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PooperDood's avatar

Why am I pooping green water?

Asked by PooperDood (295points) November 9th, 2009
95 responses
“Great Question” (20points)

I’m pooping green water directly after my stomach feels like it’s gonna explode.

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Sarcasm's avatar

Well. Green means you’ve been drinking something with a dye that your body can’t digest. Gatorade, grape soda, etc.
Water means that you’re pregnant.

madmax303's avatar

Go see a doctor. That doesnt sound very normal.

chyna's avatar

Are you taking a new a medicine or vitamin? It could be related to that, if so.

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Dog's avatar

It sounds like the flu. Be sure you do not get dehydrated and see your doctor.

Dog (25152points)“Great Answer” (4points)
hug_of_war's avatar

I pooped green after eating a boatload of icing but green water????

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499335508crazygrape's avatar

oh, um well what did you eat before this? has this ever happened to you before if so either go see a doctor if you think you shouldn’t and it will go away well I cant stop you :(

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Grisaille's avatar


MagsRags's avatar

The green color is from undigested bile produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder – it just means that your GI tract is moving things along too quickly. So the color in and of itself is not unusual with severe diarrhea

J0E's avatar

OMG I cannot stop laughing… I hope you’re alright @PooperDood.

J0E (13172points)“Great Answer” (6points)
The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

[Mod Says] Insults will be removed.

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knitfroggy's avatar

What a position to be in! Pooping water is bad enough, but GREEN water! Good Grief!
@J0E I’m with you though, I cannot stop laughing!

PretentiousArtist's avatar

@Sarcasm‘s answer is the best so far…
Seriously, get your stomach pumped.

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charliecompany34's avatar

spinach diet i guess.

rangerr's avatar

Removed by me

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Sarcasm's avatar

@rangerr, that avatar is one of the default avatars

rangerr's avatar

@Sarcasm Just kidding.

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jdogg's avatar

Poop soup!!! (sign of stomach flu, food poisoning, eating to much undercooked meat)

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Tink's avatar

Good Lord!

troubleinharlem's avatar

Doctor! D:
As in, go to one.

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knitfroggy's avatar

now i feel bad, I never got modded before! ;(

jdogg's avatar

It’s looks like the signs of stomach flu, best thing you can do is let it all out both ways, if you can stand it (try REALLY hard) to drink a bottle of Gatorade and eat a slice of toast. the Gatorade has electrolytes which the poop soup is depleating. The toast is so you have something to digest, if you feel like your going to barf, I know it’s harder than it sounds, but let it out.

jdogg's avatar

Hope you feel better! :)

knitfroggy's avatar

I drink 7up and eat saltines when I have the stomach flu. I don’t know what it is about 7up but it’s magical if you’re sick.

rangerr's avatar

@jdogg What other option do you have besides letting it out?

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jdogg's avatar

And if you do barf, try to drink and eat some more

jdogg's avatar

7-up works because it’s slightly acidic but much less acidic than the stomach acid, so it slowly brings the ph closer to normal. Unlike if you took a strong base, the large change would likely MAKE you barf.

jrpowell's avatar

I’m not adding this question to the wiki.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Well finally someone stopped

jrpowell's avatar

Really fucking funny

oratio's avatar

@johnpowell Call it hall of fame, why don’t ya. :)

faye's avatar

A doctor I worked for many years ago advised letting the GI system rest if it is mad at you. Just sips of water. The idea of course is that it is inflamed-let it rest and heal-top and bottom. And I can’t believe no other flutherite has ever had this.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

That’s because we don’t go around consuming colour dye our bodies can’t digest and getting pregnant

holden's avatar

Sir, you have my deepest sympathies.

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Narl's avatar

Haven’t we all had watery green diarrhea?

aphilotus's avatar

Heisenburgh uncertainly answer: Either go to a doctor, or put the frizzer-cake back under the pool.

jonsblond's avatar

@Narl The kind that shoots out of your ass like water from a fire hose. ughhh…don’t remind me!

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Have you eaten any mushrooms recently (within the last 72 hours) ?
Do you take Iron supplements?
Are you sick in any other way?

get to a doctor!

Narl's avatar

@jonsblond Yeah, exactly that kind!

Chikipi's avatar

I agree with the dye in the foods. Captain Crunch has caused my daughter to have green stools. With the runs, just drink plenty of water and see if it passes and if it doesn’t go see the doctor if it persists.

Parrappa's avatar

I don’t think I’ve seen so many great answers awarded in one question.

But seriously, if it’s green, you’re probably going to die soon. Good luck .

tinyfaery's avatar

lol4rl a lot…hahahaha!!!!

peedub's avatar

Drink some Pedialyte, and hurry pooperdooder!

nxknxk's avatar

The face of the cat in his avatar did not help me take this very seriously. Also cf. listed topic. Also cf. from iPhone.

Fucking lol4rl’d.

eponymoushipster's avatar

i think there’s as many modded answers as non-modded.

faye's avatar

Hey!! I had that avatar for a day!!

jdogg's avatar

Is it any better? Inform us on how your feeling when you can

Judi's avatar

I don’t think I have seen a question this moderated since the CIA question!
If you still have the runs, regardless of color, you should really get to the ER soon.
Take your finger and poke your arm or your leg. If it leaves a white indentation then you are dehydrated. You may need IV fluids. As funny as this question is, you should really take this seriously. Dehydration can kill you.

oratio's avatar

Well, if you eat spinach you get green poo. But the solution could be even simpler. Are you David Banner? Cause if you’ve been very angry (I know, I don’t want to make you angry), I bet you’ve got some Hulk doodle there, buddy. All I can say is, don’t eat when you are angry. Especially not spinach. Being the Hulk eating spinach, I’d bet that shit glows in the dark.

rooeytoo's avatar

Try some orange gatorade, then you will have pretty coordinating colors.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Holy Green Shit, Batman!

Seriously though @PooperDood, when your intestines let out water instead of solids, you have taken too long to get help!

It’s time for Imodium to end the diarrhea NOW. Get to your local 24hr pharmacy. Take one dosage immediately. If you don’t receive relief overnight get to an ER in the AM. This is not a joking matter if this is a real question.

Do you have a fever, headache or any other symptoms with this?

Lightlyseared's avatar

If it is a bacterial infection is causing the diarrhea (and from the limited info it sounds like it maybe) taking imodium would not be recommended. Diarrhea is the bodies way of eliminating the bacteria and imodium will only stop the body from getting rid of the infection.

MissAusten's avatar

@knitfroggy That’s my first modded quip too! There should be an award for that!

forestGeek's avatar

What does it taste like?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@forestGeek OMG! I’m glad I don’t have a tummy full of lunch yet!

Judi's avatar

I hope @PooperDood comes back and tells us how everything “came out.”

forestGeek's avatar

@Judi – Yeah, hopefully he will come back during recess and give us an update?

Val123's avatar

LOL! I’ve never seen so many comments removed in one thread!!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Val123 See here It’ll take a bit to load…be patient

avvooooooo's avatar

Oreos gave my little brother green poop.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@all @PooperDood is back with this homework question ;) @forestGeek your hunch was correct!

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover What in the WORLD??!! Why didn’t they just delete it?!

oratio's avatar

@avvooooooo Ehh? Oreos? Wth?!

avvooooooo's avatar

@oratio I don’t know. But it was a couple of shades off shamrocks.

It was great. Family event, a whole bunch of people checking out what little brother put in the toilet!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@avvooooooo prolly one of the chemicals in those Oreos did not sit well w/him. My son has blue or green poo if he eats blue or green food dye in frosting…so we don’t allow him any! ;)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@avvooooooo Me not so mean! He can have white, yellow, orange, red frosting and lots of chocolate. He must react to the blue & green though. Spent plenty o’ nights awake with him ill before I put 2 & 2 together. Ewwwwww!

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover what do you care what color his poo is? Trying to color coordinate somethin’ there?? :)

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Val123 I’m his mommy, that’s why. If he’s in pain, I need to know why. ;P

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover Well, you didn’t say he was in pain! Just that you didn’t like the color of his poop! LOL! Sorry, Mom!

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Val123 His reaction to those dyes is much like the question above from @PooperDood , ‘cept that it goes from poo to pukes in a few hours flat!

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover Oh dear! I do see your point now. Any idea what causes it?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Val123 Some kids with ADD react (hyper) to dyes, too. Why? I’m sure it’s just the fact that these are chemicals not intended to be injested by some. It took me until last x-mas to figure out it was dye. He had eaten well all day. Then, had 3 green spritz cookies I’d made…I spent the x-mas night with him on the couch and the puke bowl until 3 or 4am. (That was after he filled his little potty with light green poo!) Lesson learned! ;)

Val123's avatar

@SpatzieLover I’m glad you figured it out! The scaredest I’ve ever been was when, as a new mom, my 18 month old had purple poop. Well, I soon learned that kids eat things they really shouldn’t oughta. Like crayons!

madmax303's avatar

@SpatzieLover Oh my. thats interesting

proXXi's avatar

Modded replies on this question? I’m soo suprised…

jockmchaggis's avatar

I just searched for almost exactly this question, was surprised to find an almost exact match, but hey, that’s the internet. For what it’s worth my watery green ‘poop’ can be easily explained by the excess consumption of red wine the night before. Red wine and Guinness always make me go a different colour, the wateriness is the general result of taking things too far, or ‘beer sh*ts’ to the uninitiated. Try and get some solids in you, the dry toast trick usually works well. If you swear it can’t be booze related as you don’t even have a hangover, come back to me in a couple of hours once the alcohol has worn off and I’ll give you some tips on dealing with the other symptoms :)

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