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ubersiren's avatar

How would you react if a president was assassinated (please read details)?

This isn’t specifically directed at our current or any president.

I’m asking because I am not old enough to have been around for the Kennedy assassination. I see in the movies and on old news reels of people sobbing and screaming over the Kennedy shooting. I’m not sure I would react that way. I mean, I would be very upset that it happened and that a wife and children would be left without the man in their lives, but I don’t know that I would be as horrified as I’ve seen that people were in ‘63. I imagine I would feel about the same as I do when I hear anyone with a family, or anyone at all has been killed. And that goes for any president I’ve encountered in my lifetime. I suppose I wouldn’t know for sure how I would feel unless it actually happened.

Is it just a different time now, or is it me? How would you feel about any of the presidents in your lifetime being killed? I’d love to hear from you especially if you were around for the Kennedy murder.

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