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Billymadison's avatar

Traveling from Fort wayne In to Missouri while 8 months pregnant?

Asked by Billymadison (14points) October 29th, 2009
52 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

My fiance is taking a trip in a couple weeks with her family to see other relatives in missouri…While I will not be attending the trip due to wor conflicts. This will be both of our first child and she will be 8 months pregnant…I am worried she will go into labor while on the trip and will be 8 hours away…She assures me everything will be fine.What advice can you provide me to help convince her not to take this trip??

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eponymoushipster's avatar

Look into airline tickets just in case, and be prepared. Perhaps explain to your boss the situation (s/he no doubt knows she’s already pregnant, right?), and maybe you’ll get some leeway.

Likeradar's avatar

Have you asked her what her plan is in case she goes into labor? Have a real discussion with her about it, and express your concerns.

Is she flying? I could be totally wrong, but I thought flying wasn’t advised that late in a pregnancy.

Billymadison's avatar

I will be checking into airline tickets no doubt just for in case…She will be traveling in by car with her mom, dad, brother and two sisters…I just have this gut ache feeling something bad is going to happen! I would hate to fly 3 states away for this kinda thing and can see the money for a plane ticket better spent elsewhere…

patg7590's avatar

…While I will not be attending the trip due to wor conflicts.

Either the South is fighting again, or you meant work conflicts

Billymadison's avatar

Work conflicts…lol

Cera1757's avatar

You should just trust that she knows her body. There are hospitals in Misssouri too.

Cera1757's avatar

Also u should warn her that being 8 months n traveling long distances by car she is at risk for a blood clot n to get out stretch her legs every few hrs.

pinkparaluies's avatar

She has no way of knowing that everything will be fine. I advise that you two stay home. There is nooo way in hell I’d ever let that happen.

Billymadison's avatar

I am goona hope she knows her body well enough to be safe. I have not akd her yet how she wil feel havin a radom doc deliver instead of our normal OB

Billymadison's avatar

I dont think it is a smart move on her part…and kinda selfish of her to not think about me in the process

pinkparaluies's avatar

She doesn’t have a way of knowing her body well enough with a baby inside of it. Anything can trigger labor. Absolutely not. No no no.

But if youre fine with probably not being able to be there if she goes into labor 8 hours away… fine haha

Billymadison's avatar

I cant just say your not going!!

pinkparaluies's avatar

Well hopefully she’ll respect your ideas. Its kind of selfish for her to go like this. A lot of women give birth before the 9month period.

Billymadison's avatar

Pink..I am not fine wit it… We have a dr appt tommorrow…so I am gonna ask what he thinks and hope he advises its not a good idea

pinkparaluies's avatar

Maybe you should tell a white lie lol

Billymadison's avatar

what do you mean??

patg7590's avatar

@Billymadison it’s like a regular lie except that supposedly no one gets hurt, or they won’t find out, or it’s for some moral high purpose.

pinkparaluies's avatar

Say that the Doctor told you that she needs to stay home? ;)

Billymadison's avatar

how the hell wil I get away with that with her in the room?? LOL

pinkparaluies's avatar

Ohhh hahaha. That puts a hole in our plan.
I really doubt your Doc. would let her go, anyway. No back up plan needed ( I hope )

casheroo's avatar

How many weeks is she?

Definitely talk to the OB and see what they say about such a long trip. Heck, my OB wouldn’t allow me to go to New Jersey when I was 35 weeks pregnant, and it’s an hour and a half to the beach!
Weigh the risks and benefits to the situations.

Also, most people don’t know the OB who delivers their baby. It’s whoever is on call at the hospital. I had some random OB deliver my son, but he did work at the same practice as all the OBs I had been seeing. It’s really not traumatic to have any OB do the job. All they do is catch the baby..the nurses do all the work.

Billymadison's avatar

Right now she is 34…when she takes her trip she will be 36

pinkparaluies's avatar

This reminds me of the scene from Knocked Up when the pregnant women tries to get in “da club” at 8mths. The bouncer basically says… Youre pregnant! Take your butt home!! You don’t need to be at a club, you need to be getting ready to have a baby!!

Billymadison's avatar crac me up

pinkparaluies's avatar

Good. Enthuse me later when you say your Doctor wont let silly go on her road trip. Its kind of concerning for her to be out like that :-/

patg7590's avatar

@casheroo OB=babycatcher lol

casheroo's avatar

@pinkparaluies Lol! She’s pregnant, not dying! You CAN go on road trips. I had extenuating circumstances for why my OB didn’t let me go (pre-term labor issues) if you have no issues, then it’s perfectly fine to travel. And going into labor is not the end of the world. Worst case scenario the father to be misses the birth. It’s insignificant compared to the entire life of the child.

pinkparaluies's avatar

Indiana to Missouri might be a bit too much, though. I’d be too excited to go on a road trip, myself :P

jonsblond's avatar

If she does decide to go she would be better off driving than flying. You have a better chance of getting her to the nearest hospital in an emergency if you are on land.

Billymadison's avatar

well its imprtant to me to seemy son born

patg7590's avatar

didn’t anyone see Away We Go? you can’t fly past 8 months remember?

pinkparaluies's avatar

@patg7590 Yeah I was just about to say that haha.

patg7590's avatar

@pinkparaluies that was such a fantastic movie. I almost cried

pinkparaluies's avatar

@patg7590 yeah it was amazing.

avvooooooo's avatar

1) She’s not selfish for doing it, you’re being selfish for insisting she stay home. Especially if you wouldn’t have a problem with this if you were able to go.

2) She will have family with her that can presumably take care of her.

3) There are hospitals all along the way.

4) If her doctor doesn’t have a problem with this, you should accept that they know what they’re talking about.

5) Despite one person backing up your fears, it really will be perfectly ok, whatever happens.

pinkparaluies's avatar

@avvooooooo If she goes into labor 8 hours away – he’ll probably miss the birth. That isn’t selfish.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I wouldn’t want to miss my child’s birth if I were you either. I second the idea to talk with the OB and see what he/she says. It isn’t often advised that pregnant women travel that far that late in pregnancy. She could quite literally go into labor at any time.

Is there a reason your wife is not considering your feelings?

Perhaps instead you can convince your wife that you will have a “lets see the baby” party after the baby is born and you can invite those same relatives to the party. Even pay for their trip over as an incentive (if you can afford that).

MissAusten's avatar

I recently spent several days in Fort Wayne, and can totally understand your wife’s desire to go somewhere else. (kidding, just kidding!) Take her to DeBrand’s, buy her some raspberry truffles, and have a heart to heart. Each of you should write out a list of pros and cons of the trip, a plan for what would happen if she went into labor, and how she would feel to be far from home and far from you if that were to happen.

She should absolutely discuss it with her doctor and follow his or her suggestions. Even if the doctor says it’s OK, talk to your wife about it some more. She may be thinking that you’d have enough time to get to the hospital if she goes into labor while on the trip, but not every woman is in labor for 12 hours. My first baby was born after only a few hours of labor, and only two of those hours were at the hospital.

Personally, I wouldn’t take a risk like that unless the reason for the trip was something extremely important to me. Like, a close family member about to die. That’s the only reason I can think of. You could even make a “deal” with your wife that if she postpones the trip until the baby is a few months old, you’ll care for the baby while she goes on the trip.

Edited to say: If your wife were to go into early labor while on the trip, she’d give birth in a strange hospital with a strange doctor who is unfamiliar with her history and her birth plan. Is she OK with that possibility?

jonsblond's avatar

I completely misread the comments concerning flying. I thought it was mentioned that she could fly instead of drive, but those comments were for @Billymadison to purchase tickets for himself. I wondered why someone would recommend that she fly when it is not wise to do so at 8 months. lol

Great suggestions @MissAusten. I couldn’t imagine wanting to leave my husband’s side for a trip 8 months into my pregnancy. If she understands how important this is to you @Billymadison and how much you care for her, hopefully she will change her mind. Good luck

avvooooooo's avatar

@pinkparaluies Even if she is 8 hours away, it is likely that labor will last more time than it can possibly take @Billymadison to get there. As this is her first child, labor is most likely to be long. For a small number of women, labor for the first child is short. IF labor happened. Big if. There are no guarantees that it would happen just because some people on the internet think so. Nor because he, with a typical male knowledge of pregnancy, has a “gut feeling” about something. If the only reason he’s opposed to this trip is because he isn’t able to go, that is selfish. Him, not her.

@Billymadison If you want to selfishly influence her decision, get on mapquest and find every hospital along the propose trip route. Make her a list, including highly recommended OBs in the area of each one, and go over it exhaustively with her. Make contingency plans on top of contingency plans on top of contingency plans just in case of the unlikely event that labor starts while she’s gone. Make it so complicated for her to go off without you that she throws up her hands and gives up on having any part of a life away from you.

pinkparaluies's avatar

Well good thing you aren’t the one deciding, hmm?

avvooooooo's avatar

@pinkparaluies I’m not the one sating “OMG, she soooo totally shouldn’t do that because she’ll go into labor and you’ll miss the birth of your child! No no no.” That feeding into someone’s fears is being more of a drama queen than anything I’ve said.

avvooooooo's avatar

@pinkparaluies Editing your comment after its been responded to is bad form.

FYI, for anyone interested, it said something like “What a drama queen!” before the editing.

patg7590's avatar

Um, can we get a mod in here? this is turning nasty…haha

MissAusten's avatar

With only a few weeks to go in the pregnancy, there’s more risk she would go into labor while far from her husband and her doctor. I don’t think anyone’s saying it’s a certainty, but there’s a reason why doctors advise women late in pregnancy to stay within an hour of the hospital. Probably she’d be fine, but it’s the kind of thing that should be carefully considered before an informed decision is made. I just keep thinking of all the potty breaks she’d need on that road trip and wonder how many hours of travel time it’ll add to the trip!

jonsblond's avatar

@MissAusten I drove from northern Wisconsin to central Illinois (9 hours) at 7 months pregnant and it was a very uncomfortable trip. I can only imagine it would be worse at 8 months!

occ's avatar

from what I have heard, most labors for a woman’s first baby are long – 24 hours or so from the early contractions to the birth (and often longer). So even if she does end up going into labor an 8-hour drive away, you can probably get there in time for the birth.

casheroo's avatar

@occ Very true. My first labor was 24 hours. And my husband didn’t do much until we had to be admitted to the hospital. He played video games and helped me in and out of the shower while laboring lol.

MissAusten's avatar

All three of mine were very fast. I bet if I had another one, it would just fall out and I might not even notice.

We drove to NY to visit my sister in law when I was 7 months pregnant. It sucked. Besides the car ride, I had horrible heartburn and was eating Tums like candy. The Tums turned my bowels to cement. Maybe I should have had a tmi alert here… I was so uncomfortable the entire time, and couldn’t even enjoy myself.

No two pregnancies, labors, and deliveries are alike. I tend to stay on the side of caution, but that’s just me.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Lets not bicker folks. (regarding spats happening earlier)

augustlan's avatar

Now, about the question… Talk to the doc. Whatever he says should be good enough for both of you. Regarding labors… my first labor was less than 7 hours.

JONESGH's avatar

That’s terrifying. Convince her to stay home!

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