General Question

twilightlover's avatar

My family just recently got a dachsund puppy, shes 9 weeks old but wont eat or drink and is very weak is this normal?

Asked by twilightlover (60points) October 16th, 2009
47 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

worried if are dog may be sick, very young

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gailcalled's avatar

Call vet asap.

chyna's avatar

No, it’s not normal. Take her to the vet now.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Not eating or drinking is never normal for an animal, if it means to stay alive… Another vote for the vet.

patg7590's avatar

from what i’ve gathered, (mostly from @gailcalled @chyna and @fireinthepriory ) I think you should take the puppy to the vet.

rangerr's avatar

I think @patg7590 might be right.

gailcalled's avatar

If anyone in my family stopped both eating and drinking, we would be on our way to the ER now.

patg7590's avatar

@rangerr i love you. thank you for playing with me
@gailcalled you are subtly hinting that pets count as blood relation. I like it

twilightlover's avatar

Thanks guys for all your advice were going to take her tomorrow

rangerr's avatar

@patg7590 I’d play with you anytime. [;

twilightlover's avatar

Ew Rangerr flirt somewhere else

HGl3ee's avatar

Vet! Now! Not in a few hours.. Not tomorrow morning.. Right now, call your vets emergency line an take her in! That is way to young way to little and could go bad stupid fast!! Keep us posted please :( – LB

chyna's avatar

If you have an emergency vet, take her there now. I know it is expensive, but if she is weak and hasn’t drank or ate, tomorrow may be too late.

patg7590's avatar

oh no, is that flirting? I’m married that’s not okay. I meant it in a very immature, juvenile, non-sexual way; mostly because I’m pouting about getting answers removed by Fluther moderators and people not biting at my banter today in general. SO there world, see my guts, but please don’t say I’m flirting

patg7590's avatar

and keep us updated on the puppy! I love puppies! cats not so much ;-]

rangerr's avatar

I believe in the phrase “the internet is a playground”.
I wasn’t flirting.
Joking around like a middle schooler, yes.

I miss being that young sometimes.

But yeah. Get the puppy to a vet. I’d be quite upset to hear something happened to it.

twilightlover's avatar

haha yeah cats are alright, puppies are adorable. I will let you know, And i didnt think you were flirting lol, No worrys, thats cool your married :) congrats

gailcalled's avatar

@patg7590: I am not subtly hinting at anything. (And one doesn’t bite at banter. And even more importantly, this is not the right thread for “immature, juvenile” badinage.)

patg7590's avatar

@twilightlover hell yeah it’s cool I’m married. everyone told me I couldn’t do it. lol
@gailcalled you’re just mad cause you figured out the cat dislike joke was aimed at you :-p

patg7590's avatar

@gailcalled also, what do you do (or not do) with banter if you don’t bite it?

gailcalled's avatar

@patg7590: Only I get to decide how I feel. I am not mad.

Banter: “To exchange remarks in a teasing or good humored fashion…”

twilightlover's avatar

who is gailcalled talking to

chyna's avatar

Please let us know how the puppy is after the vet visit. I love dogs and I’m concerned.

patg7590's avatar

@twilightlover me I guess
@gailcalled I know what it is. How do you interact with it? What verb would you use?

airowDee's avatar

Please go to the vet as soon as possible.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@twilightlover Your puppy needs to go to the vet immediately. If left untreated the puppy may suffer badly, for days, then die.

It could be many things, but this Oprah situation springs to mind first.


Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

dogs are awesome; cats are trouble. Git that puppy to the vet!

Darwin's avatar

Call your vet now. Most vets will either have a way for you to reach them after hours or will give the number of an emergency vet. This puppy is still a baby, and babies can get very sick very fast.

Let us know what happens.

Iclamae's avatar

For future reference, no animal should stop eating or drinking for a long period of time. But especially with puppies and kittens. They should be living vacuums, eating as much as possible so they can get bigger adn stronger. I hope your puppy turns out to be okay, with just some minor bug. :(

Dog's avatar

You can call your local emergency vet for free advice.

They can tell you whether or not you can wait till tomorrow to bring the puppy in. Please call now!

Puppies can become dehydrated very easily and like children can become very ill fast.

Please keep us updated.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (5points)
skfinkel's avatar

Check out distemper. Get the puppy checked out.

twilightlover's avatar

We took her to the vet Saturday morning, she was lethargic and barely breathing. She ended up having three types of worms in her. Their mother didn’t get dewormed or have her shots and spread it through the milk, they gave us antibiotics and shes fine still a little sick but very playful and lovable, Thanks guys for all your advice.

Iclamae's avatar

WOW, I didn’t know you could get three different types of worms. I hope she comes through ok. Good thing you got her to the vet. :)

HGl3ee's avatar

@twilightlover – that’s fantastic! NOT the worms of course! I’m so happy you took her in and got her help <3 I have always stood by the idea that if my dog is acting “off” from what would seem to be normal I take her in. I’d rather there be nothing wrong and swallow the $200 than not take her and risk losing an amazing friend.

I wish you all the best of luck with your new puppy and hope she brings you all the joy and happiness having a new family member should ^_^ – LB

gailcalled's avatar

@twilightlover: I am relieved and happy about your puppy’s re-entry into life.

And your story makes me less squeamish about Milo’s first real annual physical, in three weeks, that call for me to bring a stool sample to vet’s.

My sis says that you can check for worms by peeking under the tail of a dog or cat and seeing whether there is a little white thing stuck there, similar to a grain of rice. (The things we do for love.)

Dog's avatar

AWESOME! I love a happy ending and easy fix!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
patg7590's avatar

Yay! the puppy is okay!

What’s her name? Can we see her?

I luvs teh puppiez

HGl3ee's avatar

Ooo yes! A picture of the little sweetheart would make my day! good idea @patg7590 !! – LB

Darwin's avatar

@gailcalled – That only tells you that the animal has tapeworms. It doesn’t tell you anything about roundworms, hookworms, whipworms or heart worms.

gailcalled's avatar

@Darwin: For both cats and dogs? And is there a ringworm? I certainly hope not.

Darwin's avatar

For both cats and dogs. And ringworm isn’t a worm at all. It is a fungus that affects the skin and is highly contagious to people.

gailcalled's avatar

My kid’s dad was recently given a very cute kitten, Nutmeg. Apparently poor Nutmeg has now been in quarantine for a month due to ringworm. He gets sprung in a few days.

I learn new things every day, some of which I could do without. So I guess that means actually bringing material to the vet for the fecal float test for parasites?

Darwin's avatar

If your animal didn’t poop yet that day, the vet can sometimes get a sample for you. It isn’t much worse than the thermometer up the butt thing that my dogs dislike so much.

Or you can bring in a fresh sample. It’s up to you.

patg7590's avatar

picture! picure!

twilightlover's avatar

Her name is Ava :) shes adorable ill get a picture right up

twilightlover's avatar

I put a lovely picture up of her shes my profile picture, shes a blessing to have and I’m so happy shes a part of the family, thanks all you guys for being so nice and giving great advice.

Dog's avatar

Thanks for showing her to us and Welcome to Fluther!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
gailcalled's avatar

@twilightlover: :Ava is a charming little doglet, but what’s that knobby thing sticking out of the human elbow (or is it a knee)? That looks alarming.

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