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Ansible1's avatar

If you did a Wife Swap what kind of family would you be paired up with?

Asked by Ansible1 (4841points) October 26th, 2009
30 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

If you’re unfamiliar with the show, it takes two families who are ‘opposite’ and the wives exchange places for two weeks in hopes they can make an impact on the other family and possibly bring back something learned to her own family.

My girlfriend and I are not married and don’t have any children, but if we were I guess we would be paired with a family that’s ultra liberal, strict, schedule obsessed, mormon, non-adventurous, unforgiving, and ill mannered…if there were such a family. What would be your swap?

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DrasticDreamer's avatar

Very conservative, close-minded, extremely religious, very strict, all work and no fun types.

Darwin's avatar

It would probably be some family that hates pets, follows strict schedules, supports the KKK, and eats only things with no flavor.

Jude's avatar

George and Laura Bush.

shockrocks's avatar

People involved in the occult that don’t bathe regularly

Sabotage82's avatar

@DrasticDreamer So the Duggers, right?

poofandmook's avatar

That’s sort of hard.. I’m a little bit of everything. I definitely think the Duggars would be where they’d stick me. Billions of kids, those damned long skirts, all the damned work involved in just one meal, and that crazy religious mormon hooey.

troubleinharlem's avatar

People that would make a good show. I think the producers like ‘crazy families’, like the religious-insane-get out of my house lady who had really bad teeth. So, I’d end up in a really laid back family without chores or discipline. That’d be awful.

DominicX's avatar

I guess my family would be paired with a conservative family with a lot of strict rules about food, friends, clothing, religion, and TV and all that, and they wouldn’t be wealthy and would probably harbor some kind of resentment of wealthy people (just my experience with some things I’ve heard on the internets), and they would use corporal punishment and would scream at their kids if they got anything except an A. And they would definitely flip out if one of their kids came out as gay. (Basically represents the opposite of how my family works).


troubleinharlem's avatar

@Darwin – exactly what I’d be with. Except, they’d be meat eaters.

judochop's avatar

I think I would be paired with my neighbor. They only come outside when it’s trash day, never say hi and are always in the same clothes.

JLeslie's avatar

Conservative on social issues, religious, judgemental, strict, lots of children, and busy daily schedules.

janbb's avatar

“Balloon boy’s” family – oh wait, they were on already.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Mine would be the same as @Darwin‘s with the add on that they have no connection to/concern for close family

shego's avatar

I would probably be placed with a family who says “NO” before the question is totally asked, and they would probably be super vegetarians. And the kids schedules would be so full, that all of their activities are raising them, and not the parents.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I forgot, the family I would be paired with would believe there is no greater way to educate than with the public school system. In fact, it’d probably be a couple that are employed in the education system.

And, like @shego suggested, they’d probably be too busy to actually be involved with their children due to their schedules and their kids 7 or 8 weekly planned activities.

Oh how I hate those activity planners for moms on the go

tinyfaery's avatar

Hmm…is my opposite another lesbo couple, two gay men, or a hetero couple?

Either way, the couple would be:

Overly-concerned about status and appearance
Tons of kids
Animal haters
Social butterflies

casheroo's avatar

Probably a super organized family, schedules and routines, bleach users…I would be terrified of that scenario. lol

lifeflame's avatar

The opposing pair you guys describe all sound pretty negative (e.g., KKK), but I wonder if any of you can imagine a pairing that opposite to you that you think you would learn from?

I’d be curious, for example, to be paired with a family of someone with a different culture/religion (e.g., a religious Muslim family) and different income-bracket (someone close to the poverty line).

JLeslie's avatar

@lifeflame In the series 30 Days they did an episode each on living with a Muslim family and one on living at the poverty line/on minimum wage.

pinkparaluies's avatar

Balloon Boy’s family. That father needs a swift kick

SpatzieLover's avatar

@lifeflame You asked us about Wife Swap. The producers of that particular show make certain to pair the “good” against the “bad”. It’s about ratings.

Darwin's avatar

Actually, if they paired me with almost any family that has been on Wife Swap as the “bad” family. Except maybe the biker family – personally I think they should have shot the woman who made them doff their leathers and learn Irish dancing.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Darwin Agreed! I’d have strangled that one myself. Her poor kids looked miserable. What was her obsession with Ireland about?!

Darwin's avatar

No idea.

lifeflame's avatar

I’m sure Muslim families and low income families have been done.
I was just curious to think about what families I would learn from most.
(and as you can tell, no, I haven’t seen the show)

JLeslie's avatar

Did you see that episode where one of the husbands had been a radio DJ and the new wife arranged an opportunity for him to be on radio and the station offered him a job and then his real wife nixed the idea. I hated that woman.

shego's avatar

@JLeslie I saw that one. That made me mad just watching it. If I were there, I would have knocked some sense into her.

Webzilla's avatar

You are always going to be sent to a family that is the opposite of who you are so I would get a house that is filthy, a lazy husband and kids. They would be always in my face and I wouldn’t be able to hold my tongue so it would make for good viewing!!! It would probably on a farm or somewhere out of town that I wouldn’t be familar with too.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Howie Long’s family.I have ideas.

Vunessuh's avatar

Bible-thumping, conservative, vegetarians.

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