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chocomonkey's avatar

How to avoid eating the candy before halloween?

Asked by chocomonkey (295points) October 28th, 2009
29 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

We’ve got maybe 6 bags here, 12 by tonight, all chocolate. Still several days to Halloween, and we always get hundreds of kids. Literally, hundreds. (Our neighborhood is big into elaborate decoration.)

What if there’s nothing left for the children?!

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rangerr's avatar

Who cares about the kids? You have candy.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Ahhhh you already broke the Cardinal Rule of Halloween treats @chocomonkey….

Never buy any treats you want to eat!

Judi's avatar

I usually buy candy I don’t like so I won’t eat it. This year I have a whole bunch of left over stuff from that I’m giving out. Put chocolate in my house and I eat it up!!!
The best advice I can give you now is to hide it on a very high shelf in the garage where you will have to get a ladder to reach it. It wouldn’t work for me, I would just tell myself that I wore off all the calories getting it off the shelf.

buckyboy28's avatar

Buy a bunch of vegetables to give out when you run out of candy. Kids absolutely LOVE getting healthy food.

Darwin's avatar

Always buy candy you don’t like. That way it doesn’t bother you at all to give it away. It reminds me of the current candy ad about the scariest thing about Halloween is having to give away all your Reese’s.

OTOH, you could just keep buying more bags of candy right up until you have to start giving it away (don’t forget that it will all go on sale November 1st).

Val123's avatar

Put it someplace you can’t see it easily. If it’s lying on a counter you WILL pick up a piece every time you wander by!

wilma's avatar

Like most of the rest of you, I always buy candy that I don’t like.
Sweettarts, pixy stix, and Smarties.
If it was chocolate I wouldn’t be giving it away.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@chocomonkey Look at them each like a zit on your face or a chunk on your thigh. A bit less appetizing, no?!

Sarcasm's avatar

Quite easy to avoid eating it.
It’s all chocolate. Blegh.

Come to me when you’ve got tasties like skittles.
edit: Ooh! And starbursts! And abba zabbas you my only friend!
and okay, some candies with chocolate in them are okay (But not things that’re JUST chocolate), like butterfingers. Or even those little Reese’s Pieces.

rooeytoo's avatar

Eat it all, then on trick or treat night, turn off all the lights in your house and hide in the attic.

Val123's avatar

I’ll hold it for you.

chocomonkey's avatar

All good points!

It’s my fault I know, I just can’t bring myself to give away to poor defenseless children an inferior (ie non-chocolate) candy experience! I remember the scars that caused me – a lollipop here, skittles there – the holiday was lessened for it.

I will at least remove the bags from the dining room table. For now.

chyna's avatar

Mmmphf? Can’t talk now, I have a mouthful of butterfingers.

filmfann's avatar

I never touch the halloween candy once I have all the razor blades in.

Val123's avatar

@chocomonkey Oh, I remember! I don’t know if I knew cuss words at that age, but I was sure making up some good ones for the folks who gave me sweet tarts and stuff! The cheapskates! Chocolate was what it was ALL about! Did you separate your candy into “good piles” and “bad piles”? I did.

JLeslie's avatar

Get a roll of quarters, or I guess now it would be a stack of dollar bills, in case you run out of candy.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

I have a friend that will give out those little mustard, ketchup, sweet-n-sour sauce, horseradish, BBQ sauce, and mayonaisse packets when he runs out of candy.

The only sure-fire way to do it is to 1. Buy candy you do not like, and 2. buy enough candy for yourself of the stuff you do like, and 3. save all your condiment packages for next year. =)

Val123's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra mustard and ketchup? THAT is just cruel!! Somebody needs to call 911.
I have an idea…just don’t buy the candy until a couple of hours before the kids are going to start showing up…

Evelyns_Other_Zebra's avatar

Buy candy that you don’t like to pass out to the kiddies, then buy candy you do like just for your self. That is what i do.

pinkparaluies's avatar

Dont buy the candy until Halloween? :P I just broke a filling on my tooth eating halloween candy a few days ago. Damn you, delicious salt water taffy!

Val123's avatar

@pinkparaluies taffy is gross!!!!

Val123's avatar

@pinkparaluies LOL! OK, no more whispering….TAFFY IS GROSS!!!

pinkparaluies's avatar

@Val123 You and I are now at war. War, I say!

JLeslie's avatar

Taffy? People buy taffy to eat for themselves? I thought it was only purchased near the ocean by tourists who have to bring gifts to people.

pinkparaluies's avatar

@JLeslie Taffy is an amazing candy! What is there not to like? :(

JLeslie's avatar

@pinkparaluies JK, if you like it more power to ya. The closest I come to taffy is Mary Janes or Bit-o-Honey. I’m more of a pecan turtle girl.

Val123's avatar

@pinkparaluies War you say? Well my opening shot is to put you on my friends list so I can keep an eye on you!
@JLeslie Taffy seems to be one of those either you love it or you hate it deals. I hate it!

Qboy1994's avatar

i would just hide it somewere were you wont totally forget about it,but at the same time it wouldnt be that temping to eat the same way

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