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Zuma's avatar

Has feminism succeeded? Would the Equal Rights Amendment pass today?

Does anyone really believe that women should not be the equal of men in every respect, that they should stay at home and be subordinate and deferential to men, or that girls should not have the same opportunities as boys?

Nearly all jobs are now open to women, and women’s educational attainments have pulled even and, in some cases, actually surpassed those of men. Women are gaining grounds in the professions and in politics. Women are now in the military, some even in de facto combat roles. And none of the predicted “horribles” have come to pass—i.e., unisex toilets, the feminization of men, the total breakdown of the family, tradition or morality, etc.

Besides ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, certain pay equity issues, and women expecting men to make the first move in courtship and pick up the tab on a date, what is left to be done?

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