Social Question

andrew's avatar

'Hacker' symbols: Why monkeys, ninjas, pirates and robots?

Asked by andrew (16553points) September 23rd, 2009

These are all staples of the hacker images—or at least semiological memes beloved by geeks.


I can understand robots—something built from the intellect, an other that is capable of destroying its master (see SkyNet).

Ninjas, too, I suppose I can see the parallels between the geek psyche—a highly trained figure shrouded in secrecy and mystery is appealing to the hacker mindframce.

But monkeys? Really? Monkeys? Is this some LucasArts coup that’s become memetic? Or is Secret of Monkey Island merely tapping into a bifecta of geekery?

What’s going on?

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11 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

I can answer for monkeys, it’s that ‘infinite’ theory that if you had an infinite number of monkeys….............

aprilsimnel's avatar

Monkeys = Chaos. I imagine it’s all very Jungian.

rebbel's avatar

Some of my Greek friends (Greek, not geek) use the word monkey for fake products, like Gucci-bags, Rolex-watches, Diesel-clothes, etc.
Does that relate?

whatthefluther's avatar

Perhaps that damn monkey, @eponymoushipster ,will shed some light on this? They do often appear mischievous and well, OK, some even sexy, at times (that is for eh, of course)!
See ya….Gary/wtf/lurve whore

Ansible1's avatar

Also monkeys throw poo…like smearing poo on your interface…

XOIIO's avatar

Monkeys, because of their abilities, same as hackers have many abilities.

Pirates, because of plundering, and something that should be respected and feared at the same time.

another thing, tge original term hacker related to someone who is extremely skilled in using computers, and manipulating them to do more than they normally could. Now “hackers” have given us real hackers a bad name, because they do mischief and vandalize. that is what separates hackers from “hackers”

rebbel's avatar

And are haxors another subcatagory?

XOIIO's avatar

I’d say they are simmilar…

SeventhSense's avatar

It’s geek symbolism. It’s a rebel culture.

Grisaille's avatar

I believe the proper question is why not

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