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jonsblond's avatar

Freeze warning tonight. Should I bring my pumpkins in?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) October 10th, 2009

I have several pumpkins sitting in my front yard that I plan on carving just before Halloween. I would also like to roast the seeds when we are done carving the pumpkins.

We have a freeze warning for this evening with temps. falling to near 25 degrees for the night. Will this freeze ruin my pumpkins? Should I bring them in for the night?

I feel this is a question I should know the answer to but I’m full of cold medicine and am feeling kind of loopy. So I come to you my fine fluther friends for some much needed advice.

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17 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

They may well be mush in the AM if you leave them out in that severe weather.

Sorry you are ill. Too much RAR?

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you Gail! That’s what I thought. How I’m dreading going out in the cold now.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Dammit, Fluther lost my answer.

Bring them in, frost will make them decay faster. In the house, the garage, the basement, anywhere it won’t get below 40 degrees.

Send the kids, or the ol’ man!

jonsblond's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra They’re not home or I would. :(

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I’d ground them when they do get home, that’ll teach em to leave you alone with a pumpkin emergency.

Response moderated
jonsblond's avatar

this is why I love fluther!

@gailcalled Thank you. and yes, too much RAR. In fact I’m helping with an impromptu show right now.

gailcalled's avatar

@jonsblond: You are starting to hallucinate^^.

Dog's avatar

[Duplicate response removed.]

When I first read the question I thought you meant pumpkins on the vine. I really wanted to know how you were going to bring the plant indoors. :)

gailcalled's avatar

@Dog: Is this your first official Mod act?

Dog's avatar

@gailcalled Nope- I have been pretty busy since starting on Wednesday night. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@gailcalled I just wanted to put @Dog to work. ;)

Garebo's avatar

Pumpkin, I was out last night with a flashlight grabbing everything in sight. So yeah, grab them while you can unless you have a hectare of them.

oratio's avatar

@Dog Nope- I have been pretty busy since starting on Wednesday night.

YES, DOG! YOU HAVE! You sure have. lol. :p Quite a quick draw. No harm in that though.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’ve got decorative pumpkins sitting on the front steps here. Since I’m not planning on carving them, they’re staying out there. We had a hard freeze here last night. The bird bath & the hummingbird feeders are froze. Guess it’s time to bring that feeder in. I’m sure the hummers are long gone.

Dog's avatar

@oratio ;) Just keeping the peace and the conversation flowing. :)

jonsblond's avatar

Here we go again. Freeze warning tonight. Time to bring the pumpkins in. At least this time I don’t have strep throat.

Sad to see many of the people that answered this are now gone. :(

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