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veronasgirl's avatar

Has there been one moment or event that changed the course of your entire life?

Asked by veronasgirl (1765points) September 24th, 2009
19 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

It is what it is. Do you believe there was one specific moment or event in your life that changed it forever. Did things change for the better or worse? If you had the chance to relive that moment would you attempt to change it somehow?

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DarkScribe's avatar

Meeting my wife – that changed every aspect of my life. For the better.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

When I was introduced to Radiohead. It gave me a sense of individuality and what real talent was. Then of course when I met my SO at a local coffee shop.

cyndyh's avatar

I think everyone has several of these moments throughout their lives. Meeting my husband, deciding to have kids, choosing to move or not, accepting a particular job or not. I wouldn’t change anything.

CMaz's avatar

One day, I finally grew the cajones to stand up for myself.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

It was the specific moment that I decided that I would no longer live a lie. I would tell people just exactly who I was with regards to my sexuality and my religious beliefs, (if it was in the proper context) and they could go fuck themselves if they didn’t like it or agree with it.

@DarkScribe stole my answer, so I had to use the second major event that changed my life.

phoenyx's avatar


christine215's avatar

Having a kid… you realize that it’s not “all about you” any more

aphilotus's avatar

Yes. An ex did something so awful that I’ve been in therapy for the last five years.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The moment a manager snarled “You don’t have the balls to quit!”. I did. On the spot.

Never looked back.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

The night I met my husband, of course, & 2 years ago when my granddaughter’s boy friend was killed. One was for the good & the other about killed me, too.

ESV's avatar

Testing everything / being a truth seeker led me to the truth.

Judi's avatar

There have been several, but my first husbands suacide was probably pivitol

janbb's avatar

Two that come to mind immediately. The moment my brother ran in front of the car and was killed.

The second is a happier one. Sticking out my thumb while hitching around England with a friend and he and his friend picked us up. In January, we’ll celebrate our 36th anniversary!

filmfann's avatar

My father’s death caused me to look at things more seriously.
Within a year, I married my wife. We just had our 25th anniversary.

rottenit's avatar

The day they got rid of the McDLT.

wundayatta's avatar

So many moments have changed the course of my life—getting into only one college; being unable to find work (several times); a hurricane; a car accident; neglecting to preregister for a course; a visit to a foreign country. My life bounces off event after event, and all change the course of my entire life.

In fact, it happens so much, that I’ve given up on the idea of planning my future. Expectations are pretty much useless. My ideas about what I would do and who I would be are but dissipating wisps of cloud. I prefer to think of life as more like surfing on the break of a wave. It is not at all like riding a Japanese Shinkansen from Osaka to Tokyo.

SuperMouse's avatar

I have had many moments that changed the course of my life entirely. The most recent was in January 2008 when I met the love of my life. The end of the McDLT was the one before that.

mistered's avatar

Getting married, having kids. Meeting my wife led to all of that.

Scooby's avatar

The break up of my marriage & things changed for the better alright! If I did have to go through it all again I wouldn’t change a thing, it was a major release for me, a re-awakening if you like, a new dawn the chance to start a-new, free of debt…….. & her credit cards!!!

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