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deepdivercwa55m's avatar

Lies, lies, lies...How can I avoid them?

Asked by deepdivercwa55m (353points) October 9th, 2009
17 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I have a big problem with lies. It’s like I can’t live without them. I tell lies every day without any serious reasons. Or sometimes to impress someone. It’s really hard avoiding it. Maybe I tell lies because I am afraid what is going to happen?? I really don’t know. But I noticed that people don’t trust me no more. I try to tell the truth but always something happens and everything goes wrong with result, a lie.
One lie brings another. And my whole life is going to be just fake. Sometimes I believe my own lies!!
How can I stop telling lies?

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oratio's avatar

Well, as you are a Greek you might know the concept of Catharsis. Tell your family the exact same thing and ask them to help you.

deepdivercwa55m's avatar

No I don’t know what is it. Can you explain please??

oratio's avatar

You will have to cleanse yourself, confronting yourself and sharing the truth about your problem with people close to you, that might help you. It seems as if you are afraid of the truth.

marinelife's avatar

If you lying issue is as pervasive and constant as your Q indicates, you will really need to see a therapist to change the behavior. Because to chage it, you will have to tackle the underlying issues that cause you to lie.

It is really worth doing, because as you have seen, it damages your life and credibility. People feel they cannot trust you.

You may find some useful information here.

Good luck.

Grisaille's avatar

Pathological liar? Yeah, you should seek out professional help.

LostInParadise's avatar

I think it is good that you want to stop lying. One thing that you can do is simply practice telling the truth. If you can find someone who you trust and knows of your problem, try working with him or her. Try telling something as truthfully as you can. If you find yourself lying, then the next time you meet, admit that you lied and correct what you previously said.

CMaz's avatar

I think that is a lie.

You do not really want to stop telling lies.

deepdivercwa55m's avatar

I want to as I said before i lose the trust of the people I know

willbrawn's avatar

Are you lying right now?

deepdivercwa55m's avatar

no I am not

willbrawn's avatar

Then you need to start telling the truth. Basically man up, if you can’t do that you need to see a doctor ( either metal or regular doctor).

oratio's avatar

Metal? As in Terminator?

seventeen123's avatar

First, you have to pay more attention to things that come out of your mouth. Once you put the effort in noticing what you’re saying- you’ll find it easier & easier to avoid lying. Paying attention is all it really takes. Because when you’re aware of what you’re saying- you’re controlling what you’re saying.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s important to figure out why you tell lies. It’s common to tell lies for a couple of reasons. One is to try to keep someone from getting angry with you. The other reason is to try to impress people.

When one feels insecure about oneself, it is tempting to try to make oneself seem more accomplished than one really is. The problem with that approach is that you have pile on lie after lie in order to protect yourself from being found out. It becomes so complex that you forget what you have told whom, and the next thing you know your story stops holding together, and you get known for lying.

Then people stop trusting you, and then you don’t have anyone who likes you any more. They you’ve kind of defeated the purpose of lying in the first place. Lying may have a temporary benefit, but it almost always blows it for you in the long run.

Intellectually, you can know this, but your insecurity could be so strong, that you just can’t conceive that you have any other options besides lying. If you want to get true respect, than the only thing to do is to try to rebuild your reputation. This requires a serious investment of time. You will have to remain consistent, even when people don’t believe you. You can’t give in to the temptation for quick results. Think about the long term. If you become trustworthy, then people can like you for who you are, not who you are pretending to be. If you give people that opportunity, eventually somebody will come to like you for who you are. You just have to remain consistent until that happens.

Of course, since that’s pretty hard to do, you could always keep on lying, and burning your bridges behind you, and running from your lies, and trying to set up in a new place where no one knows you. Your lies will work for a little while, but inevitably, you’ll end up have to run from them again. Your choice.

Zen's avatar

How can we know if you are asking a truthful question?

deepdivercwa55m's avatar

then just shut up and leave me alone

LostInParadise's avatar

Good grief!
@dimitris asks for advice for a problem and people just taunt him. Not exactly Fluther at its best.

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