General Question

andrew's avatar

How did the sock-shaped McNugget come to exist?

Asked by andrew (16562points) February 1st, 2008
3 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Why a sock shape? Is there something about it that’s good for dipping?

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PrancingUrchin's avatar

great question.

My only guess is that they take them off of the McChickens’ feet with their sold still on.

tekn0lust's avatar

As a former McDonalds worker in the early 90’s I can tell you that there is alot more to worry about the chicken nugget than it’s shape…

jrpowell's avatar

“Chicken McNuggets come in three shapes. The first resembles a boot – a rectangular shape with a stub jutting out of one of the corners. The second is a circle/ diamond. The third is roughly rectangular, but without the stub. Though the exact origin of these shapes is unclear, some[attribution needed] believe the shapes resulted from a need to maximize yield from the meat mixture, coupled with a need for shapes that appear like random chunks, and not homogeneously mass produced.”

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