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delta77's avatar

What is the recommended daily intake limit of sugar?

Asked by delta77 (196points) November 18th, 2009
24 responses
“Great Question” (3points)

How much sugar is too much sugar for one day?

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gailcalled's avatar

Any? One t is 18 calories, I think. A pinch?

virtualist's avatar

100–300 calories per day

“The USDA suggests that the amount of added sugar calories (the sugar not found naturally in the fruits or vegetables you eat) should fit into your daily discretionary calories. Your daily discretionary calories is the number of calories you can eat each day over the amount you need nutritionally and not gain weight. For most of us, that discretionary calorie budget is around 100 to 300 calories per day.”

faye's avatar

No white sugar, no white flour. I guess you could have honey? but sugar is in so many products.

Facade's avatar

Any extra and refined sugar isn’t good. Honey and raw sugar are fine in moderation.

evegrimm's avatar

Avoid sugar whenever possible, limit “treats” to once in a while, and make sure to avoid foods with high-fructose corn syrup in them—not only are they highly processed, they also have extra calories.

Fruit is probably the best source of natural sugar, but even that is something to be enjoyed in moderation.

Like my mom always says, “Moderation is the key,” in reference to everything.

I’m sorry I don’t have a firm answer for you!

gailcalled's avatar

Even the bags of “treats” for cats and dogs are now loaded with high fructose corn syrup. I’d rather give Milo a driblet of organic vanilla ice cream.

Allie's avatar

Allie says: There’s no such thing as enough sugar.


gailcalled's avatar

@Allie: Your dentist is now doing the dance of joy.

hannahsugs's avatar

@evegrimm: My parents say: “everything in moderation, including moderation”

casheroo's avatar

@gailcalled I’m putting my dentists children through college.
wait, should that be “dentist” or “dentists’”? whoops

@Allie Definitely no such thing.

Allie's avatar

@gailcalled I’ve actually never had a cavity. Or any kind of problem with my teeth. I’ll keep that streak going.

gailcalled's avatar

@Allie: Amazing? Did you have flouride treatment when you were younger?

@casheroo: If you use one dentist only, it is dentist’s children (the kids of my dentist). If you use multiple dentists, then it is my dentists’ kids (the kids of all my dentists).

faye's avatar

You know it doesn’t tell me on my beer if there even is sugar in it and I choose to think no.

casheroo's avatar

@gailcalled thank you

@Allie Ew. I hate you. I take great care of my teeth, with brushing, flossing, mouthwash…no matter what, I have cavities each year :(

rooeytoo's avatar

Sugar is your body’s enemy. And it lurks in almost everything. Eliminate it from your diet and you will lose weight and feel energized. Read the Food Tree, it is amazing.

Dr_C's avatar

All the information you will ever need concerning recommended daily allowances (rda) is found here.

Since I imagine most people won’t check the link… I’ll take the liberty of condensing some of the info for you.

Carbohydrates (the name derives from carbon plus water) are one of three types of nutrients – the other two being protein and fat. Nearly all foods (except for oils/fats) contain a mixture of carbs, protein and fat, but what makes carbs different is that they are easily converted to energy by the body, so they supply most of our energy needs. This doesn’t mean that carbs are more nutritious than fats or protein. Both fat and protein are absolutely vital for good health, and without a balanced diet of carbs, fat and protein, the human body quickly becomes malnourished.

Recommended Daily Allowance for Carbs

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published 2002, we should eat enough carbohydrates (mainly the complex low glycemic-index type of carbs) to account for 45–65 percent of our daily calories.
What are the Types of Carbohydrate?

Simple and Sugary Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are sugars, like glucose, fructose and lactose. Common sources include table sugar (sucrose), boiled sweets, syrups and honey.

Complex and Starchy Carbohydrates
Complex carbs are either starches, or indigestible dietary fiber. Common sources of starches include, bread, pasta, rice, beans and some vegetables. Common sources of dietary fiber are fruits, vegetables, beans, and the indigestible parts of wholegrains like wheat bran and oatbran.

mattbrowne's avatar

Depends on your daily physical activities. For office workers and and drive-in fans and couch potatoes it’s a good idea to eat more low-glycemic carbs instead of high-glycemic carbs. Forget about sugar being the only troublesome high-glycemic carb. The enzymes digesting potatoes work as fast as the ones splitting table sugar which is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose. Of course potatoes also contain vitamins and minerals.

If you exercise and brush your teeth moderate amounts of sugar won’t harm you.

rooeytoo's avatar

If you really want to lose weight, get your carbs from fruit and veg and completely skip the bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Protein is the trunk of your food tree and what makes you feel full and keeps you feeling full longer. Then veg, then fruit and the white carbs only occasionally. You will lose weight and feel energized.

I think obesity is on the increase because few consume moderate amounts of sugar. Since it is hidden in so many things we eat, we consume large quantities daily.

gailcalled's avatar

@rooeytoo: And it’s no longer even sugar. Yesterday I checked the cat and dog treats being sold at my vet’s. They both contain large amounts of high fructose corn syrup. Milo sticks with small bits of cheese and organic local vanilla ice cream. Even so, he weighed 8 oz less than last year…part of that was the breakfast he threw up in the car, of course.

rooeytoo's avatar

@gailcalled – I guess that is why the obesity epidemic is now affecting dogs and cats as well as we two-legged types!

mattbrowne's avatar

@gailcalled – Too much high fructose corn syrup isn’t a good idea without exercise. Many dogs and cats still get plenty of that.

gailcalled's avatar

@mattbrowne : True about the exercise, but I still use human food as the occasional treat.

rooeytoo's avatar

Ask any vet about the number of obese animals they see. It is as big a problem with critters as it is with humans and increasing daily.

I think it is due to the fact that most are fed processed pellets of crap sprayed with sugar and fat to make it tasty.

Animals are meat eaters, generally only ate greens when they killed and consumed the stomach contents of a herbivore.

We are killing them as quickly as we are killing ourselves with non food food.

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