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Glow's avatar

Why are people (such as yourself) so interested in the end of the world?

Asked by Glow (1366points) November 5th, 2009
26 responses
“Great Question” (0points)

Its been all through out history. People seem to love to talk about the world ending. Mayans (supposedly), Hopi, Christians, alien believers, and its even in books, movies, songs… just, all over the place!

Sometimes I feel like humans almost want it to happen, because we always bring it up and we are always saying it will happen.

How bout you? Why are you interested in it? Do you think human kind should be forced to face world wide destruction???

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erichw1504's avatar

Because it’s interesting.

mowens's avatar

I want to know how it ends, because I kinda would rather not be here when it happens.

That’s just me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’m hoping to stick around as one of the ones to ‘not get picked up’.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Hopi prophecy describes something else and has been misinterpreted as the end of the world. Same with Mayan/Aztecs.

Anyhow I’m not obsessed with it although I do like breaking down myths about it.

In fact I’d prefer not to know.

jeanna's avatar

I suppose the idea of what we all know as life ending is interesting because most of us, if not all, don’t want it to end. So maybe we think by being obsessed with it, by trying to figure out when it will end, what will happen when it does, how it will happen, etc. gives us a sense of ownership as if we actually can alter the inevitable.

Glow's avatar

@RedPowerLady understandable. The notions may not be true but that doesn’t mean people are still not interested in it as much. Not asking for anyone to debunk myths, just asking what YOU think about the end of the world.

Interesting answers so far though! :P

DominicX's avatar

I’m not. I don’t want to think about it, so I don’t.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Why do so many people think the world will end in their lifetimes?
I never understood this.

erichw1504's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic You probably know better than us, when the world will end, Fry.

aprilsimnel's avatar

When my eyes shut for the last time, that’s “the end of the world” as far as I’m concerned.

dalepetrie's avatar

There are 3 basic groups of people as it relates to this discussion.

Practical/analytical people (the category where I put myself) who realize that numbers on a calendar are an artificial construct of man and therefore lack any deep meaning tied to the universe itelf….who have seen countless dates where the end was supposed to be near come and go with nothing to show for all the hyperbole, who realize that there is not one shred of evidence to suggest that our planet is in any way close to an end of the world scenario, however we acknowledge environmental threats such as global warming which well could lead to catastrophic events which would change the very nature of human existence and which would cause literally millions of deaths (but which still would not end the world). We realize that short of 5 billion years from now when science tells us our sun will exhaust the last of its energy and become so big as to absorbe every planet up to Jupiter, then will contract to a fraction of its size, making the whole of earth into a cinder, and turning Uranus into prime beach front realty (until the sun contracts, leaving it an even bigger ball of ice than it is now), that there is really no logical, fact based reason to even consider the lunacy of the “end is near” crowd. Though many of us, being big fans of technology and as such special effects, can’t wait to see the new John Cusak movie called 2012, because it looks feckin’ awesome.

Category 2 are the superstitious, foolish and easily led folks. These are the ones who can be sold on the simplest of coincidences…..ooooh, 12/12/12, as if that meant anything. These are the same fools who were hoarding toilet paper becuase they thought every computer in the world was going to go down at midnight 12/31/99, even though anyone who worked for a business saw that industry had spent billions of dollars over a decade making sure nothing would happen….and then one guy got a 99 year late fee from a pissant videostore, that was the sum total of Y2K. People don’t realize that this whole fake numerology thing is meaningless…these are the same people who think Nostradamus predicted every significant even of the last 500 years. Have you ever actually READ Nostradamus…he was a poet, and not a particularly very good one. His words are gibberish, and I have yet to see one thing he said that could be interpretedi n the way people take it. But people don’t know what the score is…they don’t know why they’re here….they search for meaning wherever they can find it, and often it’s just the matter of the simplest, most contrived coincidence that sends chills down their spines (because they don’t realize just how mundane coincidences really are when you crunch the numbers and look at the statistics…possibly the most misunderstood of all mathematical concepts). Which leads me to pool #3:

3) Religious nuts. These are the Kirk Camerons of the world…the Left Behinders as I call them…because they believe GOD is going to come down to Earth on “judgement day” and take all his followers home with him, leaving the rest of us behind to suffer hell on earth. Some people in this group just can’t freakin WAIT to die, this life is but a test, some sort of training ground or cruel joke, or passageway to the pearly gates. God put them here for a purpose, and they will live, doing whatever they perceive to be God’s will until they die and are sent home to Jesus for their rewards. It’s kind of like a punch card at Starbucks I guess…get enough punches and you get a free Nirvana Late. And hey, it’s quite appealing to think this 70 or so years we have with our housework, our aches and pains, our asshole bosses and the constant dissapointement of loss of one form or another is just a small speck on what will be an eternity of easy existence where all your needs and wants are met 24/7. For these people, the end IS their reward.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

As to the original question, I don’t think about the end of the world because it is not a useful expenditure of mental energy. If the world ends, then it’s a moot point. It’s better to assume that you’re going to continue living a normal human life span because that is far more likely to happen.

There’s the whole idea that we should all “like like there’s no tomorrow because you could get hit by a bus” but the truth is that most of us are not going to get hit by a bus, the world isn’t going to end tomorrow, and we’re all going to have to live with the consequences of our actions for the rest of our lives.

Live in the moment? Absolutely! The present is the only time we exist in.
Plan for tomorrow? Absolutely too!

MagsRags's avatar

As a chronic procrastinator, I’d like to know so I can figure out whether I have time to tie up some loose ends, or if I should just say f*&k it

erichw1504's avatar

@MagsRags Absolutely hilarious! Best answer today.

Barcybarce's avatar

It’s not the end of the world according to the myans, it’s just the end of a cycle that happens every 26,000 years, it’s all based on astronomy and where our solar system is alligned in relation to the center of the milky way galaxy

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@dalepetrie sigh, I used to have a crush on Kirk and now look what’s happened to him

ubersiren's avatar

I’m interested in it because I want to avoid it at all costs. I’m terrified of dying, especially in an apocalypse. I think it stems from my frightened church-going youth. Even though I’m not a “believer” anymore, I still harbor great fear for the possible return of the Messiah and any total world destruction in general that may happen. I dream of it every so often and have a rough couple days after.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@ubersiren Wow. That’s what I mean when I talk about religion especially taught in youth having a strong psychological stronghold over people. I mean, you are aware that it’s silly but your dreams and your body respond differently. Sorry you have nightmares. I will totally stay with you (see my comment to OP) when the Messiah comes.

fireinthepriory's avatar

People are only interested in “The end of humans” – not really “The end of the world.” I think it would be foolish to think that humans will persist until the end of the world!

reacting_acid's avatar

Any way you look at it the world would be a better place without humans. Deep down we all know this, so subconciously we think about the end of all humans with a sort of morbid fascination. Or maybe it’s just me…....

JeanPaulSartre's avatar

Religions welcome it, it makes us all a bit suicidal when we all get to go to the happy place in the sky after it happens. I’d like to avoid an ecological disaster or otherwise causing our own annihilation, but I wonder if some think that’s how the second coming will be initiated.

ratboy's avatar

It’s going to be like a “snow day” that lasts forever.

mattbrowne's avatar

Where do we come from? Where do we go? Does the universe have a beginning? Does it have an end? If yes, what does this mean? Will the sun shine forever? If not, what happens next? It’s part of human nature to be interested in science and philosophy.

Glow's avatar

Haha, love the answers guys. :) Thanks everyone!

Berserker's avatar

Food for thought. What would it really be like? One big explosion, or famine and disease which drags it all out without us realizing it?

It’s like the zombie scenario. It’s easy, and thought provoking.

It may also be a universal mass subconscious exploration of the self. We wish to atone for our sins, or give our anger a semblance of reason? Escape from fear? The concept, at least in the minds of man, is quite primordial.

JenniferP's avatar

I believe we are deep in the last days although I don’t believe the Mayan Calendar nonsense. There have been a lot of false alarms over the years but don’t let that catch you off guard.

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