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JONESGH's avatar

Ladies, what kind marriage proposal do you want or have you had?

Asked by JONESGH (3554points) November 3rd, 2009
36 responses
“Great Question” (4points)

What kind of marriage proposal do you want? Down on one knee? In a restaurant? A planned event?
Or if you’ve already been proposed to, what was it like? Would you have changed it in any way?
No I’m not proposing to a girl, I’m just curious :)

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troubleinharlem's avatar

This is so sudden!

Oh, but I want a proposal exactly like the one in Pride and Prejudice. It’s horribly romantic. Usually I don’t like romantic, but it was just adorable. If I had a real keyboard I would find the link for you. D:

poofandmook's avatar

I don’t care how, as long as it’s not in front of people. And J hates being the center of attention… he’s very private, and so am I, so I know there is no chance of that happening.

pinkparaluies's avatar

I’ve never thought about it.
Privately, probably. I don’t like making a scene. Maybe while on vacation?

faye's avatar

at some very intimate moment-perhaps after making tender love when cuddling in bed

Facade's avatar

I really don’t care how he does it. I just want it done lol

cyndyh's avatar

“So do you wanna do this thing?”


RedPowerLady's avatar

I don’t want a formal proposal. It seems to “cheesy” (for lack of a better word) to me. I really have no emotional attachment to that piece of typical culture. Me and my “hubby” have been together 8 years and have yet to be married. One day it’ll happen for us. In the meantime I am happy just talking about it with him and planning little bits and pieces until we figure out the ceremony that’ll work for us.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@troubleinharlem: there is more than one proposal in Pride and Prejudice. And at least one of them is not amazingly romantic. Which one do you mean? Because I’m just imagining your distant cousin….

I would want exactly what I got (actually, I was totally blown away by what I got): sunset on a secluded, tropical beach, alone, after a really good day, on vacation with my fiance.

Edited to add: my proposal was gorgeous.

chicadelplaya's avatar

Away for the weekend or the week…completely naked in bed together…candles…madly in love. That would be beautiful…ah, someday… :)

pinkparaluies's avatar

For the after sexin’ poppin’ the question – people.. What would you tell your future children? :P

faye's avatar

no need to mention the sex when they’re young

chicadelplaya's avatar

@pinkparaluies Well, I’m not even sure if I will even have children. But if I do, and they ever get curious enough to ask, it will be a beautiful G rated version. :)

pinkparaluies's avatar

@chicadelplaya sounds very pure :)

chyna's avatar

Here is how a guy at work proposed: His girlfriend loved anything to do with sunken treasure, messages in bottles, etc. He put a message in a bottle and hid it in a tree that had big roots on a trail they would be walking on that afternoon. The message was a simple “will you marry me.” He timed it to where the sun was about to set and stopped at the tree to rest. She found the bottle and said YES.

faye's avatar


MissAusten's avatar

@troubleinharlem I’m guessing you mean the proposal made to Elizabeth by Mr. Darcy. Do you mean the book version, or one of the movies? I’m partial to the proposal in the rain even though it didn’t work out so well. :)

The way my husband proposed to me was, um, interesting. He had a diamond that belonged to his grandmother, and took it to a jeweler to have it reset. His plan was to pick up the ring, and then ask me to dinner at our favorite restaurant where he would propose in some romantic way. He hadn’t worked out all the finer points. One day after work, he went to pick up the ring, and once he had it in his hands, he couldn’t wait. He rushed over to my apartment, where I was sitting on the couch eating a disgusting dinner of Kraft Mac-n-Cheese mixed with tuna. Yeah, tuna breath during a marriage proposal, just what every girl wants!

So there I was, shocked to see him come charging through the door. He had this stricken look on his face, and my first thought was that his father had died. I don’t know why, because his father wasn’t in any immediate danger. I said, “What are you doing here?” He didn’t answer, but walked straight up to me, knelt down, and pulled out the ring. He did say some lovely things blush blush swoon swoon while pretending my puppy wasn’t jumping all over him. Of course I said yes, and he didn’t even seem to mind the tuna breath.

A friend of ours proposed in a fantastic way. He planned a hiking trip with his girlfriend to this beautiful spot in Vermont. As they were walking around, a photographer he’d hired for the day followed them, pretending to photograph the scenery. He picked a pretty spot to get down on one knee and propose. His girlfriend had no idea they were being photographed the entire time. They now have this incredible photo album of their day together, and the photos of him proposing are gorgeous. The look on her face is priceless, and it’s amazing to me that the photographer was able to take such wonderful photos without being at all intrusive. And maybe a little creepy.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@MissAusten – yes! I like Colin Firth better as Darcy, though.

@EmpressPixie – okay, not that close. XD

Likeradar's avatar

Oh god, I don’t care how it happens as long as it happens! Randomly while just hanging out would be fabulous, in front of my family would be fabulous, at a fancy restaurant would be fabulous, after sex would be fabulous, walking the dog would be fabulous, through a text would be good enough… I think you get my point. :)

Haleth's avatar

I’ve been “almost” proposed to a bunch of times. Weird moments like, “We have different religions, but you’re just the type of girl I would marry…” (the person raises their eyebrows and trails off into an awkward silence.) Uhh…

My ideal proposal will happen at least ten years from now. Or once gay marriage is legal in my state- I don’t know if I want to end up with a wife or a husband. :D

SuperMouse's avatar

The first proposal I received went a little something like this:

I unwrap a small stuffed bull with a ring on one of its horns.
I pull the ring off, look at my boyfriend and ask “What kind of ring is this?”
He responds “Engagement?”

My only other proposal wasn’t really a proposal at all, it was more of a decision. We knew we would get married someday and just started discussing it. I have proposed to him several times since and he has proposed to me at least as many times. Every time the answer is yes.

chyna's avatar

@SuperMouse You had to ask what kind of ring it was? It wasn’t obvious? awwww

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

in my first marriage I told him to propose he said okay
we didn’t think that was weird because we didn’t care about formalities but my parents did and had to bet here
in my second marriage there was no need for a proposal
we knew we wanted to always be together
when we were close to having my youngest I lost health insurance so I married my husband for his…a month later he got laid off…lol

augustlan's avatar

I’ve been proposed to by three different guys. The first was right after a big fight (about whether or not we were actually planning on getting married). After we made up, we took a ride out to the lake. It was still and dark and cold, but beautiful. In the gazebo, he got down on one knee and pulled out the ring he’d had in his pocket all day! I said yes, but we didn’t end up married (thank goodness, in retrospect).

The second was remarkably like @MissAusten.‘s He had big plans to make a grand gesture, but after picking up the ring he couldn’t wait. He picked me up from work, and as we were driving out of the corporate park I worked in, he pulled a quick turn into the parking lot of the Dash-In (a convenience store). He jumped out of the car, ran around to my side, yanked open my door, and right there in the parking lot he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I found this completely charming, and was married to him for 17 years.

After my divorce, I was convinced I never wanted to be married again. My first boyfriend was well aware of this fact, but he kept asking me to marry him anyway. I kept saying “no” (like 5 times). He finally told me he’d only ask me once a year from then on. In the interim, I realized that I was being incredibly stubborn. I loved him like crazy, he was perfect for me, so why was I resisting? I resolved that the next time he asked, I’d take a leap and say yes. I expected a long wait but shortly after, he got a bit tipsy one night and asked me again. It was decidedly unromantic, as he was annoyed with me. Just out of nowhere, he blurted something along the lines of “Are you ever going to marry me, or what?!?” I took a deep breath and said, “Yes.” He was stunned. “Really?!?”, he asked. “Really.”, I said. He and I both started to cry. I sat on his lap, kissed him, and told him that his was the most unromantic proposal I’d ever heard, and I thought he should try again. He held my face in his hands and said, “I love you more than life itself. Will you please, please, please marry me?” I did. :)

Iclamae's avatar

Oh, I don’t know. I just know I don’t want it on a billboard, I don’t want the ring in food, and I don’t want it in some drink I’m about to drink. I also want my father asked for my hand. BEcause I come from a family of hopeless romantics.

chicadelplaya's avatar

@augustlan -Awww!! That brought tears to my eyes (your last story). I’m still waiting for the next ‘love of my life’. :) Or technically, the official first.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Ok, you really want to hear how my fiance’s “proposal” went. Here it goes. I had known about this huge sale going on at Kay jewelers for a few weeks and you better believe I had the date saved in my memory. My bf had made comments about it a couple times, hinting that he had been thinking about marriage lately. So I figured he had a plan to go to Kays on the big sale day and try to find me a ring. Well, the day came and went. He went to work and came home from work at his usual times. We spent the rest of the day together so I knew he didn’t sneak off after he came home from work. I guess I let my curiousity get the best of me because by the end of the night I was nagging him like crazy. “So I thought you were ready for marriage? What happened? I thought for sure you would go to that sale today! I’m a little disappointed. I thought we were on the same page…” He was pretty quiet about the whole thing. But at some point I looked over at him and he had a grin plastered on his face. He said “You always did know how to ruin a good surprise…” He pulled out the most beautiful ring from his jacket and asked me to be his wife. I felt so embarassed! But so happy! It turns out he faked going into work. He got up at his normal 5am time, drove to the jewelry store and waited 4 hrs for them to open up. So even though I ruined the surprise, I now have a pretty funny story to tell when asked about how he proposed!

SpatzieLover's avatar

My husband & I were together for 8yrs. He wanted to marry me at or around the day he met me. UGH! I was not ready. I proposed to him when we eloped ;)

It’s working well for us.

I think a proposal should be personal. Every couples idea of personal is different.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@augustlan ; aweeeee, the last one was super adorable.

sccrowell's avatar

Well, I see I’m late again, but then as most of my brother and sister flutherites here know, that in not unusual. My now husband of four months proposed marriage to me via this AWESOME website! See for yourself —> proposal .

JONESGH's avatar

@sccrowell that is absolutely adorable.

SuperMouse's avatar

@sccrowell four months already! Happy Month-iversary – four times over!

augustlan's avatar

Ok. @sccrowell totally wins. :D

scamp's avatar

One of my daughter’s in laws was proposed to in the following way: He took her to swim with dolphins, as a surprise get away date. She was having a blast swimming around and playing with the dolphins, when the trainer told her she was going to teach her how to do a trick . She had her ask the dolphin to fetch a floating toy on the other side of the pool. when she got the toy from the dolphin, there was a proposal written on it! The whole thing was filmed, and it is adorable!

madsmom1030's avatar

Before we were married I lived about an hour and a half away and would come to his house every friday. He let me know on the way one friday that he wouldn’t be at home when I got there but there would be something waiting for me. I got there and found a bag with a riddle in it. He led me on a treasure hunt around the house- a bottle of perfume, beautiful figurine of a man and a woman, our initials carved into the tree in the backyard and something personal for us. The last clue was a riddle that led to dinner at olive garden. then he came home with the kids and dinner for the kids. so we went to the beach to watch the sunset and take a walk. We were walking holding hands and he hadn’t really stopped talking since we got in the car. Finally he mentioned he had to use the restroom so we walked back to where the restrooms were and then walked back down the steps to the beach. He stepped off the last step and got down on one knee and proposed and had a ring on his pinkie. I said yes and was completely surprised because as far as I knew he hadn’t saved the money yet. then we went and had dinner at olive garden. It was wonderful!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’ve had several proposals but only one marriage. For me, a serious proposal involves my (man) on a bended knee, looking into my eyes and offering me his heart and his life while asking for mine and slipping an engagement ring on my finger. We can then celebrate with a glass of champagne and pick a time to sit down and discuss a prenuptial, length of engagement and marriage ceremony date.

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