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Mat74UK's avatar

Who thinks that this would be worded differently if it were a man?

Asked by Mat74UK (4662points) October 30th, 2009
32 responses
“Great Question” (2points)

I’m totally not condoning it!

‘Vulnerable, drunk woman had sex with 14-year-old’

October 29, 2009 04:18pm

A 41-year-old woman accused of sex with teen boy
Allegedly had 18 cans of Vodka alcopops
Boy and friend “exhanged high fives”

A 41-year-old woman was drunk and vulnerable when she had sex with a 14-year-old boy during a drinking binge, a court has heard.

Jenny Lee Mitchell had sex with a 17-year-old male then his 14-year-old friend after they spent a night out drinking, the Victorian County Court heard.

Mitchell told police she had 18 cans of Vodka Smirnoff alcopop during the binge, was very drunk and had no memory of what happened, prosecutor Kevin Doyle said.

The court heard the two males were seen high-fiving each other when they were at the police station for questioning after the incident.

Mitchell, of Sebastopol in Ballarat, has pleaded guilty to one count of sexually penetrating a child under 16 over the incident, which occurred at her flat between February and March last year.

Defence lawyer Tim Marsh said his client began drinking excessively after she was weaned off pain medication for an injury.

Mr Marsh said she had a tragic personal history marred by abuse and neglect and this was her first time before the court.

He said his client became very vulnerable when drunk and her behaviour was out of character.

He said she was ashamed and regretted the acts, which were consensual.

Mr Marsh said there was “no apparent harm” caused to the victim.

“The complainant’s victim statement tends to be more about shame and regret than trauma,” he said.

During the pre-sentence hearing, the crown submitted that a suspended jail term is within the range of an appropriate penalty.

The maximum penalty for the offence of sexually penetrating a child under 16 is 10 years jail.

Judge Howard Mason will sentence Mitchell next month.


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holden's avatar

Why, do you think the article puts her in a sympathetic light? Even if it does, she had sex with a child, for chrissake, and there’s nothing you can say that will ever make that look good.

wundayatta's avatar

If this was a man, and the boys were girls, he’d be looking at ten years. They never believe it’s consensual when a man does it. But if a woman does it, then she’s the predator who is also the victim.

holden's avatar

@daloon that’s true…

Mat74UK's avatar

@holden I did not think it was putting her in a sympathetic light!
I merely asked if would be worded differently.

hookecho's avatar

Our society has a tendency to always victimize females, even when they commit crimes.

Grisaille's avatar

Of course. Why?

Dr_C's avatar

If this was a man not only would he be condemned.. he’d be labeled a “monster”, a sexual predator and people would be out for blood. A woman does it and she “was vulnerable”. Double standard i believe.

oratio's avatar

There will always be double standards for many things. We raise children by them.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

oh wow.
regardless of whether it was consensual or not, a guy would have been totally screwed (figuratively). pretty ridiculous that the article keeps harping on how totally vulnerable she was. come on.

faye's avatar

who pressed charges?

Grisaille's avatar

@faye Probably the parents. That’s usually the case.

rooeytoo's avatar

I thought it was interesting where they added the boys were giving each other high 5’s. That says something, I’m just not sure what.

It definitely would be different if the sexes were reversed.

But what about the Roman Polansky thing? There are a lot of folks who think he should be let off the hook and that is an adult male with a 14 year old girl.

It has to do with society’s view of males and females and sex. Are the boys traumatized or shamed by the experience or are they elated because they “got some?”

I am not defending, just pondering.

SpatzieLover's avatar

I’d love to see a photo of her…bet she’s pretty, too. Like the case in the US with the blonde teacher & the 14yr old boy.

Sounds like pedophilia to me. Period!


faye's avatar

i’m afraid i doubt if the boys are “harmed”. have we not all heard men bragging about their first time? and within my knowing, never sadly, whether it was an old woman or not.

DominicX's avatar

One word: hypocrisy.

It’s the reason for a lot of injustice in the world. A crime is a crime. However, it is easier and more common for a male to rape a female, which is why the hysteria comes when it’s a man with a girl. When it’s a woman with a boy, the likelihood of rape is lower. This article doesn’t say anything about rape*. Still, it was a crime and she shouldn’t be prosecuted any less than a man who committed the exact same crime.

*by “rape” I mean non-consensual, forced sex.

Blondesjon's avatar

It is different. I don’t care how cleverly you make the argument, it is different when it is a fourteen year old boy as opposed to a fourteen year old girl.

Wake up folks, the world works a certain way and no matter how many laws you make and how much outrage you can muster it will always be different.

FutureMemory's avatar

Can a flaccid penis be forced into an erection? Can a vagina be penetrated whether or not the female is wet? Can the average woman overpower a male, even one as young as 14? Has anyone ever heard of a female rapist?

I think there is a difference.

oratio's avatar

@FutureMemory A woman can absolutely be penetrated if not wet.

FutureMemory's avatar

I know that! I meant it as a stark contrast on what’s generally required for the act to take place – a turned on male, and any female he can overpower.

SuperMouse's avatar

It would certainly have been worded differently. I have to agree with @Blondesjon here, it is different. The crime of rape against women is nearly always a crime of hate and anger. Neither of these seem to have been on our drunken perpetrator’s mind. She should be ashamed and she should be held accountable for her actions, but comparing it to the rape of a 14 year-old girl is apples and oranges.

hookecho's avatar

@Blondesjon I guess then you also believe that some 14 year old girls do give consent to adult men? because if not then thats just hypocritical.

filmfann's avatar

I am having trouble imagining 2 teenage girls high fiving after sex with a 41 year old man.
@Blondesjon is right. It is different.

DominicX's avatar

Doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. I think the point of this is not comparing it to a rape of a 14-year-old girl, but comparing it to a 14-year-old giving consent as it seems to be the case in the article with the boy.

Blondesjon's avatar

@hookecho . . .Of course. But it doesn’t mean it’s still not different.

faye's avatar

men, boys, think differently than women, girls. why is she vilified? the boys wanted it, they must have had erections, they did it, high fived it { meaning i think, Good for you, wowza!!! so did one of them tell their parents? i still don’t get how charges were laid. [sorry, had to say it]

DrasticDreamer's avatar

There’s no difference if a 14-year-old boy wants it compared to if a 14-year-old girl wants it. They’re both fucked up scenarios, period. They are children, have no rights as human beings, and it’s wrong. Regardless of whether or not it was a male or female being taken advantage of.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@rooeytoo, I think a lot of the outrage over Polanski’s situation has to do with the deposition the girl gave the grand jury. Polanski apparently plied her with champagne and Quaaludes that she would never have taken on her own.

She was wrong and deserves the full penalty of the law.

rooeytoo's avatar

@aprilsimnel – is that a typo or do you think the girl was wrong? And if he plied her with booze and drugs why would people be saying to let him go?

aprilsimnel's avatar

@rooeytoo – I’ll answer this privately so as to not take away from the thread.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

@faye there are plenty of 14 year old girls that would love to sleep with an older man. they might not highfive their girlfriends, and I’m not sure how the court or reporter knew that they did, unless the boys said so, because the woman was too drunk to make coherent choices, apparently… but you bet your bottom dollar they’d talk about it plenty.

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