Meta Question

Cartman's avatar

Do you get a panic attack when Fluther is down?

Asked by Cartman (3054points) October 15th, 2009

Parts of me say “puh… I didn’t have to take action myself, I might become free of this obsession”, and another part of me just melts as I obsessively hit reload until it comes back.

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22 Answers

Samurai's avatar

I think: Oh damn, did i just get banned for that last comment? or Is it only me this happened to? while hitting refresh multiple times not really needing it to load.

evegrimm's avatar

Ha, yes. Happens every night around the same time, and I’m completely paranoid that it won’t come up again. <frets> <bites nails> etc.

peedub's avatar

Nah, I just go break dance or take bath or something.

DarkScribe's avatar

The only thing that can get me agitated by going down has boobs. (Nice boobs.)

YARNLADY's avatar

Nope, since I realized it happens every night around 11:30 pm, I don’t worry about it at all.

Zen's avatar

@DarkScribe Agitated isn’t the verb I’d use with your wife. Maybe thrilled, exhilerated, breathless.

O's avatar

@DarkScribe Hah, that criteria fits a she-male too, buddy. But I am sure she is all woman.

forestGeek's avatar

No, I look at it as an excuse to finally start getting some work done..or a beer break.

phoenyx's avatar

I just go to the fluther chat channel.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Actually, I’d be glad if Fluther went down on a regular basis. That way I can actually get some work done.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

nope, I got drugs to handle anxiety. Besides, Fluther is a happy past time, it’s not like I live here. If I did, you’d figure out even quicker how much of an asshole I can be.

Darwin's avatar

No, I just get pissed off and switch to doing something else for a while. I really hate it, though, when I have typed in a perfect gem of an answer but then the site goes down so I can’t post it.

augustlan's avatar

When it goes down nightly for server routines, that doesn’t bother me. However, if it goes down unexpectedly, I panic. Even more so since becoming community manager, since it’s my job to locate Bendrew and let them know there’s a problem… even if it’s 4 AM!

Zen's avatar

—I keep a…whatchamacallit… oh yeah, a book… next to the pc for when fluther is down.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I have issues when no one is asking questions on Fluther. I refresh about 50 times, haha. I also have issues when I need to go to sleep but can’t seem to get off the sight.

But when the site is down it is usually for so short a period I’m cool with it.

DarkScribe's avatar

@RedPowerLady I have issues when no one is asking questions on Fluther. I refresh about 50 times, haha

Are you aware that browsers like Firefox have add-ons that will tell you as soon as a page changes? You don’t need to keep refreshing.

RedPowerLady's avatar


I use Firefox. So you mean I’m refreshing pointlessly? What will I do now when no one is asking questions?

DarkScribe's avatar

@RedPowerLady use Firefox. So you mean I’m refreshing pointlessly?

No, you need to select an add-on then Firefox will do it for you, once you nominate a page and set it to check and notify of changes. There are several add-ons, one is called “Check4Change”.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@DarkScribe Thanx, I’ll look into that :)

mattbrowne's avatar

On the contrary. To me it’s shows there’s a good business model behind it. High-availability solutions are very expensive to set up and maintain. Banks need that. Google, Amazon and Ebay as well. Fluther’s computers and software needs to be good enough. Why waste money to have 99.99% availability?

Bluefreedom's avatar

Fluther went down?

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