Social Question

lloydbird's avatar

People with tattoos : what do you think that you lack (or have) that people who don't have tattoos have (or lack)?

Asked by lloydbird (8740points) October 3rd, 2009
28 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Not looking to depict too much about this, ‘Detail’-wise.
Just fishing to see what.

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TheIncomparableBenziniBrothers's avatar

I’m not a fan. I used to work on a farm where we had to tag the animals. Reminds me of that a bit.

aphilotus's avatar

Can be either. I’ve seen people get tattoos that are sexy, interesting, thoughtful additions to their bodies, and I’ve seen people get just another “tramp stamp” on some drunken friday night.

Nothing wrong with Tribal designs, butterflies, roses, or dragons, but they do tend to be gotten by people who seem to lack sense or taste (or sobriety). Any tattoo that came out of a picture book at the tattoo store is pretty much “Bleh” in my book. You might as well get a bar code- you’re just one of a million others.

eponymoushipster's avatar

some tats bug me – jersey plates, tribal bands, etc.
but some tats on a woman are kinda hot – a really colorful sleeve with some nice haircut is kinda attractive.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

They can be either great artistic masterpieces or abominable failures

Allie's avatar

I think something I have that people without tattoos lack is… tattoos. Other than that, we’re pretty similar.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

This reminds me of the saying I use when the subject of tattoos comes up in real life. People with tattoos don’t think that people without tattoos would be better if they had tattoos.

too bad some of the more virulent religious folks don’t see it that way. Nothing worse than some Jesus freak telling me I need to worship their invisible friend.

tinyfaery's avatar

I have ink, they do not.

rabbitheart's avatar

Guts and bravado, obviously~
I kid, I don’t even have a tattoo.

joni1977's avatar

I don’t think it’s either. I have 4 tats and only 1 is visible (2 if I wear shorts or a skirt, but I’m more of a pants/jeans kinda girl) and I sometimes forget they’re even there. I feel like I’m still a beautiful, intelligent woman – with tattoo’s. These days tats are way more accepted and/or tolerated. However, I would like to remove the one just above my right breast, only because I feel like I’ve matured and I don’t like to attention it draws sometimes.

joni1977's avatar

ok, I know I said I forget they’re there sometimes, but for those who are really paying attention…yes, the one above my breast does draw a small amount of attention, which of course makes me remember I have them, but I would like to have that one particulat tat removed because of the location

aphilotus's avatar

darn- the question changed and now my answer makes no sense.

Allie's avatar

@aphilotus Yeah, it was switched. Feel free to re-answer. =]

aphilotus's avatar

@Allie I would, but I don’t have any tattoos.

sjmc1989's avatar

The only thing I have that others do not is (what I think) a beautiful tattoo which I love that reminds me of my childhood listening to records with my favorite person in the world my mother. Everytime I look at it I smile. Me and my mom also got it together on our birthday which we share so when I look at it I will always think of her. So thats what I have that others do not. But some might just choose to look at a picture I wanted it on my body permanently.

sandystrachan's avatar

I have artwork on my body , thats something they don’t have…...

Grisaille's avatar

What was the question before? The early answers don’t make any sense to me.

To answer the present question: I think I have ink in my skin? Why would I consider myself superior (or inferior) to those that choose to not adorn their bodies?

inthecarofthe's avatar

Tattoos are grubby, I would never date anyone with tattoos.

Allie's avatar

@inthecarofthe I guess the difference is that I don’t judge people based on what they have/don’t have on their bodies. Thank goodness I have tattoos in this case. I can’t see myself wanting to date someone who says such things. BUT, you to yours and me to mine.

Grisaille's avatar

@inthecarofthe please, swing your brush of self-importance in a wider arc, o magnificent one

inthecarofthe's avatar

It’s because they look gross, how could I date someone I think looks gross? It my own opinion what I like and you should respect that.

Some people don’t or wouldn’t go out with someone over weight and I wouldn’t go out with someone with a tattoo. I’m not trying to be elitist, it’s just they look horrid and it doesn’t say much for the person with it, it personally give me negative vibes about the persons personality.

All the people I respect almost always do not have tattoos, and the people I know with tattoos does worse that their non tattooed counter parts. If you have a tattoo I will stereotype you as human kind is innately programmed to do so, until I’m proved otherwise.

Grisaille's avatar

1. You did not answer the question, instead deciding it best to ignore it and rudely generalize all tattoos as “grubby.”

2. Still not fully understanding how pretentious and pompous you’ve sounded, you say that they look “gross.” Not “I dislike the appearance of tattoos.” No, you’ve attacked everyone who has/had tattoos (including most on this thread).

3. We honestly don’t give a flying fuck what you think looks gross and whether or not you’d date them (which alludes to point one). What does annoy me, however, is that you’re speaking in absolutes without a shred of understanding, decency or tolerance.

4. I don’t need to respect you or you opinion. What gave you that impression?

Grisaille's avatar

Great, you’ve edited your response.

Well to tack on:

Trying to not sound elitist =/= not elitist

I never said your opinion wasn’t valid – not at all. As I wrote above, if you would have said “I dislike the appearance of tattoos” or even “I wonder if there is some correlation between those who get tattoos and those who do not perform well in society,” then that is an entirely fair statement to make, and I’m willing to have a debate on this open forum. However, you did not do that, instead opting to categorize an entire group of people who choose to adorn their bodies with tattoos in one large, negative group. Hell, you’ve even gone so far as to say that you “will stereotype you”... though I don’t expect you to understand the interesting perspective you’ve given us in that statement. Let me spell it out:

Guess what? You’re prejudice.

The absence of evidence does not equate to the evidence of absence.

I can’t believe I’m feeding the troll. Go away.

SheWasAll_'s avatar

@Grisaille You’re my fav.
@inthecarofthe I have a question: I am ahead of schedule for graduating college, had a 4.0 last semester, I was employee of the month 4 times in less than 6 months before I was promoted, there has not been ONE divorce in my entire family, AND I have 2 half sleeves, both my feet inked, and several other tattoos. Would you respect me if you met me? Because I can tell you, I would never respect someone who is so disgustingly judgmental. You have successfully offended me. Thanks.

lloydbird's avatar

@SheWasAll_ Get back in the knife drawer!

SarasWhimsy's avatar

Nothing. I don’t have anything anyone else doesn’t have. I DID however have a nasty scar that irritated me. Now, other people see the tattoo. I’d rather be asked about the tattoo than the scar.

My mom however had three dots tattooed on her for radiation treatment. She finally had those covered with a different tattoo.

sunya13's avatar

Ink injected and suspended in our dermis…lol…not much else

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