is full of traps and desiciones.I pull out my self from the botomm line after personal problem.Unless I am back in track to accomplich my dreams.

Zen's avatar

@pathfinder Where are you from, or, have you recently immigrated to an English speaking country?—I could give you some tips to help with your spelling and grammar, if you so desire.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’ve never asked myself that question – I was always too busy living my crazy life

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Sayd_Whater's avatar

I’ve asked that question to myself quite often in this last year of my life!
I’m 26 – For some I might be old, for others I’m still very young… But… I think a lot, and my last conclusion for that question was something like this:
No one really knows what are we doing here with our lives…. no one knows where we came from or where we’re going…but time goes by, and so do we!
I think I’m here to do everything I want, or can do, with my resources… We just have to try to have lots of fun, and always write what we want…because sometimes, we do forget!
One thing I know… is that we’ve to fight for what we want!
Even if your life is a mess, u got to start over! Again, and again, and all the times that you u need till your life makes any sense to you…
Because a life with no meaning…is a waste!!!
Although I’ve been planning my life for ages, and now I feel that I can finally LIVE! So you do have a good side on “organization freak” against “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with my life!”
But I do think that a start over must be great for the soul but it takes a very big breath and lots of courage to change a lot of things in your life!!! But… really, that’s WHY WE’RE HERE FOR!!! Our main goal is just To SURVIVE! And everything else is just living =)
So the main question is: what is life all about?

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