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kibaxcheza's avatar

Would you read my life's story?

Asked by kibaxcheza (1091points) September 16th, 2009
23 responses
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I haven’t lived a very a very interesting life by normal peoples standards… In fact, its very awkward, random, and pathetic IMO. But if i took the time to write all that I could remember (or at least, what of it is interesting or important) would anyone here take the time to read it, and try to understand who I am?

I’m not talking about a few paragraphs, I mean I would have to email you a legit file in a few days possibly weeks, that would take more the 5 min to read…. and by the same hand, look for a response…

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ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

I find the less “interesting” some one appears the more interesting their thoughts really are.

Sariperana's avatar

I love to read – but you dont seem to be selling yourself very well.

If someone takes the effort and time to write something, then you will generally find that someone will take the time and effort to read it.

Their opinion of the material however – is a whole new question!

kibaxcheza's avatar

im not trying to sell myself…. its a simple question, asking that if i write down all that i am, would someone tell me what they thought…

asawilliams's avatar

I would rather experience your life then read about it, but if it was short enough and you asked me to read it I would.

Facade's avatar

I’d watch the movie though.

mramsey's avatar

I love to read and I love to get to know people. I’d be up for reading it!

DarkScribe's avatar

It depends on several issues. One is how well you write. A witty and amusing writer can make the most mundane events interesting. If your life is as uneventful as you imply, and you are not a good writer, then you will more than likely not get good response.

I write and edit for a living – mostly edit – and with most MSS that I read, I don’t go past the first few pages.

hug_of_war's avatar

In one word: no.
In more words: my general rule is if someone else wouldn’t be interested in writing about your life, your life isn’t interesting enough to write about yourself

kibaxcheza's avatar

@DarkScribe Ive always been told that my writing was very good, however; this will not be one of those times where i will add flare, or exaggerate, or try to impress. When writting truth, i feel that such details degenerate the story. They taint it and make it had to pull true fact from the extended truth…

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’d read it, but remember the key to good writing is to grab the reader by the balls (figuratively speaking) with the first sentence. As @DarkScribe mentioned, a witty writer can make going to the grocery store seem exciting.

So keep me in mind when you get it done. I have done some editing in the past, and I have had some of my work professionally edited when I considered vanity publishing. About the only thing my editor found wrong with my work was passive sentences.

DarkScribe's avatar

@kibaxcheza this will not be one of those times where i will add flare, or exaggerate, or try to impress.

Writing in an entertaining manner does not require deviating from fact – just expressing it in a captivating or amusing manner. Diaries can be very entertaining if well written. Look to Anais Nin. (Though she did also have an interesting life and a very interesting outlook on it.)

kibaxcheza's avatar

im a very cynical person… any real humor would be very dry, and sarcastic.

wildpotato's avatar

@kibaxcheza Read Proust’s In Saerch of Lost Time before you try this. That’ll show you how deep and meaningful it can be to read about a normal life – and how what in incredible achievement it is to write it well.

drdoombot's avatar

Why would I want to? You have to captivate a person’s interest. There’s so much crap out to read; how about giving a few reasons as to why anyone would want to utilize their precious time reading your story?

wildpotato's avatar

Wow. “how what in incredible achievement.” I am way to tired to be thinking right now.

dalepetrie's avatar

Time permitting I’d try, if I found it engaging I would read it, if I thought it was boring, I’d probably lose interest. just being honest

kibaxcheza's avatar

@dalepetrie thats exactaly what im looking for. Ill see what i can do about writing this, if youre still interested in reading what i have to write dont stop following this question, as when im done ill ask for a way to send it to interested parties,

seventeen123's avatar

I would be up for it!

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Darling, all lives are interesting. We aren’t defined simply by what we do, but by our motivations, emotions and thoughts (and very possibly more).

I’d read yours, but only if you really wrote about you. Don’t describe all the physical verbs, tell me about the meanings behind them. Tell me about the reasons and the significance. Of course, your book would probably then reach something of LoTR-esque proportions… Then in which case I’d read you only if I had the time.

Jeruba's avatar

For me, that would depend on the quality of the writing and the quality of the thought much more than the narrative of experiences. It would take an exceptionally fine writer to hold my attention and respect for an entire autobiography. A lot of people have told me about their lives over lunch or dinner, and that is usually better than reading a book.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Absolutely not.

kibaxcheza's avatar

No one cares @TitsMcGhee

and the fact that you went back a month just to find something to pick on me for it pathetic….

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