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kheredia's avatar

She must be a bad ass :-)

laureth's avatar

Man, they let women in the military now? No wonder they’re so uppity! Next thing you know, they’re going to want equal pay and the right to decide what to do with their own bodies! ;)

Les's avatar

How dare they let a woman achieve a job she rightly deserves. Bah. What terrible times these are.

Les (10005points)“Great Answer” (1points)
dpworkin's avatar

I know a woman who is a Marine, and a top prize-winning sniper. She’s a black-ops babe. Hot, if you ask me.

Facade's avatar

Good for her.

AstroChuck's avatar

Gives a whole new meaning to “Drill” Sergeant.

AstroChuck's avatar

A bit too sexist?

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Cool, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

knitfroggy's avatar

I think it’s awesome, seeing how a Drill Sergeant is typically thought of only as a male position.

ESV's avatar

Joan of Arc comes to mind.
I feel some have it some don’t , that goes for all sexes.

SuperMouse's avatar

You. Go. Girl.

Bluefreedom's avatar

One of my drill sergeants in Army basic training was a female. She was about 5’ 7”, 120 pounds of pure ass kicker and NO ONE doubted her ability to do just about everything the male drill sergeants could do. She was one hell of a good NCO.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think I have a new hero! (Except for the aide to Cheney part)

tinyfaery's avatar

Hard ass women are always more intimidating than even the toughest men.

Zen's avatar

@tinyfaery Kaddafi’s bodyguards are women. You do not want to mess with them.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

majorrich's avatar

Being a fully trained husband, I immediately respond to commands from any adult female voice, without question, until I am told to stop. Saves a lot of trouble. A good DI male or female doesn’t have to shout to inspire his men to do as (s)he says. Once a DI or even an NCO of the line gets the respect of the trainee’s through fairness and firmness and by example, the men under his/her responsibility will walk through hell and back with bare feet.

Zen's avatar

@majorrich Lurve for “fully trained husband.”

SuperMouse's avatar

Anyone who has seen the Kill Bill movies knows you do not mess with a bad ass woman. Oh-Ren-Ishi anyone?

Zen's avatar

@SuperMouse Uma Thurman or Jennifer Garner in a fight?

SuperMouse's avatar

@Zen I’m putting my money on Peta Wilson.

Zen's avatar

I also liked whatsherface in the American film version of Nikita, but especially the French one.

rooeytoo's avatar

Now here’s the part I don’t get – we have a strong, competent woman doing her job and doing it well.

Why does that make her a “hard ass, bad ass, woman scorned?”

Why can’t she just be a strong, competent woman doing her job?

Bluefreedom's avatar

@rooeytoo. Because when you add those really groovy labels (hard ass, bad ass), it adds to the already strong, competent, and sexy mystique that she has been giving off all along. It can be attractive also as long as she doesn’t intimidate you too much. =)

rooeytoo's avatar

@Bluefreedom – That is an interesting way of looking at it and I admit it never crossed my mind to see it as such.

I thought of it in terms of a man doing that job would be considered strong, competent, but a woman is a hard ass. That is not a complimentary thing to say about a man or a woman?

majorrich's avatar

As an officer I was responsible to have my training, my intelligence, my personnel and my supply sections staffed with competent and effective people. (see I didn’t call ‘em personnel) (almost did) My Senior NCO’s ran my unit and recommended who was assigned to what and why. My officers made sure the job was done. Because I ended my career in a logistical unit, many of my most trusted NCO’s were female. Never thought of gender, often didn’t know, just that they got the mission done.

augustlan's avatar

I think it’s about damn time. :D

AstroChuck's avatar

I wonder how a female drill sergeant would react if one of her soldiers told her, “You look fat in that uniform.”

shego's avatar

@AstroChuck I don’t think it would last very long. But seeing as I am thinking about the military, mabey I should look into that as my mos. Who knows.
I can see it now the D.I. Dominatrix.

XOIIO's avatar

Yeah, but then once a month the crazy super-b**ch would have unlimmited ammo!

Zen's avatar

@AstroChuck Ata Mechapes Tzarot, Yedidi!

whitenoise's avatar

I cannot see the news value, other than…

“The US finally has a female top drill sergeant.”

Unless she would openly be gay… now that would be news ;-)

shego's avatar

@XOIIO I like that idea

majorrich's avatar

Her actual job will be largely administrative. But when she takes the field Look Out. She will have a staff of NCO’s that would make anyone (even CSM’s ) sweat. But to have achieved what she has is remarkable. Probably with the help of the Greek God TesTicleas.

rooeytoo's avatar

I think she did it with the help of the Greek Goddess Ovariea.

laureth's avatar

@AstroChuck – it would be whatever is handed out for insubordination, I suppose.

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