General Question

deni's avatar

Do you think it's odd to have feelings for someone you've only met once?

Asked by deni (23141points) October 4th, 2009
113 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

i dont like meeting people online. i think for a young person like myself, it’s a bit unnecessary. anyhow, this is a little different. i met this guy through craigslist rideshare back in june. i was in denver with a friend looking to get back home to pittsburgh. he was in boulder, co, driving across the country to new jersey, where he’s from. yada yada yada, we ended up riding from boulder to pittsburgh with him. during our 24 hour ride home, we did a lot of talking and really hit it off on the topics of music and movies and talking about traveling we’ve done/wanted to do. we just got along really well – same sense of humor, generally happy, upbeat people. blah blah. anyhow, i was thinking to myself “damn. why does this cute, super friendly guy that i seem to have so much in common with have to be someone i’m never gonna see again?”

so we parted ways and i didn’t really plan to keep in touch. but then again i didnt much think about it. over the next couple months we would text or call each other every once in a while to say something random or to see how life was a couple thousand miles away.

but we’ve been chatting a lot more lately. still about everyday stuff, but there’s been a bit more flirtiness (i hate the word “flirt”). important part – he said last time i talked to him that he would be back in new jersey around christmas for 3 weeks and he wants to meet up in philly, have a thrilling “night on the town”, and then take the train back to his parents where he’ll be staying, about an hour away in new jersey.

so, i dunno fluther, is it weird that i kind of like this guy? i’ve only spent 24 hours total with him. i feel that there is a genuine spark between us, but then i think about how i’ve only met him once, and i wonder if i’m strange for feeling this way.

after he called me today to say that he got my package, i texted him and said ”—-, its always such a pleasant surprise when my phone rings and i think “ugh, who is calling me”, then i see your name :)” and he replied “funny how the same thing happened to me today. seems like we’re both dealing with the mundane in our lives…but i suppose sunshine comes after the rain and you seem pretty bright to me” interpretations, anyone?

dont think i’m dumb, please :)

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jrpowell's avatar

You are smitten.. And you should be. Go for it.

And good luck!!!

deni's avatar

oh @johnpowell im blushing!

whatthefluther's avatar

If he suddenly appeared after having spent just the 24 travel hours together, I’d be somewhat leery. But you have stayed in touch regularly and have experienced progression in your relationship. Yes, you have a relationship and it looks like it has a strong base of mutual interests and admiration. Hell no you are not crazy. Both of you are fortunate to have crossed paths. There is no guarantee things will progress to the next level, but I can’t help but feel I just read a near fairy tale love unfold. Good for you and him! Be safe and have fun. See ya….Gary/wtf

cookieman's avatar

After that story, if you don’t go for it…I will (and I’m a goofy, married guy).

Seriously, he sounds sweet. I would definitly spend some more time with him in November and see how it goes. BesT of luck.

Roory's avatar

The feelings dont count time, and we do not chose who we like…. if you really like him… go for it :)

FutureMemory's avatar

Do it. Life is too short.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Sounds like he’s on the same page as you and wants to check it out further, could be a very nice thing- go for it.

skfinkel's avatar

While you met him only “once” it was a long ride together, followed by what sounds like a developing courtship. Nothing here sounds at all weird. Sounds pretty good, actually. I would not worry to much and enjoy getting to know him better. Maybe you can meet his parents, which will give you more insights about him, if he is interested in that.

Cupcake's avatar

@deni – what a sweet story for the two of you. It’s not odd – it’s chemistry. Enjoy it.

autumn43's avatar

Aww! I love a love story! There’s someone for everyone…and no one ever said you had to meet in a conventional way. I think it’s great! And want to live vicariously through you.

janbb's avatar

Did you ever see the movie “When Harry Met Sally”; they met the same way. You did just meet him once but it was for 24 hours. That sounds longer than 3 or even 4 regular dates might be, so you got a chance to know him more than you thought. It sounds like it has potential and that you are both feeling it. Go for it and see where it takes you, says I!

Beta_Orionis's avatar

It is not crazy! Go for it! No regrets!
I spent around 30 hours with a guy, realized very quickly how perfect we were together, and started dating him “officially” the next day. It was one of the best decisions of my life. (now he’s my husband!)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

well, I agree with everyone here. I have met plenty of people just once, and most of the time it is for no more than a few minutes. I have been smitten by several, but then, for me it’s a bit different. I’m a married guy, these are other guys, and it might simply just be lust. Seeing and talking to a cute guy makes for a good rest of the day. I even have a private contest I run through my mind at work. I call it “the cutest truck driver of the day” contest. Many have won, but fortunately for them, they don’t realize it. It would be awkward, as they are married straight guys and my perverse lusts would only make them feel uncomfortable.

I did meet a guy once about 20 years my senior back in my delivery job days, and he was such a great person that I ended up using him as a character in a romantic gay love story I wrote. I never saw him again, but the ‘chemistry’ I felt for him still makes me smile.

in case this makes no sense, which it might, I am ambidextrual.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Aw! You two like each other! Nothing wrong with that. Go for it!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

OMG…this is a fairy tale. Go for it. Run, don’t walk. :-)

deni's avatar

GGGGGGGUYYYS. These answers are all so cute, they make me so happy!!! :) I think this is the first question I’ve seen where everyone answers with the same opinion, which is especially wonderful since it’s such a positive one! Thank you all!!! :)

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Yeah! I mean, you have two choices:
– do nothing (and possibly regret it)
– go for it (worst case it doesn’t work out)

Both (potentially) have the same outcome, but only one is certain to result in no relationship.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Well, personally, I’m a romantic. Don’t let this opportunity for a life-long relationship slip through your fingers. It sounds too special.

IBERnineD's avatar

@janbb When I was reading the question I “When Harry Met Sally” popped in my head!

@deni I would totally go for it, of course be safe!! What a fantastic memory you two will have together! As for me I know someone online that I have never met in person, and would die for a chance like yours, so at least do it so I can live vicariously through you! ;)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

<—wonders if he can buy the rights to this story, I see a movie and maybe an Oscar in my future. }:^)

deni's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra Oh of course!! As long as the part with us driving across kansas dancing to disco/techno is featured in the previews.

CMaz's avatar

Depends on how horny you are.

JLeslie's avatar

Me too. When Harry Met Sally.

janbb's avatar

@deni I met my husband while I was hitchhiking! How safe is that? And we’re married 36 years. (It’s been a long ride.)

kellylet's avatar

A long car ride can be a tough test in a developed relationship. If he speeds or gets grouchy in traffic? What happens if you get lost? Does he not want to stop so you could use the restroom? —->It may seem weird but you learn a lot about a person in the car & by their trip style.

I think if you can stand to be in such a small space with anyone for that amount of time, he’s a keeper. Have fun & best of luck!

ru2bz46's avatar

24 hours is a very long time to spend with someone in close proximity. I met someone recently, and we’ve spent many days together over the past few months, just sitting and talking at a table outside Starbucks, up to 13 hours in a day. After the first day, and 9 hours of talk, I realized I had no interest in any more than friendship. She, on the other hand was quite smitten with me and told me as much.

Today, we are good friends, and know much about each other, and knowing that I don’t want more, she is slowly letting go of her feelings for me.

So, no, 24 hours is not too short a time to know whether you have feelings for someone. Pursue this, and see where it leads. Good luck!

shortysith's avatar

Life is short. If this person makes you smile, you are excited to talk to one another, why not? Too many people hesitate about the right things when they are there for the taking. It sounds like you two have chemistry, brighten each other’s day. Pursue it and good luck!

cookieman's avatar

@ru2bz46: Up to 13 hours?! Wasn’t your keister sore?

deni's avatar

@janbb How exciting is that!! Very cool!

@shortysith i like your answer a lot, it is very sweet!

deni's avatar

@kellylet I agree you can tell a lot about a person by the way they drive!! I was just thinking that today after I read your comment and a lot of my friends who drive extremely aggressively tend to be get angrier and be less patient…which makes sense.

mikkicmark's avatar

there is nothing wrong it happens all the time but be careful!

ru2bz46's avatar

@cprevite Well, we actually only spent about 5 hours there, then another five at a restaurant bar in the same parking lot, then back to Sbux for another three. So, there were breaks. :-)

deni's avatar

i just worry that he is subconsciously one of the reasons for me that i’m moving there and i don’t want to be misinterpreting this whole situation and then be disappointed later on and regret moving there. of course i have a million other reasons for moving but…i cant say it’s not swaying me a bit.

kellylet's avatar

@deni you are moving to Colorado or Jersey?

deni's avatar

@kellylet Colorado :)

kellylet's avatar

I was half way only being nosy and now a little part of me wants to say,” Wait, you are crazy to move cross country for someone you’ve only meet once.” But the way I usually look at things says,” F-! it. What do you have to loose. You only live once. Take the chance and worst case scenario you move home or build a life of your own in a great new city.”

Seven years ago I moved cross country to LA with a man without a clue as to anything in Los Angeles, but I love CA. He didn’t work out but CA has and without that move I never would have met the current man of my dreams.

So my really long winded version, of the same answer I gave before is Go For It!

deni's avatar

@kellylet i like your thinking, i do :) however, originally he had nothing to do with my idea to move to boulder—last summer i went to colorado for the first time and loved the mountains. this summer i was back and decided i wanted to live there for REAL, and then i met this young man and coincidentally he lives there too, which just gives it all that much more appeal!

FutureMemory's avatar

Be sure to keep us updated in the coming months :)

deni's avatar

@FutureMemory Ohhh I shall. Last night he called me and said that he put the CD in that I made him (I mailed him a package with a bunch of random stuff…including a CANDY CORN CANDLE. honestly one of the greatest things i’ve ever come across) and the first song I put on the CD was the same as the first song he put on the CD he just made me. Weeeird huh?

PS I love candy corn, pretty sure I’m the only one in the world who can say that too, lol

janbb's avatar

@deni “I love candy corn” – that probably does make you unique!

deni's avatar

@janbb HAHAHA mmm i can’t see why more people don’t like it, i think they are little chunks of heavenly goodness.

ru2bz46's avatar

@deni My estranged wife is a HUGE fan of candy corn. You’re only the second I’ve known to say so.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@deni You’re certainly not the only one! @ru2bz46 I make three then!
I love it so much that as a little kid, I requested it from Santa, and when he pulled through, It made me much happier than did most of my other Christmas presents.

ru2bz46's avatar

@Beta_Orionis I’m speechless :-|

deni's avatar

@Beta_Orionis what a heartwarming story to hear from another candy corn lover :)

deni's avatar

major developments in this saga. is anyone still following?

ru2bz46's avatar

Of course we are @deni. What’s up?

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@deni yes ma’am!

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni….Of course we are following. I’m on the edge of my wheelchair seat. You don’t want me to do a face plant, now do you? Please do share. Yours, In anticipation….Gary/wtf

whatthefluther's avatar

@Beta_Orionis & @deni…You may be candy corn fans, but do you eat them one color layer at a time, tip first, then orange, then yellow? I’m colorblind so the color identification may be off but I’m sure you understand the process described
See ya….Gary/wtf

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@whatthefluther OF COURSE! That’s the only way to eat them! (along with intermittently pretending you are a candy-corn vampire, canine, unicorn, rhino, etc.)

You got the order correct, but this personal fact intrigues me. You’re completely colorblind? Have you always been?

Also, I generally collect the yellow bits for last, because they are the most delicious and least paint-tasteful.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Beta_Orionis….I think that’s why more people don’t love candy corn….they just weren’t taught how to enjoy them properly.
I’ve always been colorblind but my vision is not completely devoid of color. I just have a bit of trouble distinguishing between shades of yellow and green, etc.. In my driving days it brought on an entirely new meaning to intersection interaction excitement.
See ya….Gary/wtf
PS: I’m off to add you to my fluther….us candy corn lovers must stick together (much as the candy, itself, does at times)

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@whatthefluther I think that’s a pretty excellent theory. Someone in psychology/sociology should write their thesis on candy corn.

Yikes! I can’t even imagine that sort of excitement. Must make you hyper-aware of actual driving though. I’ve only met the red/green variety of colorblind folks. I always wonder how those afflicted would approach painting.

:D Too funny.

deni's avatar

OKAY EVERYBODY! im glad we’re all here. i feel like i’m starting a story group. alright.

i hadn’t talked to him most of the week. i texted him on friday to see how his week was, so i’ll just tell yall how the conversation went…well, the juicy part anyhow

me: im really excited to move out there, its been hard for me to think about anything else lately!
him: me too. i just cant wait to see you.
me: i cant wait to see you either! i thought maybe that was just me, and i was bein a big creep though
him: not so much. i think we’re on the same page you and i
me: oh yeah?
him: i think so. i usually dont talk this much to a girl unless shes one i really like
me: really. what would be the reason for a guy like you not talking to girls much?
him: let me clarify – i talk to other girls. i like talking to you more than any other girls.
me: well how did that happen?!?! how’d i get so lucky?
him: a beautiful girl like you? not sure how but it sure feels glorious
me: you’re blowing my mind.
him: girl you have no idea, i just wish you were here. even december feels far away.

then he sent me another saying he was falling asleep so that was it for the night. i was at work so needless to say the rest of my night was pretty pleasant. but now comes the good part!

yesterday, which took me by kind of surprise, but kind of not, he texted me and said he thought i should come out for halloween and he’d be willing to split the plane ticket with me. the thing is, aside from the fact that i would love to see him, i DID want to take a trip out there (which he did know) over a weekend and look around and get the feel for where i might be living. i think it would be a smart thing to do. so anyhow this flight is 199 which is pretty good if you ask me and i would leave here thursday morning and come back the next tuesday. halloween weekend that is, of course. so…i dont know!!!!!!!!!!!! my mind is in shambles! i feel like i have no reason not to go. i would miss a couple classes (actually only 4 total), but i only have 2 classes and both would be easy to make up work for, so i’m not concerned about that. i guess thats all i have to say for now….

comments? i love you all, especially if you actually took the time to read this :p

btw…. @whatthefluther i shovel them in my mouth so fast i dont even notice the colors. seriously though, i am a pig when it comes to candy corn. its awful, i consume MASS quantities of it. i really go to town. then i feel sick all day. PLEASE DONT FACEPLANT OUT OF YOUR WHEELCHAIR, BY THE WAY!

aphilotus's avatar


ru2bz46's avatar

Sounds like you’ve got a fun trip coming up @deni. I’d hold off on bringing any candy corn to him though…that could be a big disappointment for you. Take things slowly. Good luck on your trip!

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni…. You must slow down your consumption of the candy corn and give the proper process a try, but get your butt to Colorado pronto (not to worry….with your news, my butt is back firmly planted in my seat).
See ya dear deni….Gary/wtf

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@deni Yay! GO! You had already considered it. That much of a “fate aligned” sort of scenario is something one should NOT ignore. As a fellow class-time [sacrificer?] (although we both know doing it often is problematic) I can tell you that missing classes for something you know is important emotionally or otherwise, has been counted among the best decisions (and led to some of the best experiences) of my life.

Also, I do stuff them into my mouth sometimes, but I generally pack them in and let them dissolve slowly, because they develop that interested wax-coating versus crumbly inside texture duality that my tongue can’t get enough of! I had forgotten that! And oh man do I know the sick feeling from too much at once. The tiny pumpkins have a special place in my heart, but “harvest” and “reindeer” corn just aren’t the same. We should really develop this subculture, apply candy-corn tenets to life, and write a collaborative book!

whatthefluther's avatar

“A Guide to True Appreciation and Adoration”

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@whatthefluther YES! We could develop it over a year and strategically deploy it around October. Inspire a brand new corn-loving generation.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Beta_Orionis….As long as the supply outweighs the huge new demand, of course. See ya….Gary/wtf

deni's avatar

i’ll help! i’ll do the drawings for the book…candy corn can be difficult to draw so let me handle that rough task.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@deni oh man! We could even collect drawings from little kids! I am pretty excited about this idea. I’m really considering it!

chyna's avatar

@deni I love this story. Go for halloween, the flight is cheap and you need to check things out anyway. I’m envious! I hope to meet someone special someday soon.
@Beta_Orionis I hold the candy corn in my mouth too, to let it dissolve a little before I eat it. I do that with M&M’s too.

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@chyna although I don’t like m&ms too much, when I have eaten them, I dissolve them too, so I can see how thin and paintless the shells can become before they break!

whatthefluther's avatar

@Beta_Orionis….Have you tried the dark chocolate or those personalized M & M’s? They might bring you a whole new appreciation for M & M’s. Please add @chyna ‘s testimonial to the book notes. See ya….Gary/wtf

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@whatthefluther Duly noted! I have tried most of them, I think, at one point or another. Plain, Peanut, Peanut butter, crunchy/malt?, (not almond as those are made of death,) personalized, dark chocolate, caramel? (that might be a figment of my imagination,) single color in bulk, and mint. I only really like the red, white, &green mint ones that appear around Christmas time.

whatthefluther's avatar

@Beta_Orionis….The Christmas ones aren’t all white?!?
@sccrowell just got an added assignment: M & M color interpreter!
See ya…Gary/wtf

janbb's avatar

Go, deni, go! Sounds like a great romance is brewing.

aprilsimnel's avatar


IBERnineD's avatar

I am soooooo excited for you!!!

deni's avatar


im 97% positive i’m going to. i ran it by some friends and i cant seem to find anyone who thinks i shouldn’t go. the only person left to break it to is my mother, who i think will be leery but will understand and most likely roll her eyes and say “deni. youre crazy.” yada yada. we’ll see.

deni's avatar

mothers response – “ok. so go. sounds fun. yeah! so i really like this scarf….......”
fathers response – “thats nice. i thought you didnt have money?”

i’m SET!!!!!

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni….I am thrilled for you! Have fun and be safe!
See ya….Gary/wtf

aprilsimnel's avatar


Beta_Orionis's avatar

haha! Oh parents. Good luck!

IBERnineD's avatar

@deni I’m with @whatthefluther have fun and be safe!!!

ru2bz46's avatar

@deni Good luck! I hope it works out for you. If nothing else, you’ll grow from the experience. :-)

deni's avatar

HEY!!!!!!!!!! I just got home this evening. It was perfect, he’s wonderful, we’re sort of together, I’m so glad I went, I can’t imagine a better decision I could have made than to go out there on this trip. Ayiyi, I am so hoppy.

janbb's avatar

@deni That’s so great! I was thinking of you last weekend with all that snow they had.

deni's avatar

@janbb Aww thank!!! It worked out perfectly…he’s a teacher so they had wed-fri off because of snow. It was a little itty bitty miracle, lol. :)

Beta_Orionis's avatar

YAY!!!! Soooo cute! :)

IBERnineD's avatar

Oh how wonderful!!!! :D

chyna's avatar

Great addition to the story. Congrats.

Cupcake's avatar

That’s adorable @deni! :)

It’s a great start!

Vincentt's avatar

I’m really happy for you ^.^

kellylet's avatar

Hello again. I was involved higher in the post and just wanted to check back in & see how things went. Thanks for the update. Congrats! I am so happy for you.

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni….Let me make sure I have this straight….on top of all the other wonderful things, the guy is a teacher, so we know he likes kids and has lots of patience, and….snow fell from the heavens giving you an additional three days of normal working hours together. No, this is better than a fairy tale. Now, if you report he likes candy corn, somebody better get over here and pinch me, or this is all a dream….and a pretty wonderful one, at that. Thanks for the great update. See ya…..Gary/wtf

deni's avatar

@whatthefluther Gary. I have a story. Months ago I was at this weird antique-y store in my area and I found a candle that was a piece of candy corn. Like, normal big candle size, but it was shaped and colored like candy corn with a face!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyhow, I jumped at the opportunity and bought it. I never burned it because I was saving it for something special (OBVIOUSLY…ITS A CANDY CORN CANDLE). lol, so anyhow, when I was mailing him a package a month or so ago I decided to take a leap of faith and mail it to him among other things. Well, when I got to Boulder, it was sitting on his dresser and I was happy to see it displayed. I kind of forgot about it until the night after Halloween when we were hanging out and just chatting and I saw it and said WE FORGOT TO BURN IT ON HALLOWEEN…so we burnt it then and it was beautiful. And then I thought….wait…...and I said to him (thinking to myself…“here it is…i’m popping the question”) “Do you like candy corn?” and then he looked at me and said “Deni. Of course I love candy corn.” And then I was eternally happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Awwww! That’s an excellent indicator of compatibility! :D

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni…..Wow…..I believe you have found yourself a keeper…..congratulations!
See ya…..Gary/wtf

ru2bz46's avatar

Wow @deni! My wife LOVES candy corn too. I’m not a fan. We’re separated. Hold on to what you’ve got there as two candy corn lovers don’t come together that often. (huh huh, I said, “two…lovers don’t come together that often.” LOL!)

deni's avatar


you’ll all be invited to the wedding. dont even worry ;)

Cupcake's avatar

@deni I love the candy corn candle story!

My hubby and I both love candy corn. It’s a match made in heaven!

deni's avatar

@Cupcake It sure is…with so few of us candy corn appreciaters in the world, it’s gotta be pretty rare that two of us run into each other…

deni's avatar

update. ive died and gone to heaven

Cupcake's avatar

@deni… ummm… details please??

janbb's avatar

@deni Yes, please!

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni…..What’s up? Please fill us in on the latest news. Thanks. See ya….Gary/wtf

deni's avatar

It’s just weird how well things are working out from such an unlikely meeting and from the whole way across the country. I always said I couldn’t have a long distance relationship but now put in the position it’s so worth it. He’s coming here for Christmas with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve never anticipated anything so much in my life, I can’t wait. I wrote a craigslist success story because I’m a DORK. I read it to him the other night and he started sniffling. lol. i’m so happy. thank you guys for caring. :)

janbb's avatar

@deni AWWWWWWWWW! (sniff)

Cupcake's avatar

Yay @deni!!!!! I’m so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni….Seems to me you are getting the best Christmas present one could ever dream of. Congratulations, handle with care and enjoy! See ya….Gary/wtf

Beta_Orionis's avatar

@whatthefluther is very right. I love when taking a leap of faith turns out to be exactly the best choice. Infinite congrats! :)

deni's avatar

Oh you pals :)

deni's avatar

this thread makes me so happy to look back on. honestly, had i not gotten such great feedback from you guys on this topic…well….i probably would have still pursued the situation, but i may have been a bit more leery about it. who knows. thank you all again. x10000000000000.

Cupcake's avatar

:) Lurve for @deni.

ru2bz46's avatar

Hooray for @deni!
On a side note, I recently had a similar experience. I met a yoga studio owner/teacher for coffee to discuss a potential teaching position for me. It lasted a couple hours. We met a couple more times during the week, each time lasting longer. By this time, we weren’t even talking about teaching anymore. Finally, I went to her place for a cup of tea, and we talked for 35 hours with just a brief nap (in each other’s arms). By the time I left, we were a couple. This all started a week and a half ago. I still don’t know if I’ll get the job…

chyna's avatar

@ru2bz46 35 hours!? Worlds longest first date! Congrats, it sounds wonderful and fun!

whatthefluther's avatar

@deni….this is one of my favorite threads as well….much continuing lurve to you.
@ru2bz46….thanks for sharing that marvelous experience. It just goes to show that love can be found at any time, in any place and under any circumstance, as long as one is receptive to it and keeps their heart open to the possibility. Good luck with the job (altho that is undoubtedly of secondary importance at this point).
See ya…...Gary/wtf

deni's avatar

@whatthefluther :) heaps of love and lurve, gary

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