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Val123's avatar

Do you think the mother of this child was being completely irresponsible?

Asked by Val123 (12734points) October 16th, 2009
50 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Or was it just an accident.
Please see video. Generally speaking, I hate videos. They’re slow and stuff. But this one is a total OMG!! I’ve never felt such horror! My daughter screamed! Baby in stroller rolls onto tracks in front of an oncoming train…and is fine! Nothing more than a bump on the head!

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RedPowerLady's avatar

can you say a bit about what is in the video, i don’t want to open it without knowing

SpatzieLover's avatar


That gave me the chills!

Okay, 4rl, one of my biggest pet peeves are parents not watching what they are doing with their baby strollers. I live in a quaint ‘burb. Why do people put their infants out in traffic in front of themselves when crossing busy streets? Why do they stand with their back turned to baby?

Thank God this situation turned out to be a miracle But what if it hadn’t?

hannahsugs's avatar

edited: nevermind, i watched with sound. Still makes me nervous/nauseous, even knowing that everything was ok. Just thinking what could’ve happened is so sad.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@hannahsugs Yes, with only a bump to the head after being dragged 100ft

Val123's avatar

@RedPowerLady I edited the more.
@SpatzieLover AND it looked like Mom was texting. And why do people allow their children to cross streets and parking lots without holding their hand? I was moving very slowly through an icy parking lot once,and this little boy was running through the lot with his father watching him benignly. He saw my van—and swerved to run around in front of it,and I could not stop on the ice!!!! He flat ran into the left front fender and knocked himself down. He could have been killed.

kibaxcheza's avatar

its called breaks… makes the thing immobile.
that parent should have lost her baby. I dont mean the child harm, as that would be a waste of a young life, but the parent should have to bare witness to a true tragedy to learn how to better manage their children

hearkat's avatar

Someone posted what must be the same video on another site, and I was scared to open it because the header just said something about a baby stroller being hit by a train! I appreciate you letting us know that there’s a happy ending!!

RedPowerLady's avatar

Wow that is really scary. A parent’s worst nightmare.

Samurai's avatar

Ehh, the video isn’t loading for me.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Samurai Try this link Actually this link is better than the one above as it has an Australian journalist reporting what is occurring and what followed.

markyy's avatar

When I heard about it on the news I thought: Great publicity for the company that sells that particular kind of strollers. When I saw the video I thought: Horrible publicity for the company that particular kind of strollers.

One thing is for sure, that kind is going to be over protected for the rest of his life, and that mother just started believing in god.

poofandmook's avatar

I don’t know that I would be so harsh on the mother, but I will say that even with my damned shopping cart, if I take my hands off it, I just put my foot on the bar on the bottom. Just sayin’.

Facade's avatar

Didn’t feel much. Glad the kid’s OK.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@markyy I agree about the stroller and finding God.

Val123's avatar

@kibaxcheza I think that was warning enough!
@hearkat I promise you I’ll never post horror videos or porn, or anything like that. I’m a twit, you see, and we twits are too prudish about such things!
@SpatzieLover …I found God in a stroller?? :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Val123 Here in the USA it would be I found God in the Subway or in the Metro ;)

casheroo's avatar

I cried. But, I’m pregnant and emotional. I feel bad for the mother, a split second and anything can happen…it’s scary.

Val123's avatar

@casheroo Ah yeah….I’m sorry! I didn’t know. I would have been a quivering mess too!

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

Well, this only goes to show that people need to watch their goddamn kids. I swear, I take better care of my dog than some people take care of their kids. What was she doing anyway, hopefully not checking her Fluther.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@casheroo I’m in the same boat. Not fun to watch while preggo. Now I’m thinking my decision to use the baby carriers on your chest instead of strollers is well-founded, lol.

Val123's avatar

I’m sorry! I didn’t know everyone here was pregnant! I wouldn’t have posted it!!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Val123 I’m not pregnant…my womb still hurt watching it though…think it’s a mom thing.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I heard about this earlier on this afternoon so was aware of the outcome even though I hadn’t seen this footage. I am glad I knew that it was a happy ending before watching this though. I feel for the mother, like @casheroo said, a split second is all it takes. Hopefully that will be a very valuable lesson to her!

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover LOL! I should have asked, “Does this make your womb hurt?” ROFL! You crack me up!

LKidKyle1985's avatar

My response was, hollllly shit. I can’t believe the baby is alive.

MissAusten's avatar

That has to be the luckiest baby on the planet. If he was my kid, I’d buy some lottery tickets and rub them all over his body.

That was one of the most horrible videos I’ve ever seen. It was on the news today, and of course they show the video and talk about it for a minute before they say the kid was OK. I really feel bad for the mom. I bet she never forgets the brakes again.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I rarely used the brakes or the belts ;( But I also never let my kid outta my sight or my grasp

MissAusten's avatar

Me too. Also, I never spent much time around trains.

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover and @MissAusten Me either, but I can’t remember ever just, actually, letting go of the stroller at any time, unless it was to get the kids in or out…

SpatzieLover's avatar

@MissAusten LOL about the lotto! I can see the townspeople coming up to rub baby Buddha belly for luck!

sakura's avatar

heart in mouth moment!! Glad baby ok :) Its all about using BREAKS!!

sandystrachan's avatar

Breaks are pointless , its called dont let go of the pram .
I had a few prams that the breaks failed , or didnt grip right i have never used breaks . Just keep holding to the damn thing , or turn it to the side away from danger .

Val123's avatar

Guys…I think the word in this context is “Brakes,” not “Breaks.”

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@Val123 give it up, you’ll never win, as so many people confuse breaks and brakes; then and than; and of course, the ever-popular loose and lose.

sakura's avatar

OOPS SORRY !! Hangs head in shame!!

MissAusten's avatar

Here’s a little phrase to help people remember the difference between the two words:

No brakes? Baby breaks.

sandystrachan's avatar

Ok right i have a great excuse / reason , i haven’t been sleeping more than 30 minutes a day for the last wee while . Pregnant partner plus restless unborn child , lack of sleep makes sandy a silly billy . But you knew what i meant

sakura's avatar

I know the difference, just got carried away with moment!

Val123's avatar

@MissAusten Nice!!
@sakura It’s cool…everybody does it at some time or another. I did it here just the other day! In the thread I used the word “roll,” and I meant “role”! It’s just that I saw “break” like, 5 different times by 5 different people so I thought I’d say something….

sakura's avatar

I think people see it in a post and use the owrd as stated without realising the error!! Funny!! :)

Val123's avatar

@sakura I thought of that too!

sakura's avatar

oops owrd?? word!!! I’ve had a drink its saturday night! forgive me!!

Samurai's avatar

@SpatzieLover Thanks for the other link.

Val123's avatar

@sakura LOL!! DO YOU HAVE A HEADACHE TODAY???!!!!!!!!??????????!!!!!!!!!

sakura's avatar

@Val123 no I’m ok, I’ve just cooked a Sunday roast for 11 people + desserts!! Needed a glass of wine after that!!

Val123's avatar

@sakura oh man! That sounds wonderful! I’m starving!

sakura's avatar

sorry most of it gone, apart from some delicious homemade chocolate torte and home made no bake cheese cake! mmmm! hehehe!!

Val123's avatar

STOP!!!! Ga….

sakura's avatar

I’ll post some to you, virtually of course, enjoy!!

Val123's avatar

@sakura YOU ARE SO MEAN!!!!! Fine. I’ll just go make some tacos. I hardly ever make tacos. Only when I’m craving cheesecake and can’t have any. (I don’t understand it either….)

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