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jca's avatar

Do you or does anyone you know have a sexual fetish?

Asked by jca (36062points) October 3rd, 2009
68 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

Do you or does anyone you know have a sexual fetish? For example, feet, pain, bondage, medical fetish, enemas, shoes, rubber. If so, in your case, do loved ones or family know about it or do you not tell those closest to you?

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poofandmook's avatar

I know someone with a pregnant fetish… I think I’m the only person who knows that he still speaks to.

sandystrachan's avatar

The list would be too great .
Lets just say everything is enjoyed and 99% are fetishes . And no1 knows apart from the person who partakes in such acts .

eponymoushipster's avatar

one chick i, uhm, knew, loved to have her tongue sucked. hard.

HGl3ee's avatar

To be completely open with you; I am a Domme with a bondage fetish and my submissive has a fetish for pain. For myself and my boyfriend it’s not something we go telling everyone because very few understand it to our extreme. Our positions in our respective companies could also be greatly affected by word of this getting out. In the end I strongly feel that this is never something to be ashamed of; but something you should only share with a partner whom you love and trust ^_^

Grisaille's avatar

I enjoy light pain.

Candle wax ain’t hurt no one.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I have more fetishes than Fluther has jellies, truth be told. (okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration) There isn’t anything I’m not turned on by, except maybe scat. A shit fetish is just too freaky, even for me. Most everything else is fair game.

Who knows of my fetishes? Well, mostly my closest and dearest friends, including my lovely wife. When I die and my relatives go through my belongings, there are going to be some pretty stunned looks on their faces. Too bad I won’t be around to see them, but then, perhaps its best that way.

I’m sure that even underground, I’ll be able to hear them exclaim, “Oh my God!!!”

Grisaille's avatar

methinks @evelyns_pet_zebra has a fur suit packed away in a linen closet somewhere

whatthefluther's avatar

Light bondage is fun. I don’t discuss that stuff with family. Candle wax is cool, too. Baby oil (lots of it) is wonderful.
See ya….Gary/wtf

Grisaille's avatar


Baby oil IS wonderful.

Facade's avatar

I didn’t know liking pain was considered a fetish Welp, I like the whole pain/being dominated thing :) No one really knows. I’d tell a stranger before I told someone I knew.

sandystrachan's avatar

OK only cause @evelyns_pet_zebra brought it up . Scat is no problem Baby oil take me out in a rash :( sadly i can’t use it .

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Grisaille as if I could afford one of those. Have you ever priced one of those things?~

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Facade everything that isn’t missionary position with minimal kissing and foreplay is considered a fetish. Check out the Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices by Brenda Love some time.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Facade I’d tell a stranger before I told someone I knew. Umm, you just did, hun. =)

jca's avatar

to answer my own question so you’all don’t think i’m being nosy without a little self disclosure: my fantasy is being examined by an authoritative doctor. in other words, being submissive and at the doc’s mercy.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (2points)
evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@jca that’s is a pretty mild fantasy, but hey, different strokes for different folks, no pun intended.

Facade's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra I meant IRL. All of you weird people are strangers to me :P

casheroo's avatar

I have one that I am embarrassed about, but I don’t understand why I’m embarrassed about it since it’s just a sexual preference of mine. My husband knows about it, and he participates.
If @evelyns_pet_zebra definition is correct, then I have a lot of fetishes. But only a few that are probably considered weird or unique.
oh and I’ll bet a hundred bucks @evelyns_pet_zebra doesn’t even have my fetishes lol

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@casheroo you’re on, but I’m also willing to bet I have more weird fetishes than you. I have fetishes that I’m afraid to admit to myself.

jca's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra : the way i described it sounds pretty mild (compared to some) but with that fantasy can be bondage (tied to the stirrups) and some uncomfortable medical procedures that are not so mild. i have found in searching the internet that “Med-Fet” is a whole other world. I’m not that into it, as i have never done it, but there are people with play exam rooms and they are apparently totally into it.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
patg7590's avatar

a long time ago someone asked if all of fluther should meet up in person someday. if that ever happens…
this thread is going to make that pretty awkward

casheroo's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra you probably do. I don’t even want to PM it to you because I don’t want anyone else but you to see it! lol

patg7590's avatar

@casheroo now I’m intrigued….

Zen's avatar

I fluther in the nude.

LuhvKiller's avatar

Ha This guy I use to date liked to drink pee and eat poop. Totally not my style LOL

sandystrachan's avatar

I knew a guy who had sex with fish from the fish monger , he also enjoyed shitting outside and playing with it .

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Biting my partner when I get excited, most people hate it even if they’re fine doing the biting themselves.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

I think everyone has a fetish, whether totally unique or fairly common. The folks that I know generally only share with those closest to them, but some people are also totally comfortable with having every detail of their life out in the public. Everything exists on a spectrum.

One of mine: The recitation of scientific articles

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yeah, I do.. though some of them I personally wouldn’t consider a fetish by the true definition, I consider it more being kinky. Most people don’t know, but I’m a pretty private person, so I don’t usually share those kinds of details. I do sometimes allude to my interest in BDSM and spanking, but that’s generally all I share and only to my friends. My mom, I’m sure, has an idea of my particular peccadilloes in this area; she somehow found my Amazon wishlist, which had quite the array of books on BDSM amongst other sexual topics. :)

laureth's avatar

I think my husband is the only person I know without one. :)

MacBean's avatar

I’m not sure how many fetishes I actually have. I’m a bit like @evelyns_pet_zebra; just about anything can turn me on, in the right circumstances. I have to actively seek something out before I count it as a fetish, though.

The most… interesting? ... uncommon? ... [insert correct word] fetish I’ve personally come across is an armpit fetish. My ex-fiancé (who is an ex because of reasons unrelated to this fetish!) was hopelessly turned on by armpits. Watching him watch deodorant commercials was delightful.

DrBill's avatar

Yes, all of them except scat.

Grisaille's avatar

Quite frankly, I don’t know why there’s so much hate against the scat, man.

patg7590's avatar

@Grisaille dare I click it?

Grisaille's avatar

Do you?

tinyfaery's avatar

fetish |ˈfeti sh | (From my MacBook Dictionary)
an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit.
• a course of action to which one has an excessive and irrational commitment : he had a fetish for writing more opinions each year than any other justice.
a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.

An object? I guess this could be anything you do not see as part of a whole but as distinct and separate from it’s other parts. I don’t look at things that way. I am interested in the whole, the way it all works together.

Story: I once had a roommate that loved to give people pedicures. I never really thought much about it. Well, one day she was painting my toenails and we were gabbing, when all of a sudden she started talking about my feet. (I’ve always thought I had cute feet.) She was commenting on my high arch and my perfectly tiered toes, and apparently I have a good pinkie toe nail which many women do not have. All Of a sudden I realized that she was aroused by painting my toenails. I even asked her, straight out, “do you have a foot fetish?”

At first it was weird. We were friends, nada mas. But then I found it amusing, and though it didn’t arouse me in any way, I thought teasing her with my feet would be fun. Well, to get to the point I let her kiss both of my big toes. I’m not sure what it actually did for her, but it was cute and funny to me.

Wait, I just thought about that fact that certain women’s hands I find very attractive. It doesn’t turn me on or arouse me, but attracts me. I personally feel like I can tell a gay woman from her hands.

Grisaille's avatar

I guess I have a foot fetish, because that story kinda turned me on.

DominicX's avatar

Well, I have a couple slight ones. Neither of them are “gross” or anything, just not as common. Don’t really want to share them, though.

Also, I’m turned on by the idea of being smaller and more submissive than my partner. Though, as it is, my boyfriend and I are like the same size, he’s just a little bit taller and a little less skinny, and neither one of us is particularly “submissive”. Still, the idea of it turns me on.

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Disc2021's avatar

A tad of a foot fetish… roughness/verbal could be hot too. Depends on my mood.

I wouldn’t tell my family because… why would I? At most I’d probably discuss it with a group of friends if the topic arouse.

eponymoushipster's avatar

sometimes, when i’m feeling particularly naughty, i turn on the lights and take off my socks.

i think we should play guess @casheroo‘s fetish

eponymoushipster's avatar

@patg7590 you like it lights and no socks too?

patg7590's avatar

@eponymoushipster facepalm
i meant guessing @casheroo ‘s fetish

eponymoushipster's avatar

@patg7590 oh. my guess is tongue in the bung

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo…r. kelly stuff?

jca's avatar

if loving tongue in the bung is wrong then i don’t wanna be right!!

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (3points)
jca's avatar

i’m guessing casheroo’s fetish is enemas. that’s why she chose the avatar pic of the girl bending over. just my guess.

jca (36062points)“Great Answer” (1points)
eponymoushipster's avatar

three ways? <gets down on knees and prays>

casheroo's avatar

way off guys and @epony although they may be fun, i would never do one while married

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo dammit.

give us a hint

patg7590's avatar

If there are animals involved I’m leaving

eponymoushipster's avatar

@casheroo do you like wearing diapers?

wundayatta's avatar

I kinda get off on writing or talking out fetishistic scenarios, but it would freak me out irl…or maybe not…. hmmm, a feather, a banana, and a typewriter… yeah…kinky… you have no idea!!!

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@daloon that just brings to mind some kind of attempt to type “feather-lightly” onto a banana peel…

whatthefluther's avatar

@casheroo….Might your fetish involve french toast? See ya….Gary/wtf

sandystrachan's avatar

@casheroo Are you into the octopus sex

Zen's avatar

I’m always late.

Dawifey's avatar

I have a butt fetish me n my boyfriend like to watch porn with big bubble butts

whatthefluther's avatar

@Zen….Actually, its much better you didn’t cum too early.
See ya….Gary/wtf

Mikelbf2000's avatar

I have a “foot on belly” fetish. Seriously, I love it when a woman puts her foot on my belly.

DominicX's avatar

Alright, I’ll share one of my fetishes that I hinted about. I believe I’ve hinted about it elsewhere on this site as well: I love guys’ nipples, m’kay? They’re awesome. My boyfriend has somewhat bigger nipples/areolas than many guys I’ve seen and I love it. LOVE it.


There you have it.

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MissAnthrope's avatar

@jan123 – I think it’s uncommon, but not unheard of. You’re definitely not the only one. I don’t know how committed you are to finding like-minded people, but there is always Fetlife (NSFW), where every possible kink is represented AND the discussions are both fascinating and educational.

Welcome to Fluther. :)

poddarrishabh's avatar

I have fetishes.

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