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BraveWarrior's avatar

On average, how often do you shower a week?

Asked by BraveWarrior (1330points) November 4th, 2009
57 responses
“Great Question” (1points)

Strange question, but my husband & I don’t agree on how often a person needs to shower. He showers every day (including washing his hair) and believes a women needs to shower at least 3 days/week. Just curious… not including days you work out or play a team sport or during hot summer weeks, on average, how many days a week do you shower?

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Val123's avatar

Every other day. I guess that would be 3.5 times a week.

Cartman's avatar


rangerr's avatar

I shower everyday unless I’m just laying around for a week at a time.. then it’s every other day.

There’s also days where I’ll shower 3 times a day.
It all depends on my mood and what I’m doing.

Likeradar's avatar

I don’t necessarily think I “need to” shower every day for health or hygiene reasons, but I just feel icky if I don’t.
I only wash my hair every other day, and on the days I don’t I just condition it.

Jude's avatar

Every morning.

On the weekends, sometimes, I’ll have a quick shower to wash my “bits and bobs”, and hair, then soak in the tub.

hug_of_war's avatar

My mom makes me shower every day or I get in trouble

erichw1504's avatar

Every other day. I heard showering too much can make your skin dry. Plus your hair produces the essential oils to keep it healthy, so washing them away often will leave you hair more damageable and drier.

patg7590's avatar


Sarcasm's avatar

5 days.
Shower Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (I have classes for these 4 days). Skip Friday. Shower Saturday (Because by this point I feel dirty). Skip Sunday.

mcbealer's avatar

@hug_of_war ~ so I take it your Mom showers everyday

I tend to shower just about everyday except in the dead of winter, for example on the weekend if nothing strenuous is going on :P

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I shower & shampoo my hair EVERY morning of my life My legs get it twice a week. “personal grooming” once a month. I can’t imaging not. I use a good moisturizing lotion with shea butter in it, so my skin’s always soft. I’m very picky with my hygiene.

ShanEnri's avatar

I shower, shave and shampoo every day!

JONESGH's avatar


MissAnthrope's avatar

Every other day. I have psoriasis and tend toward dry skin, plus I find I generally don’t get that sweaty, dirty, or smelly unless I’ve worked or done some physical activity, in which case I would shower after. No matter what, I wash my hair every other day.. my mom can go a week, but my hair is finer and it just looks dirty after two days. My hair is very shiny, don’t know if that’s because I’m not washing the oils out all the time or what.

Supacase's avatar

Every other day, but there are exceptions. If I’ve straightened my hair, it will look good longer so I may go two days between or shower without getting my hair wet. When I’m depressed, I’m doing good to get a shower once a week.

BraveWarrior's avatar

Thanks, everyone, for your replies! :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

5 to 6 days a week. God rested on the seventh day and so can I. Showering is a lot of work.~

sevenfourteen's avatar

I shower twice a day sometimes, and yesterday I showered 3 times. But this is reasons like I go to the gym and it can get me going in the morning. Normally my shower is just washing my body, I only wash my hair once a week.

gailcalled's avatar

I wash the “bits and bobs” ( nice touch, jmah) daily with a clean wash cloth and soap. I shower 3 x weekly in order to shampoo and condition hair, and I make it fast. My well and pump have their limitations. (4 gal./minute.) And I too have the dry skin issue.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Once a day, so that would be 7 times. Occasionally 8 times if I get extra sweaty after a workout.

Deepness's avatar

I shower about 10 to 11 times a week. Daily shower every morning. Plus a shower after every workout. I workout 3 to 4 times a week.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Showering everyday for me is a must. I can’t function without one. I feel totally gross as soon as I wake up. My fiancĂ© usually only showers every other day. It doesn’t bother him.

casheroo's avatar

My husband showers sometimes twice a day, usually once a day though. I shower less than him, but I don’t work outside the home…I probably shower 4–5 times a week. I also don’t wash my hair every time I shower. I wet it, but only shampoo/condition it maybe twice a week.

evegrimm's avatar

Wow, I feel…dirty?

I only shower about twice a week. (I hate getting wet, although during the winter it’s nice to warm up with a hot shower…but getting out is a bear.)

My hair is in great condition, in case you were wondering. (No conditioner, just a good scrubbing with shampoo when I do shower.)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Twice in 24hrs, once before going to work and then after work before bed.

gailcalled's avatar

For you daily shower-takers, what do you use on your skin? I have given up all lotions and use only massage oil from the health food stores (every morning and every evening). I try not to slither out of bed

aprilsimnel's avatar

@gailcalled, I use Lubriderm™ at the moment. Although I’m thinking of adding some olive oil to my Dr. Bronner’s™ and finding out what happens. It would shave some time off my ablutions if I could get that to work!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I take Bikram yoga classes 4x a week so a full shower (with hair washing) is a must each of those days…on the days I don’t have yoga, I still wash but no hair

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

@gailcalled After showers I use baby lotion. I hate thick, greasy lotions so baby lotion is perfect for me.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@gailcalled: I’ve got problem skin that tends to be dry and also prone to rashes, bruises, etc. blah. There’s an over the counter balm called Vermont’s Original Bag Balm that I’ve used for years on my feet before putting them in cotton bootie socks, I slather the stuff on my arms and legs too if they are itchy dry, stuff works wonders. The other dry skin treatment I use is a spray bottle of purified water mixed with tea tree oil for breakouts or misting myself when hot and cranky.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

I’m using Suave cocoa butter with shea butter lotion. I love it.

poofandmook's avatar

I actually use that pure aloe goop that most people only put on sunburns… works wonders and it’s a lot cheaper than all the fancy lotions. I really do feel like it works better.

I shower about every other day. If I’m depressed, I might skip a day in the middle.. but I usually feel gross by then.

However… laundry day is Sunday. I like to get up early so it’s all done by noon, and when everything is folded and put away, I immediately shower and then lay in bed for the rest of the day. That’s my Sunday routine and I hope it never ever changes. lol

avvooooooo's avatar

Most every day. If I’m not doing anything (hanging around the house, not going anywhere, not getting sweaty or anything) I’ll skip the shower and catch it the next day.

That being said, sometimes if I have a lot of lazy days it switches to every other day. My hair really shows it if I haven’t showered in the past 24–36 hours.

marionef's avatar

Definitely after work( I’m a nurse and I’m exposed to all kinds of things:-( ) and on my days off when I have something planned. If I just hang around the house I don’t see the need. It all depends on what I’m doing. But I do try to wash my hair once a week in the winter, cooler days and in the summer 2–3 times a week

DominicX's avatar

Once a day. If I do something during the day that gets me really sweaty, then I’ll shower again in the evening and if I’m feeling really lazy on the weekend, I’ll skip a shower, but generally, I shower once a day in the morning and have been doing that for years.

LC_Beta's avatar

I shower pretty much every other day, using soap and shampoo but not conditioner. I have long thick hair and it takes forever to dry (I don’t use a hair dryer) so I’d rather shower every second day and avoid walking around with wet hair for a long time.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

I shower everyday, and occasionally I’ll take a bath to relax before sleepy time.

ubersiren's avatar

Probably 5. I try to shower every day, but sometimes I just run out of time. Sometimes I’m too busy fluthering.

rockstargrrrlie's avatar

I shower everyday, sometimes twice a day (if I’ve gone to the gym and need another shower). I don’t wash my hair all of those times- I generally condition it everyday and only wash it every few days.

Judi's avatar


BraveWarrior's avatar

Thanks again to all for all the replies. I’m more along the lines of @gailcalled except I don’t have a “well and pump.” I normally only feel the need to shower 2x or 3x/week and wash up at the sink the other days, (wash my hair 2x/week with conditioner & 1x/week only conditioner) unless I go to the gym. I just don’t normally get sweaty and my hair tends to be very dry (love Keratin treatments). After reading all the responses, though, I guess I should consider the shower vs the sink on days I don’t wash my hair.

rooeytoo's avatar

I hate feeling sticky and dirty so I shower when I get up and before I go to bed and on days I exercise a third will probably be thrown in.

There is a brand of cocoa butter lotion in oz name of Palmers. It is inexpensive but works well, plus the humidity is usually high so dry skin is not too much of a problem. Except my lips, I always have chapped lips no matter how much water I drink or how much stuff I put on them!

aprilsimnel's avatar

We’ve got Palmers in the US. I’ve seen it at Walgreen’s! :D

rooeytoo's avatar

@aprilsimnel – I love the cocoa smell and the lotion soaks in quickly. They also have an olive oil version which is nice too. But I like to smell chocolate, makes me feel like a walking talking birthday cake!!!

hearkat's avatar

Average would be 7–8. Only on a very lazy or sick day do I skip a shower. I shower when I come home from the gym, but sometimes I’m too tired.

If I don’t shower daily, I feel grimy; and before long I will look and smell grimy too.

ratboy's avatar


rooeytoo's avatar

sniff, sniff – oh yukkkkk!

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@ratboy So, your name us ratboy because of the similarity in smell?

mattbrowne's avatar

Showering daily especially when applying soap and shampoo is actually not very healthy for the skin and hair (of course the cosmetics industry will tell you otherwise). But for some jobs it makes sense. Athletes, coal miners, steel makers working at a blast furnace and so forth.

hearkat's avatar

@mattbrowne: I think that may be true for some people; but my skin and hair are quite soft and healthy, and often complimented.

I think each person simply has to find what works best for them.

patg7590's avatar

@hearkat you have such nice hair and skin…so soft…so healthy

hearkat's avatar

@patg7590: See what I mean? ;-)

mattbrowne's avatar

@hearkat – Yes, it’s an individual decision. For me every other day works fine. People should not feel compelled to have a daily shower. There are also washcloths. They require less water.

gemiwing's avatar

I have some physical issues so somedays getting into the shower is nigh impossible. If I can’t walk across the house- getting into the clawfoot tub and standing for half an hour isn’t going to work. Then again- I don’t get sweaty (I don’t sweat actually) or get dirty much either. I average about once a week. Plus I hate hate hate getting wet. Sometimes it hurts when the water hits my skin yes, I am indeed a freak. I accept this and try to rock it

hearkat's avatar

I just wanted to add to this thread that I had three individual patients with offensive body odor yesterday. gag. None of them were particularly elderly or limited in their physical capabilities. Frequent bathing is also considerate to others.

mattbrowne's avatar

So you see, here’s the problem. People should not associate ‘not showering daily’ with ‘offensive body odor’ because it’s simply not true. Of course people should wash themselves and take showers or baths. They should also wash their clothes regularly. Body hygiene is a blessing. Deodorants are useful. But all of this doesn’t have to be totally perfect. Especially for children. If they are too clean all the time, it can actually harm them.

Then of course there’s obsessive–compulsive disorder which is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety. People who obsessively wash their hands with antibacterial soap and hot water (to remove germs) can make their skin red and raw with dermatitis.

Human perspiration is largely odorless until it is fermented by bacteria. Body odor can even smell pleasant and specific to the individual. There’s the hypothesis that we select our partners based on body odor (to unconsciously identify a complementary immune system). See

rooeytoo's avatar

When one lives in the tropics and with a group whose culture does not value cleanliness nor hygiene as is evidenced by the rank body odor and high incidence of scabies, ringworm, lice and other skin conditions, you can imagine how hard that can be on the nose.

I think the fermenting bacteria must happen pretty quickly when it is so hot you sweat constantly.

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