Social Question

wundayatta's avatar

Did you ever kick someone out or have you ever been kicked out of the car/house?

Asked by wundayatta (58727points) October 15th, 2009
28 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

I remember getting furiously angry with my parents a few times, although I don’t remember why. I remember my parents getting furiously angry with me, and I definitely remember why.

They would threaten to kick me out of the car when I was maybe 12 or younger, but I don’t think they ever did. I remember making a similar threat (never carried out) once or twice, when my kids were pre-schoolers, but not since.

My parents actually did kick me out one night because they thought I was being a lazy “no goodnik.” After that, I never felt like I could be sure they would be there for me, even if I really needed it (or perhaps especially if I really needed it).

So have you even been kicked or done the kicking? What was the reason for it? Do you regret what you did or do you feel totally justified? Why?

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PretentiousArtist's avatar

My GF once kicked me out of her place for doing the “houdini”
I thought it was funny at the time.
Mind you, I was 17 or so at the time, and yes I do regret it.

trailsillustrated's avatar

all of them. but you can kick a drunk friend out, but it’s illegal now to kick your kids or anybody who’s been living there out, now. adults you have to give a 30 day notice, and you can’t kick minors out.

tinyfaery's avatar

I was kicked out of my house several times as a teen, though not the car. Sometimes I just got out of the car myself.

Why? My parents were horrible and I was a rebellious child. I don’t regret it. I don’t think my parents did either. At least not at the time.

Samurai's avatar

Its illegal to kick kids out of the house, but it still happens all the time, their the homeless kids you think have a drug addiction, or think they have done something horrible so you decide not to give them money. I would simply walk away when I was got yelled at. Yet always returned for food.

ruk_d's avatar

Yes, my brother and I got kicked out of my parent’s house when I was 16. The cause was because I got this gigantic tat on my arm that was done and designed by my brother.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My ex husband kicked me out of our apartment once because he had found cigarettes after I had supposedly quit them. In another relationship I was kicked out of the apartment for an afternoon after my SO learned I’d been drinking earlier in the day and then had been intimate with him- our agreement was he’d not touch me if I was smoking or drinking or under any other influences. Other people I’ve kicked out of the home but that was permanent.

chelseababyy's avatar

When I finally stood up to my abusive mother, she kicked me out. I came home, packed my stuff (most of it, not all) and I left. Of course she texted/called me to come home, but she never called the cops to come and find me like she usually did when she locked me out. (I was 17). I ended up moving down to Florida from New Jersey and starting my life over. To this day, not going home was the best decision I ever made. I’m now 20, happier than ever, and my mom and I are repairing our relationship.

Samurai's avatar

@chelseababyy If its not too personal to ask, where did you end up living?

Zen's avatar

Had a houseguest that overstayed his welcome by a few weeks – at the worst time, too. Should’ve kicked him out but didn’t. Never spoke with him after that.

DominicX's avatar

Nope, never been kicked out of the house. I think that is completely the wrong way to go about things and a sign of bad parenting. I had a friend who was kicked out of the house because of his marijuana usage and he stayed with one of my friends for a week or so until he went back. I also have a friend who got in a fight with his mom and kicked himself out of his own house to go live with his dad (they’ve since made up). Glad nothing like that ever happened to me.

I also heard of a girl who was kicked out of her house because she came out as a lesbian. There’s a lot of fucked up shit out there.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Unfortunately I was kicked out of the home as a teen several times. I also jumped out of the car at stop signs. My mother was not fit to drive and I would be scared to continue driving with her. I did not deserve to be kicked out of the home. I may have been a typical bratty teen but even in fair judgment I didn’t deserve being kicked out. Luckily after I moved out and went to college i’ve been able to repair the relationship with my mother.

I never realistically kicked anyone out before. When I was new in my relationship with my hubby I tried to kick him out a few times but didn’t mean it and would always tell him so if he seriously thought about leaving. It was probably a product of how I was raised. After some maturing I haven’t tried that anymore. I do feel like that was a poor thing to do.

aprilsimnel's avatar

So Auntie had gone to church on a Sunday night and left her son in charge. He was 9, I was 7. We threw a softball around in the dining room and broke a window of the china cabinet. We cleaned it up as best we could, but when she got back, she saw what had happened, had a screaming fit about how expensive it would be to replace the glass (I found some years later it would’ve cost $10(!!!)), whipped us with an extension cord and then in the middle of her rage, yelled at us to put on sweaters, boots and coats, opened the door, put us outside and shut it.

We banged on the door and begged her to let us back in. It was very cold. I think it was before Christmas. “Leave! I don’t care where you go,” she said. So we went to the flat of one of her church friends who lived about 5 blocks away. This friend was angry enough to call her and yell at her for a couple of hours, but didn’t want to get her in trouble, I reckon, so didn’t call social services. We ended up going back the next day after school.

Auntie was 28 at the time. I’m older than that now and I can only wonder just how wigged out by her life and finances she must have been at the time to put two little kids out on the street in the winter (and for me it was the 2nd time in 4 years that someone put me outside in such conditions and locked the door behind them). I’ll never forget how her eyes were bulging out of her head in rage that night. I’m trying hard to understand, and I can only come up with the confluence of her relative poverty, frustration at being very heavy and single with two kids to feed, along with incipient mental illness. It didn’t occur to me until well after I was an adult that her reaction was way out of proportion to the “crime”. I was never kicked out again after that, but my cousin would repeatedly take off and then return until he left for good at 17.

fireinthepriory's avatar

I have a friend who was kicked out of her house when she was outed as a lesbian. (Yeah, it’s definitely fucked up shit, @DominicX…) She showed up at a party one night and told me and our friends that her mom had found out she was gay and had told her not to come home. After the party (she needed a few beers, unsurprisingly) I took her to my house, my mom called her mom (this was back in high school)... To this day I don’t know exactly what they said to one another, but the next day my friend’s mom showed up at my house while we were in school and left all my friend’s things in boxes in my family’s driveway. After a few weeks of my friend living at my house her mom let her go back home, but it was pretty rough going…

The above situation is one reason I’m very glad for the parents I have. I’ve never been kicked out of the house or even out of the car. My parents would threaten to turn the car around, but never to throw us out of it! I’ve also never kicked anyone out of my home. Honestly I don’t think I would. I’d at least give them a week or two to get their shit together and leave, I’d never forcibly expel someone on the spot – barring very extreme circumstances of course.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Do motorhomes count?

Blondesjon's avatar


filmfann's avatar

I kicked my step daughter out when she was 22 or so. I discovered she had a meth-lab going in my garage.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

my mum kicked my brother out when he turned 18. he didn’t do anything horrible. they just never quite got along, and i guess it was one of those ‘final straw’ arguments.

SuperMouse's avatar

I was never kicked out of the house, but I my brother and I were kicked out of the car for fighting. We were a ways from the house and of course had to walk Fortunately for us it was in Southern California, so even during the worst weather it wasn’t below 60.

ru2bz46's avatar

I kicked my first wife out of our apartment once because I had found cigarettes after she had supposedly quit them. I let her back in after about five minutes.

Darwin's avatar

When my son is in one of his tirades, hitting people and grabbing at the steering wheel, it is impossible to drive safely when he is in the car. I typically tough it out until we are less than a mile from the house, but then I do kick him out of the car. I’ve had to do it four times. By the time he got home he had calmed down.

chelseababyy's avatar

@Samurai I moved in with my Aunt who lived about 45 minutes from my mom, in Jersey. I moved to Florida a month later to live with my grandma. Six months later I ended up moving to California to be with a guy. We then moved to Oregon then Grand Cayman (both for his job) now we’re in Denver. And just imagine, I got kicked out in June of ‘07. Not to mention I’ve visited a TON of states in between!

drClaw's avatar

My friends mom would kick us out of her car if we started getting rowdy, she didn’t care if we were 10 miles away from our houses she would pull over, unlock the doors, and say (with a smile nonetheless) “ok guys you know the deal, I’ll see you at home”

It wasn’t too effective as a punishment, in fact we would try to get kicked out as far away from home as we could just so we could spend extra time on the streets skating.

saraaaaaa's avatar

I unfortunately got kicked out of the home permanently at the age of 16 and have been living independantly ever since. A touchy subject for me but the reason goes as follows: After texting my father to ask if he wanted anything from town it turned out he was trying to get back with his ex who hated me for reasons I still don’t quite understand, please don’t presume me to be a problem child she slapped him and walked off after she saw it was me texting. He came home and kicked me out that day. I’ve never been back.

ru2bz46's avatar

@saraaaaaa Your dad has serious issues with self esteem. I’m sorry to hear your case, but be glad you’re not under that roof anymore.

chelseababyy's avatar

@saraaaaaa Finally someone else who has been through the whole ridiculous parents scene. I know that feeling all too well.

Jack79's avatar

Not kicked out exactly. There was this guy that asked if he could crash with me for a few days until he got an apartment, and ended up staying two months. So after hinting and bringing home newspapers for him to find a place, I eventually told him he really really had to move out, and we went looking for apartments together. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford it or something, he was just trying to save money for as long as possible.

I also sort of kicked out a friend who had been staying at my place when I was going to get married and of course my wife-to-be did not want a girl staying with us. The friend was taking too long and the wedding was coming up and we wanted to renovate the place, so in the end I also pushed her a bit.

bippee's avatar

I kicked my boyfriend out of the car once. We were arguing about something and he called me a cunt, which is not a word I use or wish to be called by someone who professes to love me. We were miles from his place and I peeled out of the parking lot and left him there. He thought I’d be back to get him, but I just kept driving. It taught him a lesson and he never did call me that again. I finally came to my senses and kicked him out of my life for good, but that was still a few years off. sigh…

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