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CBKfromAskville's avatar

What if askville was more friendly?

Asked by CBKfromAskville (176points) October 31st, 2009
69 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

I have been a member for a while, but I just watch and read.
Seems like a lot of fighting there. Why?

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sarahny's avatar

never heard of askville….

oratio's avatar

Bad moderating?

jrpowell's avatar

John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory

Lack of moderation is probably the problem.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

moderation there seems kinda once in a while-ish

poofandmook's avatar

What is the purpose of this post? What do you hope to gain? World peace, via Fluther?

Dog's avatar

Having never been to the site I cannot directly respond. I can honestly say that the reason I am on Fluther is because it is civil as compared to other sites where trolling is not kept in check.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
CBKfromAskville's avatar

World peace? no, I just wonder what other people think. I wouldn’t ask this on AV, but maybe an outside source could be objective.

Dog's avatar

You could always log on over there and ask “Why is Fluther so civilized and friendly?”

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (10points)
poofandmook's avatar

Whatever “fighting” there may be here, it’s because this is a site where free discussion is welcomed, and being human, some of us differ in opinion. Also being human, some of us get more fired up about certain things than others might. And since Fluther weighs pretty heavily into the first amendment, unless things get out of hand, communication is allowed to take its course.

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CBKfromAskville's avatar

“You could always log on over there and ask “Why is Fluther so civilized and friendly?”

i like that…

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iwamoto's avatar

quit saying suck all the time. gawd, it’s like askville all over again !

jrpowell's avatar

Don’t do that.. We already had PnL come here from askville. One is enough. :-)

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

In any event, I’ve never been to askville but I’ve seen other sites get really nasty.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

I don’t know who PnL is, but I don’t even participate on AV, ,just observe…they are so tense there. I’m easy to get along with and I wouldn’t hassle anybody. That’s just not my style. Maybe I’ll like fluther because it isn’t like AV!

troubleinharlem's avatar

Who cares? We have a jellyfish. xD Just kidding. ^^

Dog's avatar

@CBKfromAskville Hang around here a bit. Perhaps you will even be inspired to create a new account with the name CBKfromFluther. :)

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (3points)
CBKfromAskville's avatar

compasstionate heritic, what did dog mean, in your view?
the jellyfish…how did i get that????

andrew's avatar

There are a bunch of folks from askville on here. PnL is just the worst of them. The Worst. ~

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@Dog Originally I misinterpreted an exchange.
Sorry about that.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

aw, don’t judge me by av’ers , I’m cooool
I like it here already.
On AV I would have been attacked already just for being new!

CBKfromAskville's avatar

Was PnL his/her name on AV? I don’t recognize it at all. was he/she banned?

Dog's avatar

Psst: @CBKfromAskville: PnL is a mod and she is totally awesome- but in a very bad way of course. ;)

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
avvooooooo's avatar

Because they don’t bother to moderate the truly henious people who just start fights. Who post questions designed to stir up shit and then complain of being targeted. Like a certain user at the moment who’s user name starts with “j”.

AV is a crap place.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

My kid just showed this to me….funny…this is how AV is every day!

CBKfromAskville's avatar

avoo, i’ve heard of you.

avvooooooo's avatar

And almost all of the users that made it a “good” place have left. They couldn’t stand the fact that the “AV Team” doesn’t give a shit and are a bunch of people with all tecnical and no social skills that make them effective at running a site and not must maintaining and “improving” a site.

And, of course, they kicked me off for standing up for everyone against the worst user the site had ever seen who, for some reason, was never censured for her heinous misbehavior. Telling me I was a drug addict, telling Cak that she would never get better because she wasn’t nice to her, many other things. Multiple loads of shit dumped onto the site almost every day. I got kicked off for FAR less than the crap that was going on with users like the now banned “FuzzyGold” who not only posted my real name over there when I didn’t even have an account (obsessed with me, thought I had multiple accounts and sat around talking to myself on-site all day), but also stalked me onto fluther.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

avoo, who is that worst user ever you mentioned?

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Y’all insane in the membrane. PnL is mad chill, ya dig?

avvooooooo's avatar

She went by many names (12?), Layyla was the original. She’s been off-site for a while, but if you see references to “she who must not be named” or something like that, that’s her. She is a horrible excuse for a person and for some reason, no matter what she did, nobody did anything to her. She accused other users of being a “mob” and ganging up on her, but one can hardly blame anyone who did since she needed to be removed from the site a long, long time ago.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

who is the j person? jaxk?

Dog's avatar

[Mod Says:] lets keep on topic folks. This is not a proper venue to discuss individual users from other sites. If you wish to converse about it please use the PM feature.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
CBKfromAskville's avatar

sorry, hey cool at least the moderators here are here!

avvooooooo's avatar


avvooooooo's avatar

@CBKfromAskville That’s the main difference, as far as someone from AV would see upon coming over here. There are moderators, they are not devoid of social interaction, they know how to moderate, they actually do it… Yeah.

faye's avatar

i like askville—usually interesting. no warm fuzzies there, tho

CBKfromAskville's avatar

OK, avoo was the j person nasty to you? PM me if it’s not right for here.

avvooooooo's avatar

@CBKfromAskville Some people are nasty to everyone that doesn’t agree with them completely.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

Well thanks everyone. fluther makes a nice impression. I can’t be on all the time…but I’ll be here some. Nice to meet you all! Got to take the kids trick or treating. Keep sending comments, I’ll read them when i get back! You all are nice, I like you!

CBKfromAskville's avatar

wow, i got censored for saying a certain word. I am sorry, didn’t know it was bad. (embarrassed)

Dog's avatar

@CBK Check for PM. :)

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (0points)
MissAusten's avatar

I know a few people here are aware of this, but I also used to spend quite a bit of time on Askville. At first I really enjoyed it, but a lot of changes were implemented (Bonus Questions, for one), trolling got way out of hand, and the moderation was either nonexistent or over-the-top. I don’t even remember details, but I just got tired of all the drama.

What struck me as particularly funny was the last interaction I had on Askville. I created a second account, which is highly frowned upon, just so I could answer my own unanswered questions before leaving. I didn’t want them getting sent over to mturk where people would be paid pennies to answer them. I didn’t rate my own answers or anything, but later I got an email saying I had a private message on Askville. It turned out to be from the moderator, chastising my second persona for points gaming. Of all the answers to my own questions, only one was removed. It cracked me up that I was reported for that, the moderator took action, and yet other people get away with all kinds of nonsense on that site. I sent the moderator a message explaining what I’d done and why. Strangely enough, he/she didn’t respond. ;)

I’d heard of Fluther back when there was a mass suspension of Askvillers and decided to check it out once I’d decided I was done with Askville. It was lurve at first sight! Active moderators, intelligent and humorous conversation, correct spelling and grammar, and plenty of help and welcome from other Jellies as I learned the ropes. Now when I occasionally lurk at Askville, I am seriously nauseated by all of the bickering and drama. I know there are still great people there, some that I miss, but I have to desire to return. Fluther is all kinds of awesome and Askville is nothing more than a search engine hit generator for Amazon, churning out mainly crap. Please keep in mind that my opinion of Askville is biased by the way it used to be, and so I hope I haven’t offended anyone who still enjoys it.

jlm11f's avatar

@CBKfromAskville – Welcome! I do hope you decide to stick around. Fluther has a lot of cool things going for it – moderation, strong community feeling and real time answers being the main attractions. Read the guidelines when you get a chance.

@PretentiousArtist @Dog – <3

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@avvooooooo Be veeerry careful, my friend. I’d let it lay. ;-)

Dog's avatar

Oh! After you check out the guidelines do not forget to go by our new unofficial wiki- be sure to check out the injokes!

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (2points)
avvooooooo's avatar

@jbfletcherfan Yeah, once they leave me alone. Hasn’t happened yet.

Did you know you can put a “Google Alert” that lets you know when a certain combination of words turns up on the internet? It e-mails you when this happens.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@avvooooooo I’ll PM you here in a little bit….....

galileogirl's avatar

My take on the A’ville incident last year that is still affecting the site. First the ‘villers tend to be older and there are a lot of right fringe loonies. There was a group of players whose only interest was stacking up gold by fair means or foul. There also was a smaller group who enjoyed themselves by pricking the loons and the golddiggers. Several things came together in the summer of 2008 that brought on the August Ambush.

1. A certain person, no it wasn’t me, was known to say what she thought and rubbed some old cats the wrong way. They blew up everything she said until they got a lynch mob mentality going. Some of us defended her and pointed out how ridiculous the whole thing was which turned the loons against us.

2. Askville was a profit center for Amazon and for some reason they decided to make it more profitable by increasing activity. The funnelled people with Amazon customer service questions into Askville so there were scores of “Where are the (product)?” questions. Then they had an arrangement where 100’s of phony “Bonus’ questions were posted. If there was an article online about a tornado in Kansas, it would generate a dozen bogus questions like what happened, how many were injured, what was the name of the sheriff, the radio station, etc. This was easy gold for answering the questions but annoying to those of us who were looking for real questions, So we protested a lot.

3. Politics arrived and the real lines were drawn.

One day I logged on and and found that a group of us had been banished and ostracized. To that point I had never heard of any kind of moderator or guiding force on Askville even when I had been threatened with violence.(Who threatens an anonymous person? lol) All of a sudden ‘Chris’ appeared and banished 17 people for breaking unnamed rules.

This led to an orgy of joy that the liberals had been punished for some unnamed but heinous crime. Of course in a matter of hours I was back asking questions about freedom, liberty and the 1st amendment, As soon as the period of banishment was over, I came over to fluther. Stopping by the ‘ville a few times, I noticed most of the things we objected to were changed but there is still a pall over speaking out against the loons or the powers that be.

Darwin's avatar

When I first started out on Askville almost three years ago now, it was an amazingly friendly site, especially compared to another Amazon-sponsored site I had been participating on (Seller’s Soapbox). I enjoyed it greatly until she who may not be named decided I needed to be squashed like a bug. Since there was almost no moderation of the site the furor was allowed to grow into such a massive SNAFU that Askville has never recovered.

In any case, I now dip my toe in the Askville water every now and then but I no longer attempt to gain any “gold.” It was nice when one could exchange it for something real (I got two Amazon gift cards, two coffee cups, and a t-shirt that my dog ate.) but now it is meaningless.

I much prefer Fluther, where the mods serve in loco parentis and send us to our figurative rooms when we get too offensive.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

To sum it all up for me, the bad ran out the good. When I first joined, it was such fun. I made a lot of friends who I am still close to today. Then the cut throats came in & started ganging up on a particular friend of mine. Another friend of mine got accused of everything bad on that happened on that site. They seemed to delight in the trouble they caused & the so called mods did absolutely nothing about it. After trying to reason with some people there with no success, I gave up. I haven’t been on AV for several weeks & I plan to keep it that way.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

omg…you all have said a lot about AV I didn’t know. I’ve been there only a short time. But I have heard a lot about the AV17, and stuff like that. It’s a shame about all the fighting there. A lot of nice people and a few bad ones. This lady who’s new is disabled. She got slaughtered. And an autistic guy too. It’s hard to watch people be so mean. Makes me wince and shake my head. Well, I think you all are right. The moderators ignore things and then come in and punish everyone. Sigh.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

Oh, please everyone tell me things about how to work this site. A lot to learn.Confusing to a newcomer.Thanks

wundayatta's avatar

The problem at Askville is not friendliness. Even if everyone were friendly, they wouldn’t be friendly with everyone. There would still be cliques.There would still be gold competitions. So it wouldn’t be long before it became unfriendly again. The gold creates problems because it draws competitive people who will bitch and complain at perceived unfairness.

They will attack people who they think are cheating, and then others will line up behind one side or the other, and voila! Unpleasantness.

I don’t understand why everyone good hasn’t abandoned AV. There’s one person in particular that I wonder about. Either she has amazing tolerance, or she’s on the payroll.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

<—- ex Askviller. Now you know why I am such a fucking asshole. And you thought it just came naturally.

avvooooooo's avatar

@CBKfromAskville The “disabled” lady was trying to panhandle for money. She posted her own name on the site (herself, no one asked for it) and then gets mad when people found out that she regularly goes around the internet asking for people to send her money. If someone comes for a shady purpose, they’re going to get what they get. And they deserve it, no matter their sob story. The question should have been taken down and it wouldn’t have gotten that far, but it wasn’t and she is the one carrying it on, not anyone else.

The “autistic” guy allegedly has Asperger’s. The disorder does not mean that someone is completely unaware of appropriate and inappropriate behavior. He knows perfectly well that his behavior is not right, but does it anyway. He’s said as much. He delights in acting like a 10 year old child, being “punished,” ignoring proper behavior that the knows good and well about, and all the other mess he pulls. He’s been told repeatedly not to do things like bring thing from other sites to AV and not to post other member’s real names, even if he knows them. He persists in doing both. Whatever he gets, he deserves.

Sometimes the “meanness” is just a reaction to people going against the rules. If these people were pulling this crap on here instead of AV, their questions would have been removed and they would have been removed from the site. Since its AV, they get the “meanness” for breaking the rules. Its the way the site has come to work in the complete absence of moderation.

The AV16 is what the group of suspended is generally called. There were 17 suspended, but since the majority of them were suspended for standing up to the one (the same that I told you about earlier), nobody counts her because she so obviously deserved what she got.

avvooooooo's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra I thought you got it honest. ;)

Darwin's avatar

And there was at least one of us that number 17 said should have been suspended but she felt sorry for me that person. Funny, she never showed her sympathy anywhere else.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@daloon gold or lurve, isn’t it all the same?

galileogirl's avatar

I have to admit I kind of miss the loons. I’d be scared to be around them in the real world but online they were amusing. There was this mad monk character who wrote pages of esoteric religious balderdash and then ended by charging everyone with heresy and eternal damnation. Then there was a guy whose avatar was a picture of himself and an American commander in Iraq. Every time a general’s name got in the news, his avatar changed to a pic of him standing next to that general. A’viller’s can follow someone without identifying themselves, the better to stalk people and he would appear and attacked every time I posted an answer. Then when I wrote my opinion that his avatars were photoshopped including one with him standing next to Bill O’Reilly he disappeared off my radar,

Two of the most hysterical responses I received were when I responded to a group of dinosaurs who predicted that baggy pants on teen boys were going to destroy America. I listed the same sentiments from many past eras includinf the Beatles’ tight pants and longer hair was supposed to turn boys gay. That got me called a Communist.

I got a death threat for agreeing with Al Gore that drying clothes outdoors instead of the dryer might sometimes be a good idea, Fluther might be kinder but I do miss the ‘villes Looney Toons characters.

Darwin's avatar

I miss Stacy and her Mom and the dollar store that sells good clothing.

avvooooooo's avatar

@CBKfromAskville Seen the latest rant from the “poor disabled woman?”

MissAusten's avatar

@Darwin Stacey and here mom were gems!

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

<—- was evelyns_cockroach over at AV. Make of that what you will.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Psychedelic_Zebra We must have never crossed paths over there. I don’t remember that name.

CBKfromAskville's avatar

P Zebra: evelyns cockroach???? never heard of that.

avvooooooo's avatar

Stacy’s mom has got it goin’ on.

Or… Debbie’s?

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