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yazeed's avatar

I need advice about time management and productivity.

Asked by yazeed (65points) September 25th, 2009
13 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

I seem to be unable to manage a fixed schedule for any longer than 2 days.

I am the type of person who stays up with no sleep for more than 36 hours. I just feel that I’m not sleepy enough at the end of the day to just go to bed.

Sometimes I even wonder how great it would’ve been if the world adapted to 32-hour days instead of 24-hour, just dreaming :)

This has caused me problems and trouble in the past among school and now work. I feel that I am much more productive in a 32-hour system than a 24-hour system but it’s losing me too much, it has affected my health as well as my social life.

I need your advice in how I could manage myself to be as productive in a 24-hour system instead of having to stay awake. I also need your advice on maintaining a fixed daily and weekly schedule that covers my work, social life, fun times.

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DarkScribe's avatar

Just do it. The world is not going to adapt to you – you’ll have to adapt to it.

Zen's avatar

Don’t worry, it’ll happen by itself. And soon enough, you’ll be answering the “When did I start feeling old?” question. Time flies, my friend. Enjoy it. The fact that you have boundless energy and require little sleep now is perfectly normal, imho.

timtrueman's avatar

I had similar problems for a while and here’s what helped me…

I focused on eating less processed foods, no caffeine and less sugars. I started to do some light exercise. I gave myself double the time I thought I needed to do things so that I wasn’t rushing through everything. Slowing things down helped me mentally be able to be calm enough to get some sleep. I also recommend getting in bed and reading or doing something not involving a screen (light tells your brain to stay awake) and basically just mellow—listen NPR or a audio book, draw or write in a journal.

If there’s any stress in your life that’s probably a good thing to tackle if you want to have a more normal sleep schedule. Take the time to deal with whatever the root of the issues you might have.

Zen's avatar

@timtrueman I agree. To be serious, the light thing is the most effective. Also, I don’t know whether @yazeed drinks alcohol or smokes, but if you could avoid them in the evening, your body wouldn’t cry out for the fix (especially nicotine) in the middle of the night.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I agree with @timtrueman and @Zen. Have you been like this your whole life, or is this just since adolescence? Your diet could have a lot to do with it. Cutting out caffeinated soft drinks, tea, coffee completely, and stick to water, juice and milk. Limit computer time after a certain point, and shut off your cell phone at 10:00 pm I’m amazed at how many text messages my daughter gets after midnight during the week. You cannot sleep if you are constantly being woken up. Just because you are awake, it doesn’t mean you should be stimulated.

augustlan's avatar

I have the same problem. So far, I’ve not found the answer… and I’m 42 years old. Good luck!

PandoraBoxx's avatar

In answer to the second part of your question, about maintaining a fixed daily and weekly schedule, do you by chance have ADD/ADHD? The reason I ask is, if you do, the concept of time can be a bit of a challenge. While “being spontaneous” is nice, it’s death if you have problems with the concept of time to begin with.

For daily things, figure out what you do as habit, and what you need to do, and how long it takes, and start from there. Be realistic about how long it takes to get to work/school, how long it takes you to get ready in the morning, etc. and allow some extra time. Don’t cut it short. Eat at regular times. Wear a watch instead of relying on your cell phone clock; a watch only tells time.

Block your calendar off into chunks of time, and schedule the activity, and stick to it. If you are constantly busy, you will be tired. Watching TV, playing video games, or hanging out on social media sites is not “busy.”

YARNLADY's avatar

For me, writing down several plans, including a list of tasks by interest, and relisted by importance, then relisted as a written schedule with actual times of day. Eventually the written part could be left out.

aprilsimnel's avatar

One of my friends started using Getting Things Done and she’s swearing by it.

filmfann's avatar

When I was in my late teens to early 20’s, I had a similar problem. I found my body was on a 26 hour clock, and was constantly fighting the Earth Standard.
When I was about 23, I had a summer of terrible insomnia. When I finally broke from that, I found I had adapted to the 24 hour day.

prasad's avatar

Always take good enough sleep everyday.
You can adjust yourself to 24 hrs a day schedule.
Decide yourself a schedule, and go to sleep on time. If you don’t fall asleep, you may continue with what you like to or just take rest. But then, don’t sleep until your scheduled time the next day. This way, your body will get used to sleep on that time. Don’t know how many days it would take to do this. But you can always try.

According to ancient books, it is said better get up at least one and half hour before sun rise and go to sleep in four hours after sun set. This is so because human body is designed that way. Follow nature to get healthy and happy!

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