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Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Are there any Macintosh problem questions on fluther that were answered with 'Get a windows machine'?

Asked by Noel_S_Leitmotiv (2719points) September 20th, 2009
25 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

When was the last time you saw a Windows sticker on the back of someones car?

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cwicseolfor's avatar

To the first question: Yes. Any questions similar to “There are no good games for my computer!”

To the second question: You don’t, because you don’t get Windows stickers with a new Windows-based computer.

Disclaimer: I switched to Mac (for home, I still use a PC at work) in 2002. And I do have an Apple sticker on the back of my car.

five99one's avatar

Is the point of this question to show that Macs are better? And, no, I have not seen a Windows sticker on a car as far as I can remember.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

The point of this question is to have it answered.

Why don’t you get Windows stickers with your purchase?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Because neo-nazis can mod it and make it look like a swastika?

Syger's avatar

If I knew where to get Windows XP stickers I would have them over the apple logo on my laptop.

Harp's avatar

“My computer is soooo pedictable. My Mac never crashes, never gets any of the cool new viruses, and always seems to just do what I tell it to do. How can I spice up my computing life?”

hug_of_war's avatar

i hate those apple stickers I got when I got my mac

perplexism's avatar

I’ve seen Macs with Windows stickers on them. Don’t know what that’s about.

rooeytoo's avatar

To answer the question, no I never heard any and no windoze stickers that I have ever seen.

@Harp – good one! It’s like the weather in the dry, boringly perfect, day after day!

five99one's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv Maybe Microsoft thinks giving people a sticker is superfluous.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Yeah, a sense of communal pride of ownership is superflous.

five99one's avatar

Well, they are the majority. One might just assume if someone doesn’t have a Mac sticker, they’re a Windows user.

Darwin's avatar

This one

Get a windows machine.

Have you seen the latest Mac ad, where what appears to be our usual Mac guy is telling a woman to get a PC?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Hahahaha oh yeah

Sarcasm's avatar

@Harp That’s so weird, my windows machine doesn’t crash or get viruses either!

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Hey Sarc!

se_ven's avatar

Interesting question. I don’t think I have experienced a fluther post where that happened. In general, I’ve seen some blatant Windows fanboyism throughout the interwebs, but it is usually in response to Mac fanboyism (at least on the places I visit). For some reason, fanboyism is stronger in Mac users. I think it is some combination of niche market, minority market share, emphasis on style, usability, and customer service.

I think most people use Windows because it is the market leader, Windows machines cost less, and it is what they are used to.

I’m with @Sarcasm, my windows machines don’t crash or get viruses either

Harp's avatar

@Sarcasm sure it’s plugged in?

Sarcasm's avatar

@Harp it is. I should probably try to send it to Best Buy to get it checked out, must be defective.

Darwin's avatar

@se_ven – Since Macs cost more, could it be that Mac owners feel they have to justify spending more than they had to?

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

No Darwin, people get what they pay for, almost without exception.

I don’t know what to say for people that can’t tell where the additional cost for superior products was applied.

Darwin's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv – My father had a PC and a Mac running in the same office. I could easily slip from one to the other with no problems, so I no longer see much of a difference between the two OSs. I also rarely have much trouble with my PC, possibly because I run decent anti-virus software which costs much less than the difference in price between a PC and a Mac.

The only problem I ran into was that I couldn’t open some internet sites (like Askville) with the Mac’s in-built internet browser so I had to down load Firefox for Mac. I haven’t had that problem with a PC (although I use Firefox instead of IE there too because IE sucks) and I haven’t even had problems with Vista.

I am afraid that as far as I can see the major differences these days between PCs and Macs is cost and physical beauty.

five99one's avatar

@Noel_S_Leitmotiv So I could buy a high-end PC and be just as good as a Mac user? :D

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

@five99one: I don’t believe a computer makes a user ‘good’.

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