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cooolbeans's avatar

How come I get asked out by more guys than girls?

Asked by cooolbeans (85points) October 21st, 2009
23 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

I’ve tried years to improve myself for girls, I put myself in situations with more people, etc, etc.
In the past tree four years I’ve been asked out by girls 2–3 times but I’ve been asked out by 13 different guys, I’m not even out as bi.

So why am I not hitting it off with girls but I am with guys?

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brinibear's avatar

Your personality

nxknxk's avatar

Stop shopping at American Apparel.

Roory's avatar

Well, probably because very few girls do like taking the first step and asking the guy out, why dont you ask a girl out instead and judge her response… Plus generally, i think guys have more guts than girls when it comes to asking someone out.
For a change, you ask the girl you want to go out with, dont wait for anyone…

Allie's avatar

Boo, I have the same problem, but switched around. Girls flirt with me a lot. I’m straight. I don’t think I give off a bi vibe, but maybe the girls who flirt with me just try anyway. I mean, in all honesty, it makes me feel awkward. I kind of try to brush it off or something, but I don’t get it. I like guys, I’ve always liked guys, I’ve been with guys, I’ve never even thought about being with a girl… but they seem to love me.

When you figure out what’s up, let me know.

cooolbeans's avatar

My personality, sure if I have a good personality both should like me and plus I get asked out by as many guys for afar, so they don’t really know me as guys who do know me.

LKidKyle1985's avatar

I am assuming you are a guy. Dude, you have to ask the girls out, sitting around waiting for them to ask you out won’t work, thats just the way the culture is. Ask any girl who should ask who out, they will say the guy. So there are probably lots of girls who would like to go out with you and are just waiting for you to ask.

Menekali's avatar

You’re nature is preceding you apparently.

sunya13's avatar

it may be a massive generalization but guys tend to be more aggressive than girls….

Darwin's avatar

Perhaps you need to update your wardrobe.

However, most likely the problem is as others have suggested. You need to go ask some girls to go out with you. Some will say no but others won’t. Once other guys see you with a girl they will be less likely to assume that you are sexually interested in other guys.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

Removed by me

cooolbeans's avatar

I have asked out girls on dates when I thought we were getting on well but they never seem to like me that way ever.

Sarcasm's avatar


Start asking those guys what attracts them to you, and change those aspects of your life.

cooolbeans's avatar

Am I that transparent? I like that the guys ask me out, I don’t want that to change, but I want to know why girls are not attracted to me but so many guys are. And I’ve gotten what I’ve already suspected.

Ria777's avatar

sadly, girls don’t usually like to make the first move. you can take it as an encouraging sign that guys hit on you even if you wouldn’t reciprocate the interest.

DominicX's avatar

You’ve been asked about by 13 guys?!

I’ve been asked out by one guy (my current boyfriend) and no girls (mostly because girls never ask guys out ‘round these parts). Basically, you have to ask the girls out. They’re passive when it comes to relationships.

cooolbeans's avatar

Let me rephrase being asked out, so on dates, for my number with intent to maybe go on dates in the future, to go out with me,etc. So intent to maybe be my bf.

I’m sure I’ve told you before I get asked out by men a lot for the number of gay or bi men I know. Only a few days ago three boys were flirting with me and one had the courage to ask me for my number but I got his instead, so I count that as one.

What is it about me that gay/bi men find me so attractive and women are missing? I have a good idea from the comments on here and from what I already know.

fireinthepriory's avatar

Are you just more comfortable around other men? Maybe you’ve developed a complex about it, and now sort of go into freak-out mode around girls you like, and this turns them off. Just relax. If you’re not gay/bi and a dude asks you out, just say “I’m sorry, you’re great but I’m actually not attracted to men… You know, a lot of guys have been asking me out lately. Do I set off your gaydar?” Then maybe the guys who’re hitting on you can help you figure it out. I’m sure they’d be happy to have a conversation about it.

cooolbeans's avatar

I enjoy the company of men (and doesn’t even know why he wants a girlfriend) Regarding personalities I feel men are far superior in fitting with me, normally I’d write a list of things I find better personality wise with men, but I’m sure it’s everything.

fireinthepriory's avatar

@cooolbeans Are you saying you don’t know why you want a girlfriend…? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but from what you’ve been saying, are you sure you’re not just…. gay? (And seriously, don’t take it the wrong way. I’m gay – I can make you a welcome-to-the-club sign if you are.)

cooolbeans's avatar

If we’re talking about looks yes, personality not really. Guys I fancy on both levels.

fireinthepriory's avatar

So… yes. You’re gay. In which case, why does it matter if guys keep asking you out? (I’m assuming you’re a guy here.) Isn’t that what you… want? Whether or not you’re out, you’re gay, and other homos will totally pick up on it. Trust me. My gaydar is not to be trifled with. I know before the people I spot do sometimes. :D

Also… Welcome to the fold.

cooolbeans's avatar

It’s not I’m not attracted to any girls personalities, it is just I’m very far on the kinsey scale

fireinthepriory's avatar

@cooolbeans Same thing for me with guys. I can’t say I’m not attracted to men, hell I’ve had sex with men (ok, one man) and enjoyed it. However I probably wouldn’t last in a long-term committed relationship with one. Just because you’re still attracted to some women doesn’t mean you have to date them, if you don’t want to. I’m usually more compatible, personality-wise, with women. Sounds like it’s the same thing with you and men. Just let whatever relationships you form grow naturally… Try not to worry about if they’re with men or women.

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