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jaketheripper's avatar

How pleasant is the act of smoking marijuana?

Asked by jaketheripper (2779points) September 28th, 2009
35 responses
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What I’m interested in here is just the act of smoking not the high you get afterward. How does it compare to tobacco?

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SpatzieLover's avatar

I’ve never done drugs of any sort….But my guess from family that smokes cigs and have done pot is that the difference is the buzz.

Qingu's avatar

I would say smoking pot is less pleasant than smoking tobacco. I’ve only smoked tobacco a few times, but the methods are different (tobacco: short draws; pot: long, deep inhalations).

I definitely think most people would view smoking pot as a means to an end, whereas many cigarette smokers would say the actual act of smoking is enjoyable. (Though some total stoners may fetishize the act of inhaling…)

gussnarp's avatar

Marijuana smoke can seem a little harsher than cigarette smoke, mainly due to the focused inhalation most users perform, but the whole act can be more pleasurable since it is usually part of a large social setting and shared experience. The taste itself is certainly acquired, but it can be more interesting than the flavor of tobacco smoke.

Sarcasm's avatar

I’ve never smoked cigarettes so I don’t have a comparison, but it was a bit unpleasant.
Then again, I am an asthmatic so that may have been the issue.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Pot smoking is a million times more pleasant than tobacco smoke. The taste for one is a million times better if you have some good weed. Nice fruity/tropical tastes mmmmmm. Taste aside though, the act is much more fun with marijuana. Tobacco is just smoked from a cigarette where as marijuana can be numerous different toys. Bongs, bowls, vaporizers, joints, blunts, and the list goes on. The act of smoking in general is quite enjoyable though.

@Sarcasm i know quite a few asthmatics who can breathe better after smoking weed

buster's avatar

I love the taste of some good fresh ganja. That first green hit off a bowl taste so good. You don’t draw tobacco smoke as much and as deeply as you do ganja. For volume of smoke tobacco is harsher on your lungs and throat.

deni's avatar

If you smoke weed and take too big of a hit, then it hurts, but otherwise I don’t think its pleasant or unpleasant. It burns if you have a sore throat and for me personally, if you inhale a bunch of it and then cough and it all comes up, rather than exhaling it all out slowly, that can fucking hurts like hell. Those are the only negative things I can think of, and they rarely happen. And good weed can taste pretty good, like @uberbatman said. Not to mention the aroma, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

buster's avatar

The act of rolling a joint or blunt and the rituals of breaking it up or grinding it or whatever your ritual is can be part of the fun. A lot of people have cigarette rituals. They will pack a new pack, take a cib and put it back in the pack for good luck, sniff a cigarette before they smoke it, tap it on the table before smoking it, it goes on but people have smoking rituals, before, during, and after smoking, ganja/tobacco.

El_Cadejo's avatar

my post ganja ritual involves a lot of food :P

buster's avatar

In the state of Oregon asthma is a one of several conditions you can get a medical marijuana card for.

lol @uberbatman

El_Cadejo's avatar

i think i needs to move to oregon.

gussnarp's avatar

I must say, those of us who have smoked marijuana may have inaccurate memories of how pleasant it is. I can think of times that I have found it more unpleasant, but I can’t think of any details.

deni's avatar

@buster I wish I thought of rolling blunts/joints as a fun process :( I need a serious lesson. I have ALWAYS used glass pipes and mine just last month got stolen out of my car, and since then I’ve been trying to roll these horrible joints. About 1 in every 5 comes out decent. While I’m struggling I just sit there and close my eyes and envision my bowl and get a little bit sad.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@deni i loathe blunts/joints. Massive waste of weed. If you dont have enough money to buy a new glass piece yet, go to a gas station and pick up a little corn cob pipe for like a dollar. That should hold ya over for a while. Plus you get to feel like frosty every time you get stoned :P

@gussnarp poppycock.

gussnarp's avatar

@uberbatman Not poppycock. Scientific studies have shown that everyone’s memories are flawed, and short term impacts on memory are one of the few ill effects that have been conclusively proven from marijuana. Finally, when the end result is being high, everything that got you there seems more pleasant. Besides, I didn’t say it’s not pleasant, just that we may tend to overstate it.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@gussnarp i can agree to a point, but ive been smoking long enough that i would know if i’ve ever had any unpleasant effects. I think the most unpleasant effect ive ever had was coughing or pot chills. I really dont consider the latter unpleasant at all though as it usually signifies your about to be really really fucking high. I find though even smoking a tiny bit that usually wont really get you high to be quite enjoyable.

Btw you did say its not pleasant ” I can think of times that I have found it more unpleasant” :)

gussnarp's avatar

@uberbatman I stand corrected. But in general I said it was probably more pleasant than smoking cigarettes. I just have some very vague memories of unpleasant experiences. The worst of these was with hash though, which was mixed with tobacco. I’ll never understand why people do that.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@gussnarp mixing weed and tobacco is never a good idea. You want to take nice deep inhales with marijuana, but if you do that with tobacco your going to more than likely experience nicotine overdose. Bring on the sweating, clamyness, and nausea!

i need to find me some hash

gussnarp's avatar

@uberbatman Yeah, I think it’s a European thing, I dunno.

deni's avatar

@uberbatman I thought I was the only one that hated them! I’ve always thought they were a waste too, but people love them. I did have a corn cob pipe for a while, and it worked fine, not really sure where it went or why I haven’t gotten another one. I just want my pipe back man. That thing had sentimental value.

CMaz's avatar

I enjoy smoking marijuana instead of tobacco.

Has a better flavor and smell. The harshness is only an issue when it is crappy weed.
Ok, sometimes. But it goes away after a few tokes. At least for me.

I always wished they could come out with marijuana cigarettes that did not get you high.
Smoking them would be my first choice.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Having tried both I would say pot is definitely more pleasurable to smoke. At first you have to train your lungs. You’ll probably have the urge to cough the first few times. It may also burn a bit. But that goes along with cigarettes too. The major difference, which is the deal breaker for me, is the after effects of pot. Cigarettes will never be able to make you feel THAT good.

justus2's avatar

I have never smoked cigarettes but have smoked hookah tobacco unfortunately, marijuana is much better tasting and much more pleasant and good for us

Jess's avatar

Tobacco taste horrible and makes you sick.

Good green herbs are the way to go. Man is it enjoyable!

deni's avatar

@Jess man is it :)

Tink's avatar


casheroo's avatar

I find it extremely pleasant. It’s very calming. I’ve never felt calm while smoking a cigarette, I felt they were used more as a distraction…

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Go rent a copy of Up in Smoke. Then get stoned before you watch it. Put some towels down because you’ll pee yourself laughing.

deni's avatar

@IchtheosaurusRex I’ve never seen Up In Smoke. Is it so good that I should go out right now, light up, and watch it? Because I’m not doing much else and I would.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@deni yes, its a classic.

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@deni , some of it might be lost in the cultural translation – if you weren’t of age in the 1970s, you won’t get some of the jokes, but Cheech and Chong are pretty damn funny no matter what generation you’re from.

Sarcasm's avatar

I never found Cheech and Chong funny

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

@Sarcasm , maybe you just weren’t in the right state of consciousness to do so.

tearsxsolitude's avatar

It’s very pleasant for me. People have different reactions though. My cousin hates it. It makes im paranoid. It chills me out though. Just one of those things you have to try. But DO NOT do it if you don’t want to.

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