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Caitlyn9239's avatar

How can i choose between two guys?

Asked by Caitlyn9239 (73points) October 26th, 2009
28 responses
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There are two guys that i really really like. I never thought it was possible to like two people at the same time until now, and its really hard. As weird as this sounds they both like want me and have made their feelings clear and to make matters worse they hate eachother for obvious reasons. They are both really amazing guys, who i like in different ways and i just cant decide. Any advice?

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shrubbery's avatar

I’m afraid this is one of those things where we can only give you general advice and you really just have to sort it out for yourself, I’m sorry.

Just think long and hard about it, if you like both of them then you’re not going to make a wrong decision. I’d suggest making a pro/con list for each guy and then comparing but that might be a little too OCD for you :P

Are you sure that you don’t like them just because they like you? Is the fact that they’ve already pronounced their feelings for you clouding your judgement? Did you like one more than the other before you knew that both of them liked you? How long have you known them? Is there one in particular you would be more upset about if it didn’t work out and you couldn’t be friends anymore? Ask yourself all of these questions and see how it goes. Good luck!

PapaLeo's avatar

Sounds like a topic for the Super Seventies!!!

gussnarp's avatar

Have they proposed marriage? If not, just pick one, it doesn’t matter.

RandomMrdan's avatar

you could flip a coin?

wundayatta's avatar

How old are you? Can you date them both? Or do they both insist on more? I guess I’m asking, “why do you have to choose?”

I suppose you could set them each a task, to see who is more worthy—like in the fairy tales. Except in this story, you are acting as your own father. [just kidding, just kidding]

Sabotage82's avatar

Dump them both and ask out a guy you have never talked too. It would be liberating for you.

filmfann's avatar

@PapaLeo Is there no ethical dilemma or personal conflict that can’t be marginalized by cheesy 70’s pop?

PapaLeo's avatar

@filmfann Not in my book!

deni's avatar

Hang out with both of them…sooner or later one will appeal more than the other. I’ve been in this situation and while it seems hard at the time, it has always worked out so that I’ve ended up liking one of them way more than the other and had a hard time seeing how I ever liked the second one anyhow. Just give it time, don’t try too hard to make a decision out of nowhere.

J0E's avatar

Hmmm…whoever has the cooler name wins.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (1points)
CMaz's avatar

Make a decision or you are just a player.

jaketheripper's avatar

Go for the rich one!

judochop's avatar

Row Sham Bo

HGl3ee's avatar

When faced with a very tought decision I think of it like this: If I choose A over B and B was gone forever, how would I feel? Then reverse the senario and think about how it would make you feel if A was gone forever. It’s basically looking at which choice could you live without. If both answers are equal then it’s not time to make that decision. Wait it out and re-do this little test. You’ll eventually know, don’t rush anything. If they feel about you the way they say they do then they will be willing to wait. BUT be very clear about the situation with both guys otherwise, like @ChazMaz said, you will look like nothing but a player. Good luck! – LB

gussnarp's avatar

Combine what @ElleBee says and what @RandomMrdan says. Assign each guy to one side of a coin and determine that you will choose the one that wins the coin toss. Toss the coin. See how you feel about the results. Feel like a do over? Then your decision should be easy.

majorrich's avatar

Another way to look at it. Think of the things each one does that presses your buttons. The one you are least likely to kill in 6 months would be preferable to the one you will kill in a couple of months. I failed the cut a couple times like that

jfos's avatar

Hm… Ok:

Tell them both that you aren’t ready for a relationship… Whichever one accepts it moreso, tell him you were just saying that, and begin relationship with him.

If both of them take it badly, good job.

If neither of them take it badly, good luck.

Darwin's avatar

Whatever you do, don’t choose on looks alone.

Pick the one who is most thoughtful and who has the fewest irritating tendencies.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d suggest to them that I’d date them both – this has worked for me in the past
anyway since that’s not an option for you, think about this
if you were to find out you were pregnant righ this minute and you didn’t know which of them was the father, who do you want to most likely be the father? that’s the guy you stay with

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Go through their ipod, and pick the one with the best taste in music. You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to.

Haleth's avatar

What are they like? If they hate each other over (no offense) a girl, they’re probably not too great at handling things in a mature way. How well are they likely to handle fights and things once you start dating, if this is how they act now?

Dog's avatar

Quote: “they both like want me and have made their feelings clear and to make matters worse they hate each other for obvious reasons.”

They both hate each other? I assume because of you?
Sounds to me like you are the trophy in a competition.

Just sayin’

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
answerjill's avatar

I don’t think that you need to choose at the moment. Just get to know both of them and go on dates, hang out, whatever. Eventually, you may decide that you like one better and want to get more serious with him—or, you may decide to move onto someone else. Who knows?

DrBill's avatar

Tell both of them you wish they would get along, and ask both of them to be tolerant of the other.

You will soon see which of them is more concerned with your happiness.

Caitlyn9239's avatar

haha i have tried the whole flipping of the coin thing but it doesnt work cause i seriously like these two guys 50/50, its crazy.
I agree with people when they i should just date them both to see who i like better, but i cant help feeling like such a player. I guess im not commited to either one of them though?

answerjill's avatar

High school is a good time to explore. No need to commit yet, in my opinion.

Caitlyn9239's avatar

Just to let everyone know that i did choose one guy and we have been happily together for almost 5 months now. When i look back at the other guy (who by the way i don’t talk to anymore because he couldn’t handle seeing me when he was “in love” with me), i think how did i ever consider choosing him over my current boyfriend. Thanks for everyones advice, i definiately chose the right guy and i am more happy than i have ever been. I found that in the end i just followed my instincts, which are more than likely always right. :)

bina2013's avatar

oh my gosh im goin through the same thing!!! ive jus decided to see how things go with each of them…. you’ll end up liking one of them more…. its hard cuz you dont wanna hurt either one of them but if you dnt let one of them go your gonna end up loosing both of them…. jus pick the one you have the most connection with.

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