Meta Question

saraaaaaa's avatar

Is it just me or was it Fluthers 3 year birthday a couple of days ago?

Asked by saraaaaaa (2317points) October 18th, 2009

I may be wrong but looking at the salt and pepper Q makes me think so.

I just wanted to wish Fluther a Happy Birthday and share some lurve…

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24 Answers

jackm's avatar

I’d say you are correct. Happy birthday Fluther! What would you like for your present?

Jude's avatar

Huh, you’re right. :) Happy Birthday, Fluther!!

Dog's avatar

Cool catch!!!

Happy Birthday Fluther!

saraaaaaa's avatar

Someone should bake a cake with a Jellyfish iced on it ^^

XOIIO's avatar

Happy birthday Fluther! Have some cake and a present!


saraaaaaa's avatar

@jmah Dear god! That is the cake to beat all cakes…I doubt I am that skilled…>.>

XOIIO's avatar

Dang! I made a big cake but emojii doesn’t work off of an iPod.

cookieman's avatar

Da da da-da da-daaa
You say it’s your birthday…
Da da da-da da-daaa
It’s my birthday too, yeah

rooeytoo's avatar

I love cake but I’m not sure if I am brave enough to dive into that one!!!

Happy Birthday to Fluther and to us Fluterites one and all!!

augustlan's avatar

Happy, happy, joy, joy!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’m going to get the pancakes out of the frizzer IMMEDIATELY.

prasad's avatar

Anyways, Happy Birthday Fluther!
Enjoy the party here on fluther and the lurve festival.

doggywuv's avatar

Hooray, Fluther, you’re 3 now! Happy birthday! We should celebrate with a cake like this one.

sakura's avatar

May your day be filled with much joy and happiness and be as special as you are :)
HaPpY BrThDaY!!!

marinelife's avatar

All I can say is that thinking of Fluther as a toddler explains a lot!~

@doggywuv Pretty! Was that Grumpyfish on top?

doggywuv's avatar

@Marina It could be, but who would the other fish be?

marinelife's avatar

@doggywuv The as yet unintroduced Happyfish?

prasad's avatar

Who are father and mother of fluther then?

augustlan's avatar

@prasad You’ll have to ask Ben and Andrew which one of them is the mommy. ;-)

saraaaaaa's avatar

I reckon Ben is the Mummyfish and Andrew is the Daddyfish.

doggywuv's avatar

@Marina Maybe, happyfish could be the fish that gives you awards on Fluther.

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